A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 89: Outlaw Tom!

Ravenclaw\'s bronze ring, as William\'s biggest plug-in, few people know about it.

Among these few people, Ron and Lockhart are definitely not included... these two people who had a diary for a short time.

Riddle could not possibly have learned from them.

Then again, the Tywin incident has been rumored, and he may have guessed it... So, it is very likely that he is deliberately rhetoric!

William was instantly possessed by the Golden Raspberry Award Best Actor, with a confused look on his face, and shook his head: "I don\'t know what you are talking about."

"Exaggerated... a bit exaggerated." Riddle smiled brightly and grinned: "William, you should hesitate first, and it is best to think a little when you are confused.

In this way, the performance will have tension and layering, and it will be easier to convince people. "

"Connoisseur." William raised the corners of his mouth.

"It\'s not really, just pretending to be in front of Dumbledore for a long time, I have a little experience." Riddle\'s tone was flat.

"But you never lied to him."

"Yeah, I admit it, I can\'t hide it from Dumbledore." Riddle\'s face was gloomy.

"His blue eyes are always staring at me, not with warmth or appreciation, but with cold eyes... Since the first meeting!

No matter how good I was, he ignored me! "

William turned his eyes slightly, and Riddle\'s tone was like that of a resentful woman who was left out... more like an unloved son trying to behave.

The sixteen-year-old Riddle obviously had a lot of grudges against Dumbledore.

"Okay William, let\'s talk about rings."

"There\'s nothing to talk about, don\'t be like Professor Tywin... He just believes too much in legends and has already been sent to Azkaban for labor reform.

I don\'t know if there is any chance to meet him again, I actually miss him a lot. "

"Just a legend?" Riddle stared at William, "But I checked what you\'ve done in the past two years, and the more I understand, the more amazed.

You are much more amazing than when I was in the third grade..."

"Otherwise, how can you be called a genius?" William said with an attitude of not admitting that he was beaten to death.

He smiled familiarly and said, "Tom, the ring is really just a campus legend, just like other campus legends, big and small."

Riddle stood up, put his hands behind his back, and slowly paced the room. He suddenly asked:

"William, do you know where this place is?"

"The secret room?"

"More precisely, it\'s the Sanctuary of Secrets, the room Slytherin left behind.

He is here to study magic, think about life, observe the universe, time and space, and even reflect on... death. \' explained Riddle.

William looked up, and he did notice something special about this room.

On the surrounding walls, there is a special flame - Gublai Immortal Fire.

It is an enchanted flame that can burn forever, so it is also called the eternal fire.

William once saw this precious flame at Nico\'s manor.

The ceiling is full of astrological charts: planets, moons, constellations, all mixed with astrological symbols, diagrams and formulas.

The arrows represent the elliptical orbits of the stars, the geometric symbols represent the angles of ascent, and the animals to which the zodiac belongs, all overlook the room.

Slytherin is really an astronomer!

It is estimated that when there is nothing wrong, I often look up at the stars, sighing at the vastness of the universe, the infinity of time and space... the cosmos wizard Slytherin!

and many more……

"How do you know what Slytherin is doing here?"

William stared at Riddle and frowned: "I hear your tone, as if I have seen it with my own eyes."

"I didn\'t know." Riddle laughed. "I only know because of you."

"What\'s the meaning?"

"For the first time, I controlled Ron and entered the secret room, only to find that the basilisk was gone... Do you know how I was feeling?"

William smiled.

"I can\'t blame me for killing the basilisk, it\'s your future, Voldemort, who let it go.

To be honest, that little cutie tasted really good...crunchy, chickeny, I cut it into slices and secretly fried it a few times.

I still have it frozen for the corpse. Would you like to taste it? "

"..." Riddle took a deep breath and told himself not to get angry.

"I\'m really disappointed that the basilisk is dead. I didn\'t give up, so I climbed into the entrance of this sculpture and wanted to check if there were any basilisks, but I accidentally discovered this room."

"...You mean, you\'ve never come in before?" William was stunned.

"No." Riddle sighed, "No matter how great a wizard is, there are times when he is negligent.

At that time, I respected Slytherin so much in my heart, how could I climb up the sculpture?

Add to that the long-running rumor that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is Slytherin\'s heir to clean up students who are not worthy of learning magic.

After I summoned the basilisk, it never occurred to me to check the statue...until that time! "

"After I climbed in, I found out that there was a room in the mouth of the Slytherin statue. This is the real... secret room!"

Riddle\'s eyes flashed hot.

"Slytherin left the basilisk not to destroy the Mudblood, but to guard this room...to guard the contents of the room from being seen by others.

In addition to one adult basilisk, there were seven completely sleeping juvenile basilisks in the room.

A basilisk lives for **100 years before it dies...then the second basilisk wakes up and continues to guard...until the successor of Slytherin appears. "

"What did Slytherin leave behind?" William demanded.

Riddle smiled mysteriously.

"He left no magic behind, but more precious records."

"What record?"

"Stories of the adventures of the Big Four... Death... Deathly Hallows... Prehistoric mysteries... Too many."

William\'s heart sank, and these were also what he and Nicole were looking for.

"I\'m stupid, really." Riddle burst out laughing wildly.

"My body went the wrong way, **** immortality! He can\'t even kill a baby! This trash, idiot, he really deserves to die!"

Riddle scowled.

"Since I\'ve been resurrected, and I\'ve been guided by Slytherin... I\'ll replace him and become the real Voldemort.

I\'ll be stronger than ever...and truly immortal! "

"So, give me the ring of one of the Deathly Hallows!"

Riddle\'s eyes were cold.

"Stop pretending, I\'ll showdown... The ring is indeed with me." William flipped his right hand, and a ring appeared in his hand.

"But Tom, if I put on the ring now and enter the time loop again... your rebirth will disappear."

William quickly brought it on, but he felt that something was wrong. With a pull of his left hand, he easily took off the ring.


Once he enters the time loop, the ring cannot be taken off... Since he takes it off, it means that he has failed.

Riddle stared at the ring fascinatedly, with a triumphant smile.

"William, I already know the existence of the ring, so I will definitely take precautions.

Why did I choose the place of resurrection in the secret room and the time in the middle of the night?

Because strictly speaking, the Chamber of Secrets does not belong to the scope of Hogwarts Castle, it is deep underground!

After midnight, my resurrection becomes a foregone conclusion, and even if you are lucky enough to return to Hogwarts, you cannot rewrite history. "

William frowned.

The power of the Ravenclaw ring is driven by the magic of the castle, and he really cannot enter the time loop outside.

Likewise, you cannot leave the castle if you enter the time loop.

These are two necessary prerequisites.

"This secret room needs Parseltongue to open." Riddle sneered: "Apparition is also forbidden, even the phoenix can\'t fly out."

"I\'ve done so much to prepare for a school year... How can I let you leave here, and Dumbledore can\'t come in to help you!"

Riddle laughed, and he held out his hand. "Come on, leave it to me, I can spare your life."

"So that\'s how it is." William nodded, flipped his right hand, and put away the ring again.

"Since I can\'t use the power of the ring, then I\'m here... I\'ll kill you!"

William\'s soft voice ~www.novelhall.com~ seems to be saying something trivial.

He tilted his head and wiped it on his neck.

"Sixteen-year-old Voldemort... Tom, what are you, you really think you\'re invincible?

Are you floating, or I can\'t lift my wand. "

William snorted and smiled: "You still want me to hand over the ring? You deserve it too?"

"Hand over Slytherin\'s notes...I spare your life! You outlaw Tom!"

William was murderous. Don\'t look at Tom Riddle\'s resurrection, killing him can be considered self-defense.

Maybe he can get the third award for outstanding contribution to the school.



(Thanks to the reward of "no training,")