A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 65: It's the little movie


Standing in the corridor on the third floor, William said a password that was quite fond of Annie\'s snacks.

The extremely ugly giant stone monster at the door seemed to be alive, jumping aside, and the wall behind it cracked in half.

William stepped down the spiral staircase and came to a gleaming oak door.

He knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside. "Come in."

William reached for the door, but it was yanked open from the inside, and Professor Snape stood there panting.

The professor\'s sallow face was flushed.

A series of question marks flashed through William\'s mind: Did Snape just run in the office?

"Aha! Shit Tucker is here too." Snape stepped aside and let William in, then glared at Dumbledore, mocking:

"Would you like your favorite student to describe to you what happened in the auditorium tonight?"

William realized that he had come at a wrong time. The two had obviously just exchanged their tongues so fiercely that they both blushed.

Snape looked at William irritably, presumably seeking support, so he said aloud:

"Weasley almost killed Malfoy with black magic. If he doesn\'t fire him, I think the next one to be attacked may be your little girlfriend and your sister."

William wiped the saliva from his face, and Snape\'s yellow teeth were almost touching his mouth.

William wanted to give Liuwei Dihuang Wan last time, but now he has a new idea, he will give Snape a black toothpaste for Christmas.

And who is the little girlfriend?

How did William not know there was such a person? !

Is he still single?

Used to slander honest people!

"I will discuss Mr. Weasley\'s punishment with Professor McGonagall. It is very late, Severus, you can go back." Dumbledore said calmly.

Hearing the headmaster\'s expulsion order, Snape looked at him with disappointment like a grudge.

"This drives me away?!"

"Otherwise, you will come back when I leave?" William suggested weakly.

Snape glared at William and turned to leave, grabbing the wooden door and slamming it hard, venting his anger.


Professor Snape caught his hand and let out a shriek.

Outside the door, Snape scolded the door again.

"Please close the door and sit down, William." Dumbledore\'s voice was a little tired.

William nodded, resisting his schadenfreude expression.

"William, did you come to me for something?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"I need to report something to you...about Ron."

"Are you also here to get me to fire Mr. Weasley?"

"No, it\'s about you and the professors, but I have to report to you about the source of his use of black magic."

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded, "but look at this before you talk about it."

Dumbledore took a letter out of a pile of papers and threw it to William.

"What is this, Professor?"

"Remember when Mrs Weasley bought your home version of the Hogwarts map?"

William nodded slightly.

This is sophomore year.

On the basis of the Hogwarts map, he also sold the Deluxe Edition, the Family Edition, the Couple Edition, the Basic Friend Edition...

Of course, as far as the rotten country is concerned, the last version can basically be classified as a couple version.

Home version of the map, you can see the specific location of students, to determine whether they are in normal class.

Mrs Weasley bought Ron and the twins, and she sent a roaring letter for it!

In the end, William opened a back door for the twins, sending home the location of their roommates, while Ron\'s was a real map.

"After the attack, Molly was fine all day, just staring at the map.

She found out that Ron had left school by himself twice and went to the Forbidden Forest, so Arthur\'s letter to me. "

"Are you alone?"


William opened the letter and glanced quickly. It turned out that Dumbledore had noticed Ron\'s anomaly.

"Okay, it\'s time to tell me your information."

Dumbledore crossed his hands in the action of listening to a story.

"Has Professor Snape told you about tonight\'s events?"

"Yes, Ron used a dark magic unexpectedly."

"Ron explained that he learned from a diary. Write on it, and the notebook will respond."

Dumbledore\'s expression did not change at all.

"Magical objects with their own consciousness, not too new. The Sorting Hat can do it, as is the case with most portraits.

I happen to be... just tuning my portrait. "

The portraits in the principal\'s office also nodded proudly.

"But that diary was made by a student fifty years ago who deliberately lured Ron to learn black magic." William said softly.

His implication, a series of attacks may be related to the diary.

"Who made that diary?" Dumbledore asked.

"Tom Riddle, do you remember this student?"

William was so sure that when he mentioned \'Tom Riddle\', Dumbledore\'s pupils shrank suddenly.

"Who is Tom Riddle? Professor?"

Dumbledore fell into memory and explained after a moment:

"Few people know that Voldemort used to be Tom Riddle. Fifty years ago, at Hogwarts, I taught him myself.

He disappeared after leaving school... traveled all over the world, traveled all over the world... dipped deeper and deeper into the quagmire of black magic, mingled with the most evil creatures in the wizarding world, went through many dangerous magical transformations, and finally became Voldemort. Re-emerged, and it was difficult for people to recognize him.

Hardly anyone connected Voldemort with the bright, handsome boy student council president who had studied here. "

"So, this is Voldemort\'s diary?" William frowned.

I didn\'t expect it to be Voldemort\'s thing!

He still kept a diary when he was young?


The Dark Lord has not been a serious person since he was a child!

There are already clues.

"Is Voldemort back?" William asked.

Last year, he came back and was still attached to Quirrell. Could it be that he did the same trick again this year and attached it to the notebook he used when he was young?

"No." Dumbledore shook his head, "I don\'t think he came back. He was seriously injured last year, and he is still training in the forests of Albania. He won\'t do anything for a short time."

William narrowed his eyes and wondered: "That\'s strange, a diary from fifty years ago, assuming that he bewitched Ron to attack, but this is probably the limit... But how does he control so many people at the same time, Identify Harry?"

"I already have a little guess about this." Dumbledore sighed.

He went around the table and walked past William.

William turned in his chair and watched Dumbledore lean over in front of the cabinet by the door.

When Dumbledore straightened up, he held a shallow-bottomed stone basin that he was familiar with, with a circle of ancient rune symbols engraved on the mouth of the basin.

Dumbledore put the Pensieve on the table in front of William~www.novelhall.com~Where are we going, Professor? \' asked William.

"An attack, more than ten years ago."

William was amazed that Dumbledore could always get hold of these old memories.

Finally, it\'s time to watch the small movie!

His favorite!



(If I don\'t update this afternoon, I can only explain one thing, your favorite Yaya died because of a toothache... !

It hurts! My wisdom teeth hurt so much and my trigeminal nerve hurts so much that I can\'t concentrate on coding.

By the way, I would like to ask for some recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, everyone, this humble wish before dying (??ˇ?ˇ??). )