A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 110: Hogwarts TT race

Occlumency is a magic used to seal one\'s mind and prevent it from being spied on by Legilimency.

The most basic form of this magic involves emptying the mind - not thinking, remembering, not feeling, thus preventing the Legilimency master from feeling his emotions and thoughts.

As for the more advanced Occlumency, it only closes off one\'s own specific thoughts, emotions, and memories, and even falsifies false memories, thereby creating an impeccable "illusion" for the Legilimency master.

So, when using Occlumency, it\'s hard to see if the person is lying.

Learning Occlumency requires a lot of willpower, similar to resisting the Imperius Curse.

In addition to this, it also requires a high degree of self-discipline, both mentally and emotionally. Occlumency can also affect the effects of Veritaserum, unless the wizard is not wary at the time.

However, this magic is extremely rare and difficult, and it is not the daily teaching content of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But even so, Dumbledore required William to at least learn Occlumency before he could leave the time loop.

It is not easy to completely empty the mind, because there are too many distractions.

Sometimes the sun is too comfortable and the body is too relaxed. The process of emptying the head is also the process of going to sleep.

In order to eliminate distracting thoughts, William thought of many ways.

The potion works very well. William knew of several potions that could eliminate distractions, but Dumbledore did not allow him to take a large amount.

Dumbledore was afraid that he would become dependent, and one day he would turn taking potions into drugs.

So, William began to think of other ways to eliminate distractions.

"Sage Mode" may be the best state to learn Occlumency, but this mode is not a forbidden technique that William can use at his age.

After thinking about it, he finally thought of the method of Naruto in Naruto\'s Naruto practicing immortality... Can you believe it? !

"Nah Lu Duo" erected a plank on top of the towering rock pillars in Miaomu Mountain when he was studying the immortal art.

After he balances the plank, the person sits cross-legged on it.

Immortal Fukasaku told Naruto that only by eliminating distracting thoughts can we maintain balance on the plank, not fall off, and ultimately become one with nature and two.

William\'s middle-school spirit is overflowing. Anyway, no one would know if he did such a shameful thing the next day.

So, he actually climbed to the spire of the castle and used his wand to conjure a wooden board and put it on it.

When he was doing this kind of thing, he attracted the attention of countless little wizards, and the castle was surrounded by water.

Professor Flitwick also hurried over.

"Child, don\'t be impulsive!"

Professor Flitwick disappeared in the crowd, he could only float in mid-air, and continued to say loudly, "William, come down quickly, if there is something you can\'t think of, I will help you solve it!

Is it because of learning difficulties, family financial problems, or emotional problems?

Tell me! "

Professor Snape stood in the crowd, looking like he didn\'t take it too seriously.

He smiled maliciously, and then kept yelling at the little snakes in Slytherin: "Hurry up and dance, can you dance?"

William ignored everyone, riding a broomstick, his feet fell on the wooden board, he staggered.

In order to maintain balance, William quickly eliminated distractions.

He slowly let go of his hand holding the broom, and finally stopped.

Surprisingly simple...


A gust of breeze blew, and the plank shook violently, and William swayed with it.

Let us swing together,

Swing together,

Forget all troubles,

Let\'s swing together...

William didn\'t know what happened next, he just remembered that day... It was very windy and he was dazed.

When the sun shone in the sky, the students called to him. He emptied his brain and became one with the universe... He became the first student at Hogwarts to fall from the castle.

Bobo Tea sat on the high tower and watched in doubt as its **** shovel officer flew down from the top of the tower.

Bobocha\'s mind is full of doubts, what is this guy doing here if he doesn\'t go hunting?

William fell from the 100-meter-high castle. He was seriously injured and fell into a vegetative state.

The Quidditch match was cancelled immediately, Harry was not abducted to the restricted area on the fourth floor, and the basilisk did not appear.

Hermione cried heartbroken, like a tearful person.

That night, William made headlines in many newspapers, and there was a photo on the cover.

I don\'t know which student took the photo. The AV-quality photo shows the whole process of William falling from the castle.

"Shocked! The youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, William Stark, chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building because of his unbearable academic pressure. Experts call for further relief!"

"The first person to die? William Stark, genius or lunatic?"

"Hogwarts is dead again! An irresponsible responsibility, it\'s time to bring Dumbledore down from the altar!"

"Suicide or murder? Stark said in the morning: Victory!"

"Sadly, the loss of the empire! Sadly, the fall of the strongest genius on the surface!"

"The new senior secretary of magic, Umbridge, proposes: It\'s time for psychologists to enter Hogwarts!"

"Professor or Calle? Snape is being investigated by the Auror."

William\'s murderous behavior did not stop because of an accident.

In the 365th time loop, he rode the Thestral at Hogwarts, but because the speed was too fast, the carriage turned off the track and fell into the Black Lake, dying on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, William held the first Hogwarts TT competition.

This is a copy of the Isle of Man TT race.

The Isle of Man is a small island between England and Ireland, and the Isle of Man TT is a road motorcycle race at the level of the World Superbike Championship.

The race track is the road around the periphery of the Isle of Man, with a total length of 60 kilometers and about 226 corners, making it the longest track in the world.

This kind of race is also the most spectacular and dangerous motorcycle race in the world. The average speed of the car is over 200km/h, and the maximum speed is over 330km/h.

Although more than 250 people have been killed in car accidents so far, it still attracts the world\'s best motorcycle warriors to fight for their lives one after another.

It can be said that the Isle of Man is the place where God recruits top motorcyclists.

But which man doesn\'t have a dream of drag racing~www.novelhall.com~ Especially motorcycles!

This is what a macho should play.

The Hogwarts version of "Violence Motorcycle" is definitely unplayable, so William used dragon blood to attract all the Thestrals.

Hundreds of Thestrals, each pulling a carriage.

William set a bonus of up to 10,000 Galleons, and the first place can be taken directly. (No one remembers the next day anyway)

Stimulated by the huge bonus, the students seemed to be crazy and participated enthusiastically, starting their racing career at Hogwarts.

Even the old house girl, Professor Trelawney, was attracted. For the Moonlight Clan, she was very short of money now.

William\'s route is very complicated. It circles the school five times, and even the inside of the castle is their running track.

The Thestral is very fast, especially after taking the dragon\'s blood, it has far surpassed the maximum speed of the Isle of Man TT motorcycle, and is faster than the top sports car.

William has held it hundreds of times, and he is so arrogant that he does not even slow down in the corners, and runs wildly.

William only survived this act of death once, and all the others were killed by car crashes!

Under this constant training of death, William developed the heart of an Iron Man.

You can even be free of distractions in a very short period of time.

He found Dumbledore again and began to learn Occlumency.

William learned it in only three noon hours.

The speed was so fast that Dumbledore was dumbfounded.



(Thanks to "Devil Cat", "Feng Ling 15" and "Albless" for their rewards)
