A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 22: Tyco Dodonas Prediction

After buying the broom, the three walked towards Lihen Bookstore again.

Most of the textbooks have been bought. During this time, William used new books for the two of them.

But they also need to add some books, such as Lockhart\'s seven-piece set.

There were many people in the bookstore, but they were all lining up outside the store.

Today is Lockhart\'s book launch, and they\'re all here to sign.

Most of the crowd were witches of Mrs Weasley\'s age, and it was no exaggeration to call Lockhart the "sister killer".

William seems to have seen the scene of Cedric opening a wand shop in the future, and it is probably the same situation.

A group of elderly witches were lining up at the door for him to sell his wands and then send autographs.

The three bypassed the crowd and entered the bookstore.

All William needed to buy were some textbooks he hadn\'t learned in the time loop, such as Cassandra Vabraski\'s Book of the Future.

Cassandra Vabraski is a famous prophet, now in her nineties and still alive, she is still the senior sister of the old man Newt.

But unlike Newt who dropped out of school, Cassandra graduated steadily and later became Professor of Hogwarts, only to be replaced by Professor Trelawney when she retired.

William is a senior member of Lichen Bookstore. He has bought a lot of books. When he heard him coming, the bookstore manager came out immediately.

The manager led William to the back half of the bookstore. There is a corner where all books on divination are placed.

A small table is filled with books such as "Prophecy of the Unforeseen: Keep Yourself Safe" and "Broken Ball: A Time of Bad Fate."

"All the basic divination methods in "Pull the Fog and See the Future" - reading palms, crystal balls, bird viscera... all have a very useful guiding role." The manager introduced.

But William didn\'t listen to him, and his eyes fell on another book, the one on the top shelf: The Predictions of Tyco Dodonas.

This book is a well-known book of prophecy, and its status in the history of prophecy is roughly equivalent to the pushback map.

But most wizards see it only as poetry.

William heard the famous prophecy mentioned by Mr. Newt:

The boy was brutally exiled,

My daughter is desperate,

The warrior returns to the country with revenge,

Spread your wings and soar in the water.

Before the battle at the Father Lachaise Cemetery, many people thought that this prophecy had been rumored to refer to the silent Credence.

He is believed to be Corvus Lestrange, the mysteriously missing child of the pure-blood Lestrange family.

But it later turned out that he was not a Lestrange child.

William waved his wand, and the book ran into his hands. He opened the prophecy book and flipped to the seventh page.

That page also had only four simple sentences.

"Oh, cold-hearted Demon King!

O broken soul!

The self-imposed exile of the year,

Reborn from the gift of death. "

William was at a loss, the prophecy was like this, and he never spoke human words.

"Mr. Stark, if I were you, I wouldn\'t read such a book." The manager said lightly when he saw that William was looking at the book.

"This is an antique published in the last century. It\'s just a poem. It\'s deceiving."

William was noncommittal, "Pack this book for me too."

William was about to start school to consult with his future divination teacher, Professor Trelawney.

This is someone Dumbledore likes, so he should have some talent, right?

Soon, around the corner, William ran into Luna and her father.

Luna wore a sparkly dress and two thumb-sized pumpkin-carved earrings.

Luna\'s father is even more strange, wearing a black robe with white letters painted on it - "The Quibbler"

Obviously Luna\'s dressing style is influenced by Lovegood.

"There\'s a lot of people, isn\'t it?" Luna said. "They\'re all lining up to buy Lockhart\'s books, but I don\'t feel any wisdom in him."

"He\'s an idiot," Luna commented.

"Why do you say that?" William asked.

"Lockhart has a harassing horsefly in his head, and he has long since lost his wits."

The molefly is again a creature that Luna believes is an invisible creature that floats into one\'s ears and messes up one\'s mind.

Luna danced her arms around her head as if trying to drive away mosquitoes.

William smiled and bent over, Luna was still so funny.

Lovegood was sullen, complaining that Lockhart had not invited his famous editor.

Lovegood never gave up the opportunity to make money, after all, he had to work hard to support his daughter Luna.

Money is never enough!

Just then, Lockhart rushed from the front.

He was wearing a forget-me-not blue robe that matched those blue eyes. The pointed wizard hat was worn playfully on one of the curls.

"Haha, William, long time no see."

Lockhart, like a long-time friend, patted William on the shoulder affectionately.

In fact, the two met once, at the Merlin Medal award ceremony.

A few letters have been written, and William helped Dumbledore to invite him to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Others were Lockhart\'s invitation to William to attend the book launch, but he declined.

"You still come to my conference?" Lockhart said excitedly.

"No, I just brought my family to buy books." William smiled politely.

"Books...my books? I can send you a few sets...just a few minutes.

William, everyone would love the two Merlin recipients standing together. \' Lockhart invited again.

A short, short-tempered man held a large black camera and jumped back and forth at him, trying to take a group photo.

With his right hand behind his back, William waved his wand lightly, and a purple smoke spewed out of the camera.

He\'d seen reports on Lockhart, and he didn\'t want to be scribbled by unscrupulous reporters.

"Oh, the camera suddenly malfunctioned?" The short man checked the camera.

"What\'s the matter? It\'s too late, the press conference is about to start." Lockhart frowned, he suddenly saw Lovegood beside him.

Lovegood also carried a camera.

"Hey, William, is this your friend and a reporter?" Lockhart asked.

"I\'m the editor-in-chief of The Quibbler." Lovegood said unhappily.

"\'The Quibbler\'...I haven\'t heard of it, but would you mind taking some pictures for me later? Of course, if your newspaper wants to use my picture as a cover, it will increase sales."

Lockhart thought that Lovegood was William\'s friend, so he made a slight gesture.

William couldn\'t help laughing. He was really looking forward to seeing an article about Lockhart on The Quibbler.

Lovegood snorted arrogantly, letting Luna stay here, and then went with satisfaction.

Soon, there was another commotion outside, and it turned out that Malfoy and Mr. Weasley were pinching each other.

As long as the two meet in Diagon Alley, they will have a shot, the kind of firepower.

Lockhart kept applauding from the side. He looked at Lovegood and the reporter from the Daily Prophet and asked:

"Can you include the fight in the report, and say that Malfoy and Weasley fought passionately in the street to buy my book!"

William didn\'t hear, because he had already rushed up to pull the side of the frame.

Just like what Cedric did with him back then.