A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 68: Body Transfiguration

"Just go to the school hospital like this?"

After leaving the toilet, Hermione felt that something was wrong.

Being carried by William to the school hospital is more likely than being a catwoman and being watched by students.

This is not a probability problem, but a real problem!

William put Hermione down, looked at her legs and said, "Can you go by yourself?"

Hermione staggered, took half a step, and fell back into William\'s arms.

After taking the compound decoction with cat hair, Hermione became half-human and half-animal, and it was normal for her to not adapt to her body.

She couldn\'t walk, so William had to take her to the school hospital.

"Otherwise, I\'ll cast the Illusionary Charm on you?" William\'s Illusory Charm was already so strong that most professors couldn\'t see it.

"However, you maintain a hugging posture, but there is nothing in front of you, will it look strange?" Hermione denied.

William nodded, which gave him new ideas.

When he goes back, he can use the Traceless Stretching Charm to make the space of the ring bigger, like the alley of the old man Newt, at least the kind that can hide people.

Of course, this kind of ring will be more popular in the market, especially those male wizards... So when the wife comes to catch the adulterer, the other party can hide in it.

William\'s ingenious brain circuit!

"What are you thinking?" Hermione asked, squinting.

With a woman\'s intuition, she felt that the other party was thinking of something unhealthy.

"Nothing, or I\'ll use Transfiguration to turn you into a kitten first, so no one will notice."

William often holds ** tea and another cat in his arms, which will not attract attention.

"OK then."

So, an orange kitten appeared in William\'s arms, and one person and one cat continued to walk towards the school hospital.

Soon, the first wave of students...Anne, Luna and Ginny!

The three were playing a game of hopscotch in the hallway.

It was Ginny\'s turn, her stone should be thrown to the number \'seven\', but the skill was not good, and the stone rolled on the \'nine\'.

"Oh, you\'re not good at this skill. Throwing stones also needs to be skillful. The wrists should be shaken and the movements should be light. The choice of stones is also a university question..."

William shook his head and took Ginny\'s stone, ready to show the three of them what real technology was.

He suddenly said "Oops" again.

The orange cat in his arms bit his wrist fiercely.


Oops! William saw his childhood memories and forgot Hermione.

"Sorry, let\'s play, I\'ll go first."

William returned the stone to Ginny and let the three little girls continue to play.

"Brother, why are you going?" Annie came over holding a cup of her favorite oolong macchiato.

"Wow! Such a beautiful kitten."

Anne and Ginny were around Hermione, stroking around, only Luna looked at the kitten thoughtfully.

Obviously, her curiosity was aroused again, and she used Legilimency to discover the true identity of the kitten.

But Luna didn\'t speak, she still looked in a trance, as if thinking about the technique of throwing stones.

Annie touched it for a long time and said doubtfully:

"Brother, why are the kitten\'s eyes so red?"

"She...may be eyeing the Wulong Macchiato in your hand."

"Oh, okay, then give it a drink." Annie put the Wulong Macchiato in William\'s hand.

"By the way, Annie, I may not be able to go home for Christmas. I need you to go back alone." William hesitated.


"Hermione is sick and needs to be looked after."

Annie stared blankly at the cat, then turned and ran.

The little girl ran out for a distance and ran back again, pear blossoms with rain. "Is Hermione in the school hospital? Was she also attacked? I\'ll ask Dumbledore to save her!"

Then, she turned around and planned to go to the principal\'s office.

William freed one hand, held her small head, and twisted her around, "No attack, just a cold, and I need to be hospitalized in the school hospital."

The little girl stared at William and said angrily, "You lied to me!"

"No, you can go see Hermione in the afternoon and ask Madam Pomfrey if you have a cold."

"Alright then." Annie was slightly relieved.

"Goodbye then."

William continued to walk towards the school hospital, and he said softly, "Annie actually likes you a lot."

Hermione "meow" twice, then stuck out her red tongue and licked William\'s bitten wrist.

Hogwarts School Hospital.

Madam Pomfrey checked Hermione over, annoyed.

"William, I have to criticize you, you shouldn\'t make compound decoction!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to sell to Diagon Alley."

William concealed the fact that Hermione made the compound decoction. This kind of thing violated the school rules in the first place, and he could only say that he made it himself.

Pomfrey knew William\'s skill in potions, and he often brewed potions and sold them to Diagon Alley without being too suspicious.

But Madam Pomfrey still persisted. She pinched her waist and said angrily, "I\'m not talking about this!"

"It\'s normal for young people to be a little curious, I have also been young, and I have pursued excitement, so I understand this kind of psychology!

But getting Granger to use Potion Potion to become Catwoman...you two have gone too far! "

"Pfft!" William squirted all the Oolong Macchiato in his mouth.

Hey, are you thinking about it?

Wait... Madam Pomfrey also pursued excitement when she was young?

William seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"Professor, it\'s not what you think..."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t tell anyone, including Dumbledore, my mouth is the strictest, but this is not an example!"

Madam Pomfrey had a "you\'re guilty" expression, and with a wave of her wand, she cleaned the milk coffee on the ground.

William quickly changed the subject and asked, "How can Hermione be treated?"

"It\'s very troublesome, you know, the compound decoction can only transform the human body, not into an animal.

Although there are many cases of this kind, the basic solution is to drink the Replica Potion and cast the Revelation Charm at the same time... The whole process takes about seven or eight weeks. "

"It\'s been so long, won\'t it be possible to recover in the next semester?" William frowned.

Madam Pomfrey was a professional, and she couldn\'t go wrong with that.

"If I deform Hermione every day, will it recover faster?" William thought for a while and asked.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but it requires a strong deformation ability, which is very troublesome."

Madam Pomfrey thought for a moment and smiled: "I forgot, you learned Animagus, and you are also very good at Transfiguration."

Transfiguration technically has many branches, Animagus, Transfiguration, Transfiguration…

Like human deformation, in short, it is the deformation of the human body... The most powerful, you can transform yourself into another person.

William heard the New York incident mentioned by Mr. Newt.

At that time, Grindelwald, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com became Percival Graves, mixed into the Magical Congress of the United States.

Grindelwald did not disguise Maggs, nor did he use compound decoction, but directly used human body polymorphism, constantly deforming his face and body locally, and then turned into another person.

Graves is an Auror, and serves as Director of Magical Security and Director of Magical Law Enforcement for the Magical Congress of the United States.

Grindelwald just turned into a high-ranking official, swaggeringly infiltrated the Magical Congress of the United States, but no one ever found out...

What kind of shapeshifting power is this?

Even the current William can\'t do this at all!

William thinks it\'s okay to call Grindelwald "The King"...isn\'t there anything wrong with it?

(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Lawful Chaos Fairy", "Shadow\'s Mood 123" for the rewards)