Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 715

"Boss, how long can we rest in the desire League this time?" drunk night pasted it, looked at the ink with a smile and asked.

"How long do you want to stay?" the disturbed Mo Wen was obviously a little unhappy, but he just turned his eyes slightly, and there was no emotion on his face.

"Well... Of course it\'s how long you can stay." drunk night bared his little white teeth and said shamelessly.

"Then stay for two days." Mo Wen smiled.


Isn\'t it too little for two days? They just came here. They have to stay for a week anyway, don\'t they?

I felt that Mo Wen\'s smile was creepy. Although I was dissatisfied with it, I honestly answered it.

He was one step behind and quickly thought about whether he had provoked the big man again. Otherwise, he always felt cold all over, as if he had been stared at by a poisonous snake.

After thinking for a long time, he didn\'t come up with a solution. However, he took a breath and turned to take a neat look.

Xiuqi honestly followed behind Mo Wen, pursed his thin lips and said nothing. When he saw it, he just stared back coldly, and basically had no other reaction.

I feel like I\'m just a bucket of gas here. I\'m drunk and dissatisfied all night. I moaned with my little heart. However, he was not a bully. After pretending for a while, he swaggered to Xiuqi\'s side and smiled at him.

"Xiuqi, what do you think of me? Do you think I\'m handsome again?"

"... I think you have a stupid face." Xiuqi sneered.

"What\'s stupid? No eyes." Zui Wuyi is still very confident about his appearance. He grinned and ignored Xiuqi\'s words. Xiuqi didn\'t hurt him for a while.

Naturally, Mo Wen didn\'t like being drunk all night. They followed them. After walking to the hall, they immediately glanced at them lightly and took Yu Lan first to the elevator.

Xiuqi and drunk all night are still winking. At present, he stood in place, watching the elevator in front of him and closed the door.

When Qu Miaomiao came over, Mo Wen had long disappeared.

"Where\'s the boss?" Qu Miaomiao couldn\'t help asking the drunken night road standing in the hall.

When they were waiting for the elevator, they talked with several brothers of Yumeng. They looked very leisurely.

"He and his sister-in-law are going to have a rest, so we\'d better not disturb him." drunk night now finally knows why Mo Wen was cooling himself just now. I\'m afraid it\'s because he affected the relationship between Mo Wen and Yu Lan.

Hearing the speech, Qu Miaomiao immediately understood the meaning of drunkenness without night. She thought about it and didn\'t think there was any problem. She just stood in place and waited for the elevator with them.

Qin Feng held a zombie\'s horn in his hand. He happily guessed the barbs on the horn and looked like he liked it very much.

"Is there water where we live?" Qin Feng couldn\'t help looking at Qu Miaomiao and asked, "I want to wash it."

After looking at the corner in Qin Feng\'s hand, Qu Yaoyao said with an unchanged smile, "yes, Lord Qin, just rest assured."

Qin Feng was satisfied.

Several people who wanted to join the alliance looked at them curiously when they passed by, and greeted them with a cheerful voice. Those who didn\'t like to talk like Xiuqi directly didn\'t see them.

Wenning looked around the hall and tried his best to hide his surprise.

Although he had thought that if Yumeng was an underground base, the technology should be more advanced, but he didn\'t think of it at all.

The environment here is similar to that before the end of the world, or even better.

Both the walkway and the open hall give people a quiet metal texture. The surrounding lights are bright and the power supply is stable, and the soft light invisibly dispels their fatigue.

The temperature in the hall is also the most suitable temperature for human life. Staying here can even make people forget that this era is the end.

"Where was your place before?" Wenning couldn\'t help asking Qu Miaomiao after observing the hall again.

Originally, he had a good impression of Wen Suining. Qu Miaomiao couldn\'t help but show a very friendly smile when he saw him speak.

"It used to be an underground research institute in China. We robbed it before it destroyed itself." Qu Miaomiao said softly, "but I don\'t know how it was robbed. When I joined the desire alliance, it was almost our territory."

"So." Wen Xi Ning nodded thoughtfully, lowered his eyelids and stopped making a sound.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Qu Miaomiao secretly raised his eyelids, actively began to look for topics, and gently introduced him to the general structure of desire alliance and the number of floors in the entertainment area.

Wenning listened carefully and wrote it down in his heart.

Zhang Xin has been acting as a transparent person behind them, keeping his sense of existence to a minimum.

After entering the desire alliance, Qinhuai ran away and didn\'t know where to go.

Drunk Wuye and Xiuqi fought for a while before they remembered his purpose of returning to the alliance. Seeing that Qu Yaoyao was about to take Qin Feng with them into the elevator, they quickly followed up, "by the way, you know where Linxue has gone."

"Sister Linxue?" Qu Miaomiao thought seriously, "she should be in the league now."

Drunk night heard the speech and rolled her eyes gracefully, "I know she\'s in the desire League. Where is she now?"

Unexpectedly, Qu Miaomiao hesitated to shake his head and said, "sister Linxue didn\'t show up in front of the public these days, but her food in the supply department is still decreasing."

"What does she want to do?" zuiwuye was a little unhappy. He didn\'t see Zui Linxue when he came back. This has made him very uncomfortable. Now she dares to play missing for him?

"Brother Wuye, you\'d better look for sister Lin Xue?" seeing that Qu Miaomiao\'s delicate face flashed a worried look, "sister Lin Xue was not in a good mood after she came back this time, and she was a little depressed."

"Why?" Zui Wuye obviously didn\'t know this. He didn\'t know what happened to Zui Linxue after he was taken away by Yi\'an. Later, he came back with Yu Lan, but it was just staggered with Zui Linxue who went to Yumeng.

"Sister Linxue seems to think it\'s because of her incompetence that you were caught by Yi\'an." Qu Miaomiao looked at the sign of the elevator going down, and her voice was soft. "It\'s the first time I\'ve seen such a depressed sister Linxue."

"What does this matter have to do with her?" Zui Wuyi couldn\'t understand Zui Linxue\'s idea. He frowned and said expressionless.

People like drunk without night will never find any problems in themselves. In his opinion, drunk Linxue\'s reaction now is entirely because she wants to think too much.

Clearly drunk without night, Qu looked at him and said nothing more.

Although the answer didn\'t fit the idea of drunk without night, he thanked Qu Miaomiao and got off the elevator to find drunk Linxue.

Xiuqi stood in the elevator and frowned at his back. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.