A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 59: Photography artist Colin (thanks to the "Deep Sea Turtle" boss Wan…

Compared with the two seniors, Malfoy\'s luck is not so good.

There are signs of people falling, and the professors were able to catch them in time... He hurried all the way and fell to the ground, and no one could react at all.

So Quidditch is not a safe sport.

When William played for the first time in the time loop, he flew for thirty seconds before being hit in the head by the Quaffle, and he died on the spot.

No one in this world understands death better than William!

Malfoy screamed like a pig, curled up in a ball on the grass, blood on his robes.

"I\'m dying!" he yelled. "Going to die...never play ball again!"

"The game is suspended!" Lee yelled, "Malfoy fell to the ground and his leg was on his head.

Based on years of clinical experience, he seemed to have a broken leg, and someone called Madam Pomfrey. "

"They should give the Ravenclaw team a permanent ban immediately!" Pansy Parkinson burst into tears.

"Qiu Zhang will be fired immediately, this Bichi!"

Cedric\'s ears are so sharp, he can hear Qiu\'s name from a distance of two or three miles.

So he picked up seven or eight large dung eggs, threw them in the Slytherin auditorium, and then looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, pretending to be nonchalant.

Snape squinted, and coldly walked among the Gryffindor crowd, stalking the twins.

Gan! Don\'t let him catch them or you\'ll kill them both!

At this time, Lockhart pushed aside the crowd and strode over.

"Let\'s go, Professor Lockhart is here! Don\'t forget, I\'m a potions master.

In the book "I Danced With Dementors," I rescued a dementor queen, and she was going to give me a French kiss..."

As Lockhart spoke, he squeezed into the crowd and finally came to Malfoy.

"Hey, I fell so badly...cough, I mean, unfortunate, really unfortunate!" Lockhart sighed with emotion, revealing a row of shiny teeth.

"Son, if you had half my Quidditch skills, you wouldn\'t fall... Of course, you have that kind of strength, and it\'s more than enough to enter the Scottish national team.

Not everyone is as gifted as I am. "

"But it doesn\'t matter, I can relieve your pain in a second."

Lockhart was going to check on Malfoy.

Malfoy lay on the grass moaning, gasping for breath, telling Lockhart to get out of the way and not touch him with dirty hands.

"Good! It only hurts for a second, like a stab in the butt, and then it won\'t hurt anymore." Lockhart comforted.

"It will still be very comfortable and happy. I am very experienced in this regard!"

"Okay!" Malfoy believed and urged, "Take it easy, move fast!"

Lockhart nodded with a smile, rolled up the sleeves of his emerald green suit, and spun his wand over Malfoy\'s thigh.

A strange, very unpleasant feeling like lightning went from Malfoy\'s cavernous body to the spring hole at the bottom of his feet.

The excitement made him cry out.

Judy Crouch sucked in a breath and pulled away from the spell... She\'s too familiar!

At that time, she was still young, so she couldn\'t get Professor Tywin\'s thigh bone to be pumped.

I don\'t know if that man is happy or not in Azkaban.

After a second, Malfoy didn\'t feel the pain anymore, he staggered to his feet, and fell to the ground again.

"my leg……"

"Ha!" said Lockhart, "yes, yes, it happens sometimes.

After all, after the first time, walking will inevitably be a little uncomfortable.

But the point is, the bones are already connected. Do remember this.

All right, Malfoy, trot to the hospital - Madam Pomfrey can - oh - give you a little repair. "

"Where\'s my wand?" Malfoy lay on the ground, crying with depression: "I\'m going to let my dad **** you!"

The crowd avoided a passage, and Madam Pomfrey finally arrived, pale and ignoring Malfoy on the ground.

"What\'s the matter, Poppy?" Professor McGonagall asked nervously.

"Minerva, attack...another attack! The Headmaster told the game to end," Madam Pomfrey said sadly.

"The voice is loud!" Professor McGonagall said loudly: "The game is canceled, everyone will go back to the lounge immediately."

There were disgruntled boos and shouts from the crowd, especially Wood.

How many times has this happened, every time something happens in a Quidditch match, can\'t the dark wizard who did bad things change his life?

Do you have to choose today?

When everyone returned to the academy lounge, they learned that the one who was attacked this time was Colin Creevey of Gryffindor.

Madam Pomfrey found him in the hallway, rushing to treat Malfoy with the potion.

This time, Harry was not found by Colin\'s side, but the film of the camera that Colin carried with him was full of pictures of Harry!

Some people eat, some go to the toilet, some sleep in bed without getting up... All kinds of life photos, art photos... The most outrageous, there is a photo of Harry in the bathroom.

In the photo, Harry was rubbing his upper body, holding a bar of soap in his hand, with a smile on his face... I don\'t know how Colin took it.

The title of Colin\'s candid filming madman was instantly confirmed.

The most important thing is that he only shoots Harry... Ron spends most of the time with Harry, but he is ruthlessly passed over from a certain angle... This is very scary to think about.

Think about it, a boy follows you all day and takes pictures every day with a camera... William couldn\'t help thinking of photography artist Teacher Chen.

Well, this kind of thing is not a big deal in a corrupt country.

All signs point to Harry doing this.

Because during the game, Harry and Ron did not watch the game, but wandered around the castle.

For a while, Harry went to the toilet alone, without an alibi.

Everyone thought Harry had sneaked off Ron to kill Colin who was following him.

Also, Colin is not dead, he wakes up muttering Harry Potter...the exact same symptoms as Filch.

For a time, all the students thought that Harry had opened the Chamber of Secrets, and everyone began to be afraid.

Dumbledore guessed right, there is a rune pattern on Colin\'s palm.

The rune is a three-headed snake produced in the small African country of Burkina Faso, and it represents the number three in ancient runes.

Professor Kettleburn\'s tree monkey frog suddenly caught fire~www.novelhall.com~ Although the tree monkey frog looks ugly, the pustules on its head turn scarlet when it senses danger, and then flashes A flash can act as an early warning.

Marietta even took two tree monkey frogs to hang on her body, she completely forgot who was disgusted in the first class time!

The only annoying thing is that the tree monkey frog will spout a special liquid that smells strongly of heather.

For a time, the whole campus was filled with the smell of heather.

I don\'t know, I thought spring was coming, and it was the season for small animals to mate.



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Thanks for the 10,000-coin reward from the "Deep Sea Turtle" boss, I owe one more watch again and again, and now I owe five more, I will pay it back, just within this month! I send four! I conclude an Unforgivable Curse. )