A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 58: Do you want to dance too?

The game started, and Lee\'s voice penetrated the field.

"Roger Davis starts with the ball..."

"Slytherin uses left and right flanking tactics, eh? Quaffle to William! To William! To ah! By the way, ah! This ball is good!"

"William is starting to accelerate, he\'s going to dribble through? No, it\'s Willian\'s signature long shot!"

"He really shoots this ball! Hey! He really scores! Yo, this Slytherin really defends! This ball is really difficult!"

"Jordan, explain it well!" Li bragged wildly for a while, and Professor McGonagall had no choice but to remind him.

"Okay... Slytherin serves, Marcus Flint holds, Ravenclaw batsman doubles.

Beautiful Bludgers, steals by William!


He\'s going to shoot!


"Good ball!" Li roared wildly.

(bang~~~ the sound of hammering)

"Alas, didn\'t score. The goal was a little bigger, and although it didn\'t score, it was a reasonable shot under the double team of four people.

Even though Davis is open, but his shooting percentage is low, Ravenclaw should continue to play like this. "

Lee Jordan incarnates Zhang Lili and said with all due respect.

There is nothing wrong with saying that, the old Ravenclaw players are not good, the new players are still being cultivated, and they can only rely on William to score.

William knew Slytherin too well, after all, they had played against each other in the time loop for several years.

So as the game goes on, the score gradually pulls away.

Slytherin\'s captain, Sterling, gritted his teeth and gave Chaser Derian Purse a look.

The other party immediately understood, the broom seemed to be out of control, and slammed into William frantically.

William flicked his broom lightly, and escaped the attack with ease. His body suddenly dipped again, and the black Bludger flew over his head.

"Foul, this is a malicious foul!" Li said angrily, "Deliberately collided—will definitely be awarded a free throw—"

But Mrs Hooch did not whistle, and her attention had just been caught by Slytherin goalkeeper Miles Bleitch.

He was shouting that his aunt was coming.

Another Bludger galloped past William\'s right ear, hit by Slytherin batter Derek.

Another batsman, Bol, was rushing in phase, closing in frantically.

Both raised their sticks in their hands... William began to snake skin, and Boll and Derek slammed into each other.

Bol lost his balance and was knocked down, and there was a burst of exclamations from the crowd, but there was no danger, and the professors caught him in time.

William took the Quaffle from Davis and smashed it precisely at the Bludger. The Bludger changed direction and slammed into Derek\'s broomstick.

Nimbus 2001 lost his balance and Derek made an arc and also fell to the grass.

William flicked his broom lightly, flew into the air, looked at the shivering Sterling, and grinned:

"Do you want to dance too?"


Li hoarse, tenor penetrated the entire campus:


You are so rude! "

William: "..."

Killed two Slytherin players at once, and the whole Slytherin was boiling.

Professor Snape opened his arms, his large black robe rolled in the wind.

With his back to the arena, he held a small wooden stick (wand), like a musician, commanding the little snakes, shouting:

"Foul ~ rules!"


"Duo Ruimi\'s sister-in-law has diarrhea...very good...let\'s follow the beat and do it again.

Remember, this time it\'s an octave higher, giving them a world-destroying high note! "

Professor Snape was calm and composed, showing the style of a potions master, and even tossed his hair, forcing his bangs to change in a slightly more handsome direction.

However, Mrs. Hooch was indifferent to the Slytherin performance and even wanted a BBox.

First of all, Slytherin\'s Chaser, Derian Purse, was obviously suspected of hitting someone, and his actions after that were not clean.

Hitters Derek and Bol were also fouled, but they didn\'t hit William.

William\'s movements were clean and neat, he just "accidentally" changed the direction of the Bludger, who would have thought that the Bludger would hit Derek.

Mrs. Hooch raised a finger to the ground, apparently telling them to take off again.

When the two students refused, she immediately blew a short whistle.

"Two free throws for Ravenclaw!" Lee shouted, "Slytherins paid for their vile, dirty!

This group of trash, if I\'m on the court, I have to play ten..."

"Jordan, if you can\'t comment fairly...!" Professor McGonagall\'s voice appeared at the right time.

"I\'m just commenting impartially, Professor!" Li insisted. "Oh, well...Derrick and Bol and they got on it...Davis got the Quaffle..."

The game has now reached a ferocious intensity.

The batsmen on both sides showed no mercy: the Slytherin players in particular, they didn\'t care whether the bat in their hand hit the ball or the person, and just swung desperately.

So, William repeated his old tricks and smashed the Bludgers on their brooms again~www.novelhall.com~ Look, the autumn has accelerated! \' Li exclaimed suddenly.

I saw Qiu suddenly swooped down, and seemed to have found the Golden Snitch.

Ravenclaw supporters rose to their feet, setting off a sky-blue wave, screaming to cheer Autumn...

Malfoy followed.

His technique is indeed not bad, and his broom is better, but his experience and awareness are too poor.

Qiu\'s acting was good, and Malfoy followed frantically.

He must get the Golden Snitch, otherwise everyone will think that he is bringing money into the group and taking the unspoken route!

Especially Potter, will look down on him!

Malfoy wanted to prove that he came to Harry step by step by virtue of his personal strength.

All the little wizards held their breaths as they watched the two Seekers - Cho and Malfoy - fall wildly from the sky.

"They\'re going to fall to the ground!" Li exclaimed.

But at the last moment, Qiu stopped diving, rose again, and flew away in a circle.

Malfoy, on the other hand, was too fast to turn, and fell heavily to the ground, with a bang that could be heard throughout the arena.

There was a moan from the Slytherin seat.

Snape sighed heavily.

Useless, give you a chance, you are useless!

Banana you bala... It really shouldn\'t be unspoken rules Lucius, and then hand over such an important position as Seeker to his son.

Did something go wrong now?

Without Seeker, doesn\'t Shit Tucker score as many points as he wants? !

Slytherin is going to lose again!

Qiu\'s broom floated in the air, she tossed her hair, and the breeze blew her face, causing the strands of her beautiful ponytail to scatter freely.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she said loudly:

"Hey, rookie! Welcome to Quidditch!"



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