A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 69: William and Hermione free themselves

News of Hermione\'s hospitalization quickly spread throughout the campus.

There was a lot of talk about her hospitalization from the little wizard, and everyone took it for granted that she had been attacked.

Look at it... Harry and Ron even attacked Hermione, and they are really inferior scum and scum!

The risk index of the two soared by five percentage points at a time, and the wind evaluation was directly bottomed out. Not only did they not have a rebound trend, but there was also the risk of delisting.

Isn\'t that just delisting?

The two of them were walking on the road, and they were beaten by someone who covered their heads.

The English bo (wave) is very profound, anyway, that\'s what it means when translated.

In addition to being beaten with a head covering, beating with a sap, playing pranks... all kinds of means are endless, and the hardships and tears Quirrell endured last year were all reflected on the two of them.

A new round of campus cold violence came into being.

But after Myrtle\'s publicity, the wind soon changed again.

The students lined up and walked past the hospital ward, wanting to see if Hermione had become a catgirl!

William had to conjure up a thick curtain and hang it around Hermione\'s bed, so that no one could see her furry face.

Annie came too.

Madam Pomfrey told her it wasn\'t an attack, just a bad cold, but she couldn\'t see anyone.

Annie also made sure that Hermione was not pretending to be sick, so she deliberately left her, and then stayed at the school with William for Christmas alone... She comforted her with a few words of comfort, and let Hermione treat her with peace of mind, and tell her what she was missing...

She didn\'t anyway.

When Anne was leaving, she also said she would send Hermione a beautiful Christmas card.

"Give me a card for Christmas, how stingy!"

After Annie left, Hermione, who was lying on the bed, couldn\'t help humming, expressing that she wanted to give Annie a set of exercises.

Come on, hurt each other!

William, who was sitting beside the hospital bed, was peeling apples, but he slowly sipped the taste. The two emotional sisters were playing a double reed here, implying that he was giving a precious gift.

Hehe... Girls\' routines are really deep!

Soon, the Christmas break came, and the students all took the Hogwarts train home.

William had no plans to stay at the school either. He was going to take Hermione back to his home in San Catchpole Village.

William can help Hermione with treatment, whether it\'s brewing a Visible Potion or using Transfiguration, there\'s no need to stay in the cold school hospital.

Although the school has no students, it is still more comfortable at home.

Hermione thought so too, she couldn\'t wait to get back to her cabin.

Madam Pomfrey agreed, and during the Christmas break, she would also be out looking for excitement and would not stay at school.

Those who stayed in school at Christmas were mostly single dogs.

Such as Dumbledore, Snape, Professor Trelawney... (The names of most of the staff at Hogwarts are omitted here)

Professor McGonagall will also leave. As a decades-old "Dementor" fan, she will go to Hawaii to watch an underwater Quidditch match;

Professor Flitwick is going to the blind date market to find new targets;

Lockhart is going to hold an offline meeting for book friends, spend Christmas with female fans, and send some pure milk that he brewed by the way;

Even Hagrid was taking advantage of Christmas to do something unusual with some of his best friends.

"How do we get back, by train?"

On the second day of the holiday, William took Hermione towards the principal\'s office.

After a period of treatment, Hermione was basically able to walk, and also adapted to this half-human, half-beast body, and the hair on her face faded a lot.

"We walked by the fireplace in the principal\'s office, where the Floo network is connected," William said.

Most of the fireplaces at Hogwarts are not connected to the Floo network, otherwise students can run around through the fireplace at any time, and others can invade the school.

However, the headmaster\'s office is always special. Dumbleley only needs to say hello to the head of the Ministry of Magic\'s Department of Magical Transportation.

As for the Director of the Authority who directly manages the Floo network... No need to contact, the level of the Director is too low, Dumbledore can\'t speak to the other party.

It\'s so realistic!

This time, William also brought ** tea and Mrs. Norris with him.

Mrs Norris has basically become the Stark cat.

Because of the things in Filch\'s body, she didn\'t dare to approach at all, and she was pregnant with a kitten, so William had to take it away.

Although William doesn\'t know when Mrs Norris will give birth, he is sure that a few kittens are about to be captured this school year.

At present, a large group of people have booked kittens, and it is completely a situation where wolves have more meat and less meat!

When the two came to the headmaster\'s office, Dumbledore was free to walk the birds.

In front of Fox was a huge octopus, which was easily eaten as a snack.

William and Hermione looked extra warm in a solid wool hat.

Dumbledore looked at the two of them carefully, and suddenly smiled: "The hat is good, it\'s warm just looking at it."

William sighed, apparently Dumbledore was wildly suggesting that he could get him a warm wool hat for Christmas.

Is it popular to ask for gifts at Christmas now?

Seeing Dumbledore\'s smile, Hermione quickly pulled down the furry hat that had just covered her forehead, covering her entire face, and then hid behind William.

"Goodbye then, Headmaster, see you next year!" William said softly.

A burst of flame engulfed the two of them, and when William opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in his home.

Looking around, the house is very clean, and it still looks like when I left.

It\'s normal, Nicole sent a house-elf to clean it every day.

When Hermione got home, she relaxed completely, threw her hat on the table, rolled a few times on the sofa, and then hopped to the room on the second floor.

Soon, William heard Hermione standing on the balcony on the second floor, shouting in an extremely arrogant voice, "We\'re home!"



On Christmas Eve, there was a heavy snowfall in the village of San Cachipol.

Hermione, who had slept until noon, opened the door and saw the persimmon tree in the yard, its head twisted and lowered by the snow, turning into an old crooked neck tree.

She opened her arms, stretched her body at the door, and danced the ninth set of radio gymnastics for a while.

**Cha and Mrs. Norris two cats, squatting on the sofa, watching Hermione\'s bewildering behavior.

What puzzled them the most was why Hermione had a cat tail?

If he didn\'t understand, he didn\'t think about it any more, ** Cha yawned, stepped on the milk, then jumped off the sofa and walked towards the door.

It walked into the snow, left a row of footprints, felt too cold feet, shivered, and hurriedly flew back to the house.

Mrs. Norris was still sitting on the sofa calmly, like a wood carving.

Hermione laughed and reached out from the ground, holding a snowball, ready to throw it on **cha\'s head.

**Although tea is getting fatter and fatter, she still has some agility. After all, this is a natural skill point.

After a few jumps, it ran to the kitchen~www.novelhall.com~ and jumped up to the table, watching William make breakfast and lunch.

William and Hermione just got up. The two were watching the video in the living room last night. When they saw that it was after two o\'clock in the middle of the night, they naturally couldn\'t get up in the morning.

This messy routine has been going on for a while.

Since the holiday, the two have begun to let themselves go:

Watching movies, playing games, playing wizard chess, practicing magic, and occasionally having a karaoke session, and treating Hermione by the way...

Anyway, come here as you like, there is no one else at home, and Annie isn\'t here either.

Two cat owners... who will take care of them.

Play each one\'s own.



(Thanks to "Hellcat" and "First African Chief" for their rewards)