A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 111: death without limit

Learning Occlumency did not mean that William would give up his death.

Hogwarts is too small, although there are mountains and water, but there is no mobile phone, no Internet, and even stand-alone games... William can\'t find a way to have some fun, how can he stay for years?

William began to rack his brains for excitement, especially the kind of activities that can mobilize adrenaline, the more dangerous he likes it.

As the saying goes, there is no limit to death, William set his sights on extreme rock climbing this time.

There are two types of rock climbing: free climbing and equipment climbing.

The so-called free climbing refers to the climbing of a route by the climber wearing rock shoes and using magnesium powder without any external force.

Equipment climbing is much safer, adding artificial grips or stepping points on the rock wall, and various other tools, such as slings, to help with climbing.

The wildest rock climbing master, Alex Honnold, once used a bag of magnesium powder to climb the "Moonlight Arch" as high as 370 meters.

One of the 215-meter-long cliffs has only a vertical rock gap about 2.5 centimeters wide. Honold completely fixed his body with his fingers and climbed this cliff.

Later, he took 18 hours and minutes to challenge the three largest rock walls in Yosemite National Park: Watkins Mountain, Chief Rock, and Half Dome.

The three rock walls add up to a total of about 2134 meters. Except for about 152 meters of them, Honold has climbed 1982 meters of them by unprotected and single-handed methods.

What a nonsense this is! Just a master of death.

In fact, the most powerful rock climbers in nature are not humans, but goats.

Goats are born to climb the steepest cliffs in the most graceful poses like ballet dancers.

You can often see a large number of goats standing on a cliff, or even a dam that is dozens of meters high.

William once looked at it from a distance and thought in his mind: Will it rain goats?

The reason why goats go so hard up the cliffs is not that they are adventurous, but to lick those rocks to replenish their salt.

Look, do you instantly think of yourself forced by life?

Soon, William set himself a small goal: to climb to the top of Hogwarts Castle!

This matter is even more difficult than drag racing. As long as you control the Yestrals and run wildly, there is no technical content... As for when to die and how to die, it is another matter.

But climbing requires skill, great physical strength, and strong arm strength, otherwise you will be exhausted when you climb halfway.

Don\'t look at William exercising every day, and his figure is also very good, but after climbing more than ten meters, he found that his physical fitness is not enough!

William had to run to exercise again.

With the spirit of Xiaoqiang who is not afraid of death, he spent about ten months training and finally successfully climbed to the top of the Hogwarts Tower.

That day, when the sun was setting, William was screaming in the sky, in high spirits and feeling good about himself... Actually, the scene was a bit like King Kong jerking off on the roof of the Empire State Building.

After the success, accompanied by a burst of satisfaction, William was suddenly dull.

He began to look for new pleasures and decided to go snorkeling in the Black Lake.

The deepest submersible for human beings is the "Trieste", which once explored the deepest Mariana Trench in the South Pacific and reached 10,916 meters below sea level.

If you don\'t use submersibles and humans don\'t have any equipment, the deepest diving record is 113 meters, and the record with equipment is 332 meters.

William has no idea of ​​challenging this record, he is a professional, he is just playing tickets.

But as Italian diver Marberto Pirizri said: "Freediving is entering another world, no gravity, no color, no sound, a long jump into the soul."

It was indeed the long jump of the soul. When William tried it for the first time, he probably "jumped" at the bottom of the lake for several hours before he floated up.

That night, the whole school searched and salvaged everywhere.

When the professors found William, his whole body was swollen, and the swelling was similar to that of a giant...

After that, every time William snorkeled, he would steal a few gills from Professor Snape to prevent him from drowning again.

William\'s biggest enemy is the mermaids in the Black Lake. When the other party saw him, like seeing an enemy, he rushed up like crazy.

William hasn\'t repaired the relationship with the merfolk, so he has to attack them too.

The number of battles has been increased, and he is also familiar with the mermaid\'s routine. He is only the three-axle back and forth, and it is not as powerful as the centaur.

However, the trident of the mermaid patriarch was difficult to entangle, and he almost killed him several times.

Since it is in the time loop, William has no need to have a good relationship with the other party. He was going to sneak in and steal the trident, but the other party discovered it in advance.

William thinks that he has done a perfect job, but the other party can always find him precisely, which is really weird!

After swimming in the Black Lake for about half a year, William learned all kinds of swimming postures.

Occasionally, he would bring Hermione too, but unfortunately the girl always refused to bring her swimsuit... she refused to go down.

Eight hundredth time loop.

William held a fight club at Hogwarts.

The name comes from a movie William saw in a previous life, it was called "Fight Club".

But the two are very different.

The club in the movie was established with the purpose of venting themselves through fights. Later, more and more people joined the fight club. Fighting could no longer satisfy them, so they began to engage in sabotage.

William had no intention of boxing and then committing a terrorist attack.

The professors in the school are all weak.

Although William is only thirteen years old, he has undergone rock climbing and snorkeling exercises, and whether it is physical or strength, he is much stronger than the average person.

If you really want to fight in close quarters without magic, William can beat ten Snapes.

Of course, if the professor used biochemical weapons, William would not be able to resist.

Snape only needed to shake his hair, and a lot of dandruff floated out, plus the strong fermented smell of "180 days of sun exposure", which would naturally benefit the invincible.

William organized a fight club, similar in nature to a fighting competition. He really wanted to see how the various professors played against each other.

Just chat with them.

In the time loop, William and Dumbledore have played against each other many times.

However, after playing against a person for a long time, William knew very well what magic the other party would use. After returning alone, he could slowly find countermeasures and fight again the next day.

Such "cheating" behavior will form an illusion of "I pre-judged the other party" and "I and the other party are five to five".

But in real battles, how can there be such a good thing that can be reversed.

William needs to play against different people in order to better himself.

But getting professors to get involved is not an easy task.

For example, Professor Snape, he has no interest in this kind of thing.

William told Snape that he would give up the right to use the fire dragon to be the first, and the professor immediately agreed.

Professor Flitwick had better convince him. After all, he is the champion of the fighting competition, and he has long wanted to show his prowess and prove his strength.

William will also be involved, UU reading www. uukanshu.com and teachers fight.

His silent spellcasting is now quite proficient.

Learning the Silent Mantra requires a lot of concentration and willpower, which was easy for William.

Soon, the 1500th cycle is over!

William wanted to leave.

(Thanks to the rewards from the three bosses, "Fellow Daoist, please stay", "Control the speed of the car", and "Benbang Paella".

Feeling qq reading readers\' "swastika" reward)

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