A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 88: Tom Riddle

Harry instinctively felt something was wrong.

According to Riddle, he absorbed the life force of six people and became a form, but the soul was attached to the diary and needed sacrifices to break this shackle.

You are Riddle\'s sacrifice!

Then if the diary is destroyed, the other party will naturally die too.


Riddle was too calm.

Harry began to hesitate, is the other party really fearless or pretentious?

At this time, Riddle suddenly said coldly: "Potter, do you know why I brought you here against you?"

"Why?" Now was not the time to think about it, but Harry was desperate to know the answer.

He really wanted to know why Riddle, a student from fifty years ago, kept his eyes on him.

Why did you choose him as a sacrifice?

He was just an ordinary second-year wizard.

"Because Voldemort," said Riddle softly, "he is my past, present and future..."

With a wave of Riddle\'s wand, he drew a few times in the air and wrote three glittering names:

Tom Marvolo Riddle!

Then he waved his wand, and the letters shifted automatically, becoming:

I am Voldemort!

Harry\'s mind seemed to freeze.

He stared blankly at Riddle, who was the man, once an orphan with both parents, who, when he grew up, killed Harry\'s parents, and so many others...

"Harry," said Riddle, "we\'ve met twice in your past and my future, and I failed to kill you twice.

What could be more ritualistic than you as a sacrifice? "

Harry clenched the Gryffindor sword.

"But, the diary is in my hands!"

"Then stab, stab in, I\'ll die, you won\'t dare?" Riddle sneered.

"Or, you don\'t want to murder Riddle\'s soul, after all, Voldemort is technically just my future?"

Harry\'s eyes slowly lifted to meet Riddle\'s smiling face.

"Did you think I would hesitate? You murdered my parents and hurt my friends!

No, if there\'s anything else that makes me happy, it\'s killing you with my own hands! "

With hatred in Harry\'s voice, he raised Gryffindor\'s sword and stabbed it down sharply.

With a terrifying, persistent, eardrum-piercing shriek, jets of ink spurted violently from the diary and ran down Harry\'s hands to the ground.

Riddle\'s body twisted and began to blur, squinting and smiling before he completely disappeared.

With a click, Harry\'s wand fell to the ground, and everything fell silent except for the sound of ink still oozing from the diary.

Harry was about to pick up his wand, when he was suddenly horrified to find that he couldn\'t move, and a lot of smoke was coming out of him.

"Harry, thank you, thank you for completely releasing me from the diary."

A blurry figure formed in the white smoke, and Riddle was still laughing.

Harry looked at Riddle blankly.

He resurrected himself... Voldemort?



William walked slowly into the secret room.

It was a long, dimly lit room, with pillars carved with serpents entwined in coils, towering up to support the dark ceiling.

There was no one in the secret room.

William slowly went deeper, and when he reached the last pair of stone pillars, a statue dozens of meters high appeared in front of him.

William looked up and saw the huge face.

An old, monkey-like face, a long, sparse beard, dragging almost all the way to the hem of the stone wizard\'s robes, and two large gray feet, stood on the smooth floor of the room.

- Slytherin statue.

The strange thing is that the mouth is fully open, and there is clearly an entrance there.

William hesitated for a moment, then turned into a sea eagle and flew in.

After he landed, he found that it was a long corridor, and at the end of the road was another room.

William held the wand in his right hand and entered the room along the corridor.

Both Harry and Ron lay on the ground, with Fox guarding them.

There was a hissing sound from the corner, Slytherin\'s mouth closed immediately, and the door to the room closed.

"You\'re finally here, Stark." A young man of sixteen or seventeen years old leaned back in his chair.

"I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time."

William narrowed his eyes, looking at the young man.

"You\'re Riddle\'s diary? No, even if the diary can communicate with people, it can\'t become a wizard... Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Riddle folded his hands on his wand.

"Let me tell you, I am a piece of soul that Voldemort ripped apart...he banished me in his diary forever."

"Voldemort\'s soul?"

"Yeah, but that was also a few minutes ago. I was resurrected again, with a new body to carry my broken soul..."

William raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

He originally thought that the diary was just cast by Voldemort\'s black magic, but he didn\'t expect that there were souls living in it!

- Really old medicine!

"Want to hear how I was resurrected?"

Riddle fiddled with his wand in both hands and said softly, "I\'ve worked so hard to set up the stage, and without the audience to appreciate it, I\'d find it boring and lacking in ceremony.

You are my only audience. "

"Of course, can\'t wait." William tapped with his wand, conjuring a chair.

"I need two steps to be resurrected: absorb a lot of life force to nourish my soul; then use a special method to break the shackles of the diary and release my soul from it."

"What special method?"

"Of course, of course you don\'t know how." Riddle chuckled. "Dumbledore likes you so much, he won\'t let you touch these things."

"But I have been studying for many years... To release the soul from the body, there is only one method from the beginning - sacrifice!"

"Who have you sacrificed?" William asked. "Harry?!"

"Of course not." Riddle smiled proudly: "William, this is the most exciting place, I think... there is a bit of artistry and tragedy in it."

Riddle tidied up his hair.

"In theory, I could sacrifice anyone\'s life, kill Harry Potter, and I\'d be free from the diary.

However, only by sacrificing the most cherished things can I gain more power. "

William\'s eyes flickered, and it sounded a bit like the way to get the Soul Stone: sacrificing the one you love the most.

"Potter isn\'t precious to me at all. I don\'t like him, and I don\'t hate him.

Yeah, Harry Potter beat Voldemort, but what has it got to do with me Tom Riddle?

Potter doesn\'t deserve to be my sacrifice at all! "

"Then who is your true love?"

"My favorite?" Riddle smiled sullenly.

"Of course it\'s me! I only love myself, so I sacrificed my soul to let Potter destroy the diary."

"Since the diary is destroyed, why didn\'t you die?" William asked suspiciously.

"This involves another interesting magic." Riddle whispered.

"I don\'t think I have anything to do with Voldemort, but he is my future after all.

Potter naturally transferred this hatred to me... He who hated me so much, tonight because of some of my little tricks, \'voluntarily\' concluded an ancient protection magic with me. "

"Protection magic."

"Yeah... The content of magic requires two people who hate each other, and one of them voluntarily breaks the shackles for the other and bears all the damage.

The conditions for achieving this magic are very harsh. After all, the two sides who hate each other can\'t wait for the other party to die, and it is impossible to voluntarily protect the other person.

But I was fortunate enough to use some means to persuade Potter and me to make a spell... He paid the price of my soul being destroyed. "

Riddle stood up ~www.novelhall.com~ so the diary was destroyed, but I\'m not dead! "

"Then Harry is dead?" William was stunned.

"No, I\'m curious about that too." Riddle frowned slightly.

"It\'s strange, isn\'t it? It\'s like he was a baby back then, but he didn\'t die in the hands of me in the future."

"But it doesn\'t matter." Riddle shook his head. "I told you so much. In exchange, you should tell me something about you, right?"

"What\'s up?"

"Ravenclaw\'s bronze ring...where is it?!"

In the stone room, Riddle\'s voice echoed for a long time.

Then, there is only silence.

