A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 21: Sell ​​yourself, Hermione!

In order not to worry the Weasleys, Harry quickly left to find them.

After he left, Hermione asked concerned: "William, why are you going to Knockturn Alley?"

"Bought a broken safety clock from Borgin\'s, the Weasley\'s kind." William took the ebony clock out of the ring.

"I\'m going to disassemble it, study the core magic inside, and then change it on the watch."

The clock is too big to be worn outside, and the watch is just right.

He was going to write the names of William, Anne and Hermione on it, and the dial marked the dormitory, the auditorium, the classroom, the library, the security, the home...

If necessary, you can also use the tracking spell to locate the location to prevent security problems.

The sound transmission snail made by Niko should also be placed inside.

This is a watch with positioning and calling functions.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the smart watch of the wizarding world.

William has gone farther and farther on the road to the technical house. Those insights from his previous life and the alchemy he has learned today are perfectly combined.

This gave him too much inspiration for magic items.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is trans-generational.

This kind of high-end product will definitely be sold, but the price of the first generation product will be very expensive, and the functions will not be too complete.

One step is the ultimate version, how will you sell 2.0 and 3.0 in the future?

It\'s better to have a hunger marketing!

William went further and further on the road of profiteers.

The three had lunch at the Leaky Cauldron.

Hermione and Annie ate too much ice cream because of their greed, and they didn\'t have much appetite when it was time to eat.

After dinner, they went back to Diagon Alley.

Soon, Annie was attracted by the broomstick in the window.

Many people crowded there to watch, and William could see a brand new broom next to Nimbus 2000 - Nimbus 2001.

In general, Nimbus 2001 is not much better than the previous generation in performance, and it is not a big problem to say that it is a money-making work.

But I can\'t stand the high value, and the broom is rendered in fiery red, which looks extraordinarily cool.

Most importantly, you can also engrave your name on the broom.

Anne\'s eyes sparkled with little stars, and Hermione glanced enviously.

Although Hermione is not good at Quidditch, it doesn\'t mean that she doesn\'t like beautiful broomsticks.

A good broom is just like a sports car. Even if the subject has been hung five times in a row, and even if it is respected as a road killer, there is no shortage of hearts to buy it.

Besides, Hermione didn\'t have her own broom yet. For this witch, a broom was just needed.

"Brother, you haven\'t given me a birthday present yet!" Annie said, raising her chin to point to the broom.

"Didn\'t I buy you a bunch of study materials?" William grinned.

The little girl got angry and glared, "Is that a birthday present?!"

William touched his sister Anne\'s head.

He recalled that when he was at school in his previous life, he once held a campus calligraphy competition.

When I finally presented the awards, I found out that the first prize was a one-year math remedial class, and the second prize was an English paper.

It\'s full of tricks.

Annie avoided William\'s head slap and continued to ask aggressively, "Last time you lent me a double-sided mirror for research, and you said that you rented it on a daily basis, and gave me money!"

William took out a Xike and threw it to Annie, and said generously, "No need to look for it."

Anyway, I didn\'t say how much money at the time, and Yi Sike William was already very generous.

The little girl glanced at the price of the broom, and then glanced at Xike, who couldn\'t even buy hair, and looked a little depressed.

"I remember that I gave you a lot of my pocket money." Annie asked again: "You also said that after a year, the pocket money can be increased tenfold, which is equivalent to my shareholding."

This thing really happened. In the first grade, William and the others were planning the Akali Mystery Shop, and a few people didn\'t have enough money to start.

In the end, William defrauded Annie of the pocket money she had saved for a long time as a shareholding.

According to the agreed distribution at that time, the funds now have several thousand Galleons.

"If you lose everything, how can you make a steady profit without losing money in business?" William spread his hands.

In fact, he opened a vault for Annie, part of it was stored in it, and the rest continued to be put into the operation of the store.

It\'s just that Annie doesn\'t know.

"Liar! Ginny told me she made a lot of money and Fred and George bought her robes." Anne rolled her eyes.

"Okay, no compensation." William\'s face, who was exposed, did not turn red at all. He smiled and said, "But it was used to buy a house, and it needs to be renovated. I have to support you and Hermione during the summer vacation, and the money has run out."

Hermione\'s face blushed a little, she felt that she was still well fed, and she didn\'t need to eat snacks if necessary!

"That\'s my money!" Annie muttered.

The little girl rolled her eyes and flashed a hint of slyness. She suggested, "Dad\'s private money is hidden on the bookshelf. Can you steal the thick book "Lovely Wisdom Teeth"?"

William rolled his eyes. "Why don\'t you steal it?"

The money was discovered by Lyanna long ago, and Roy swore not to admit that it was his. She kept staring at it, just to see who was hiding it.

If William went to get it, wouldn\'t it prove that he hid it?

In the end, it had to be turned in. William didn\'t want to be Roy\'s scapegoat.

The little girl sighed.

"Okay, I\'ll go buy it, okay." William stopped teasing Annie.

The little girl raised her head and smiled brightly at her brother.

After a while, William walked out and said easily: "Nimbus 2001, it will be sent home with an owl in three days."

Annie happily snatched the order from William. She glanced at it and asked, "Two brooms?"

"Yeah, you and Hermione are alone."

"I don\'t need it, it\'s too expensive." Hermione quickly waved her hand and refused to ask for it.

"I won\'t give you your birthday present in September." William said seriously. "It\'s a birthday present."

He knew that Hermione wanted a broom. Although she wasn\'t flying high, she wanted to fly anyway.

"No, it\'s still too expensive." Hermione had never received such an expensive gift before.

William nodded pretendingly, holding back his smile and said, "Yeah, in addition to this year\'s birthday present, you still need to sell your body to me for part of the money."

"Huh?" Hermione\'s eyes widened, her cheeks like peach blossoms.

"Well, you have to help me brew the potion for free. Sometimes I don\'t have time and need your help," William explained.

Most of the high-end potions in the Akali Mystery Shop are brewed by William, and he really needs a helper.

"Can I help you?" Hermione said excitedly.


William knew that Hermione\'s level was very high, and she had successfully brewed several advanced potions.

How many students have you seen who can make compound decoction at this age?

As long as she is taught well, it is not impossible for Hermione to be a potions master.

It can only be said that Xueba is popular everywhere.

"Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings. I have worked for me for six years for free. No matter how I look at it, I earned it." William said.

Moreover, the money to buy the broom was deducted from Annie\'s vault. Anyway, the little girl didn\'t know about it~www.novelhall.com~ Annie really didn\'t know, she still fell into a fantasy and said happily:

"We can play games at home during the summer vacation. I think about it, Luna, Ginny, the twins, Cedric, Harry, three of our family, this is only nine people... Ron makes up the number and can play a five v Five fights."

William nodded in agreement, he was the little prince of the legendary brawl!

Hermione pinched the order and blinked her aura eyes, which were full of brilliance.

In the deepest part of her eyes, there was some happiness and some loss.

She wanted to say that even if she didn\'t give money, she could... help for free.

Well, the kind of a lifetime.



(Thanks to "Feng Ling 15" and "LIEbe" for their rewards)