A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 66: Dumbledore playing off

Dumbledore took out a crystal bottle from the drawer, which contained a silver-white thing that was spinning and floating.

He poured the silver substance from the bottle into the Pensieve, where they swirled slowly, glowing faintly.

William leaned forward and plunged his head into the silver substance. His feet left the floor of the office, and the swirling darkness fell down.

Soon, he was standing on a flat concrete road with neat houses on both sides.

This should be a Muggle community. William saw the Yorkshire and Cleveland signs, but they fell to the ground and were smashed in half.

It was clearly a bright moon in the sky, but the surrounding area was extremely dark, with dark marks floating in the sky, and people\'s cries and explosions were everywhere.

There are two fire dragons flying in the sky, it is the Peruvian venomous dragon!

They spewed hot dragon breath, and after doing a lot of damage, the "Dragon Knight Witch" issued an order to retreat, turned around and flew towards the farther sky.

"Fire dragon?" William was slightly taken aback, a little stunned.

"Yes, fire dragon." Dumbledore looked at the sky very calmly, as if telling a story from a long time ago.

"Wizard Wars... Voldemort stands behind a group of pure blood families. He not only has fire dragons, but also attracts dark creatures such as werewolves and vampires.

Voldemort even used the hatred between wizards and giants as capital, so that many giants turned to him and created several of the most brutal Muggle massacres. "

From Dumbledore\'s description, the Wizarding War is far more brutal than imagined.

With the dragon\'s departure, the Death Eaters Apparated.

About ten paces away from William and Dumbledore, a man in shabby clothes stood with a wand in his hand, aiming at a werewolf not far away.

The werewolf pulled away and rushed towards him at a faster speed. The man\'s spell was missed, and the werewolf threw himself on him.

The man fell on his back, his huge claws pressed against his head, the smell of sweat and blood poured into his nose and nose, and the greedy hot air sprayed into his throat...

"Smashed to pieces!"

A ray of light shot, and the werewolf rolled over and hit the wall.

William saw a red-haired witch flying like a fire. She was very beautiful, wearing light blue clothes and beautiful green pupils, which were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"Are you all right, Remus?"

"Thanks, Lily!" Remus Lupin stood up, picked up his wand and charged towards the werewolf again.

And Lily rushed to another Death Eater.

The battle slowly ended, and the Death Eaters gradually retreated.

Lupin sat alone on the ground, applying hemostatic to his arm.

"Hey, Moonface, are you hurt?" A man approached, a dark-haired man with glasses, almost an enlarged version of Harry.

"Moon face?" William was slightly stunned.

It turns out... James and the four are predators, and they actually made the Marauder\'s map!

Isn\'t this a coincidence?

William and the twins always thought who made the map hundreds of years ago.

"I heard Lily say Greyback wants to kiss you?" James sat down beside Lupin and took the potion to help him heal.

"Ha, then he made a mistake. I was about to put my wand in his mouth." Lupin laughed.

The two slapped each other in the chest.

"Where\'s Bigfoot?" James asked.

"Sirius went after Dolokhov! The Death Eaters killed the Prewett brothers," said Lupin.

James was silent for a moment, and then said uncomfortably, "Don\'t say it, I don\'t even know how to tell Molly about this."

"Fabian Prewett and Gideon Prewett, both Molly\'s older brothers, were attacked by Death Eaters," Dumbledore explained.

William nodded. He had never heard the Weasleys mention it.

"Hey, James, Remus, I think you two should come in and see," shouts from the room.

The two walked in, and there were several corpses lying in the room, already stiff, with a terrifying look on their faces.

The two continued to walk towards the house and saw Lily.

She was dragging a man to his feet.

"Gidion, you\'re not dead?" James said in surprise.

Lupin also took the potion out of his pocket and prepared to give it to Gideon.

Gideon swayed in place, took Lupin\'s potion, and drank it mechanically.

"Have you seen the Death Eaters who attacked you? Who else but Dolokhov?" James asked impatiently.

Gideon sat in the chair and seemed to be thinking about how to... speak.

He pointed to a corner not far away and motioned for the three of them to walk over

James and Lily raised their wands and walked over, vaguely seeing a huge box under the curtained window.

"What\'s this?" James asked.

"Is there anything unusual?" Lily opened the box, but found nothing.

"Be careful!" Lupin shouted suddenly.

Jaime turned around in horror, and he saw Gideon\'s body collapsed, and a large snake spewed out from his neck, biting at Lily.

James grabbed Lily\'s arm and dragged her behind him as he raised his wand.

The serpent slammed into him, biting **** his forearm, and the wand threw somersaults toward the ceiling, and the fluorescent light swirled dizzily around the walls and went out.

Immediately afterwards, the snake\'s tail hit James hard in the abdomen, the two slammed into the wall, and the box was smashed.

Lupin turned into a huge werewolf, he rushed over, grabbed the python, bit its neck, and blood spattered on the ground.

Gideon fell to the ground, leaving only the shriveled corpse and his hideous face, which looked particularly terrifying.

All three looked at the dead snake quietly, as if they had not woken up from their horror.

"Come on, William," said Dumbledore softly.

The two returned to the principal\'s office again.

"What\'s the matter?" William asked, sitting in the chair.

"From the examination of the body, Gideon has actually been dead for some time.

The snake burrowed into his body and then manipulated Gideon\'s corpse, allowing him to move like a normal human being. "

"How did you do it?"

"The dark magic invented by Voldemort requires Parseltongue as a basis.

He is a Parseltongue himself, who can remotely control snakes and then wizards. \' Dumbledore sighed.

William suppressed the horror in his heart. "So Filch and those students who were attacked... all have a... snake in their bodies?!"

Dumbledore nodded.

William felt a little sick.

He remembered a movie he had seen in his previous life - "Invasion of Iron Worms".

In the movie, the iron worms control human consciousness and cause death by parasitic reproduction in the human body.

"Then they are all dead too?"

"No." Dumbledore shook his head, "Diary doesn\'t want to kill these students, or rather...he needs these people alive.

In addition to framing Harry, he should have other purposes. "

"Can you get those snakes out?"

"It\'s very difficult! The other party controls it at any time, and if it detects an abnormality, it will directly control the snake and kill the host. This is also a way for it to protect itself!"

"Then what can we do?"

"We can only wait...wait for it to take the initiative to take out the snake...~www.novelhall.com~ William was silent.

He suddenly found this diary, seemingly smarter than Voldemort himself.

The behavior is also very different.

William looked at Dumbledore, the headmaster still looked like he was holding a Zhizhu, and there was no panic in his expression.

But William always felt,


Play off!

Don\'t look at his calm surface, but in fact, he is... panicked.



(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Fellow Daoist, please stay" for the reward.)