Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 709

Mo Wen didn\'t care whether Qin Feng was dead or alive. Now he just asked casually.

What\'s the meaning of staying here? Yu Lan simply took Mo Wen upstairs.

The pungent smell in the corridor made Yu Lan uncomfortable. Fortunately, he only went up one floor.

"We should have been sent up by Firebird." she complained in a low voice. When she followed Wenning into the room, she saw that Zui Wuye was seriously looking at the wound on Qinhuai\'s leg, and the faint blue light of her hand flickered silently.

Qin Huai\'s face was pale and he was thanking drunk night.

"Isn\'t it too early for you to thank me before I\'m cured?" asked drunk night, but his attitude was OK.

"I naturally believe in the skills of the drunken emperor." Qin Huai smiled, and the gray on his body gradually began to fade.

"We came in time." looking at Qin Huai\'s body, Yu Lan couldn\'t help reaching out and gently touching his stiff skin. "Later, you should become a zombie."

"It seems that my life is still big." Qin Huai couldn\'t help laughing.

Zhang Xin\'s eyes were dim. He looked at Qu Yaoyao sitting next to Qin Huai, who was drunk all night to bandage his wound, and shook his hand behind him.

Where did Qinhuai come from? Such an eyesore... It\'s cleaner to die.

As soon as the idea came out, Zhang Xin couldn\'t help but burst into a cold sweat. He shook his head and quickly got rid of the idea and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Yes, he likes Qu Yaoyao, but he can\'t be affected by these perverts. Just like it normally.

Repeatedly warned himself not to be affected by this group of perverts, Zhang Xin\'s eyes gradually recovered Qingming.

Drunk Wuye seemed to notice. He saw Zhang Xin looking at Qu Yaoyao and couldn\'t help laughing, "Yo, isn\'t this... Um, Zhang what? Sorry, I haven\'t seen you for a while. I can\'t remember your name at the moment."

Drunk all night, I always see Zhang Xin unhappy, even now it\'s different.

"I\'m Zhang Xin," Zhang Xin whispered, holding back his displeasure.

"Zhang Xin? Ah, yes, I remember." Zui Wuyi smiled, and there was a mockery in that smile, "but how can I remember that you should have quit our desire alliance long ago? Why are you here now?"

Silently endured the ridicule of being drunk all night, Zhang Xin just lowered his head and said nothing.

"I\'m still useful, aren\'t I?" seeing what to say when drunk without night, Zhang Xin raised his eyes and stared at drunk without night with cold eyes. "My space power has now reached level 2 and can hold more things."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xin could say such words wisely. Drunk without night, he was surprised to pick his eyebrows and heal Qinhuai\'s wound at the same time.

"We really need you this time." Yu Lan climbed onto Mo Wen\'s shoulder and said with a smile, "we\'re going to country m next. Do you want to go with us?"

Zhang Xin was still in a trance when he heard Yu Lan ask him questions.

He suddenly remembered that the first time he saw Yu Lan, she was still a zombie without legs. She had no mind and no ability to protect herself. She could only be protected by ink.

Now she has a mind, and naturally she is with Mo Wen.

Look at him and Qu Yaoyao. He has been doing things that ridicule Qu Yaoyao. No wonder they have become like this now.

Seeing Zhang Xin just staring at Yu Lan in a daze, although Mo Wen\'s face was silent, he still said unhappily, "Lan Lan will talk to you again."

The voice was calm and could not make waves at all, but it still made Zhang Xin shiver.

He said quickly, "I do."

If this is the way to rejoin the desire alliance and return to Qu Yaoyao, he is naturally willing.

"That\'s good." I don\'t think Zhang Xin will refuse his request. Yu Lan smiled and said, "then you can prepare first. We don\'t plan to return to the desire alliance. We\'re ready to go directly to country M."

"Am I the only one who went with you?" Zhang Xin couldn\'t help asking.

"And me!" doesn\'t mean blue makes a sound. The person who has been lying in bed boring counting mushrooms first laughs.

"What are you going to do?" Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes and smashed the place where he was injured before. "So he wants to go somewhere else to die?"

"But don\'t you think it\'s boring to stay here all the time?" Qin Huai raised his head and said with some melancholy, "when I\'ve been lying here, I think I\'m going to grow mushrooms."

"If you don\'t lie here and run around, you will only speed up your mutation. At that time, I can\'t save you." Zui Wuye demolished the platform road of Qinhuai.

So Zhang Xin didn\'t really get drunk all night, but he seemed to dislike everyone and had to choke on everyone.

Qinhuai was helpless, but he didn\'t feel uncomfortable.

He could feel that being drunk all night was harmless to him. Since it was a pastime for him, he had no problem.

"Are you going to Qinhuai, too? It\'s nothing to have fewer people, but you must come and you can go with us." Yu Lan thought and looked up at Mo Wen at the same time.

After all, the power of country m is still relatively complex. It will be more convenient to bring more people to do anything in the past.

Although Mo Wen didn\'t want anyone else, he had no objection.

So Yu Lan decided to go to country m with them next: zuiwiye, Zhang Xin, Qin Huai and Qu Yao.

Zhang Xin didn\'t have much joy on his face. He couldn\'t even pull out his smile. Finally, he had to give up reluctantly.

He was very happy to hear that Qu Yaoyao wanted to go with him. As long as he had time, he didn\'t believe that the relationship between them could not go back to the past.

But now there are more Qinhuai

Thinking of this, Zhang Xin couldn\'t help feeling that Qinhuai had no good intentions. Just now he begged to speak with them. Maybe he just wanted to bask in his close relationship with Qu Yaoyao in front of him.

Zhang Xin thought too much. Qin Huai just hadn\'t seen the post apocalyptic m country. He was curious to go and see what it looked like there.

However, Zhang Xin was also a mobile businessman. Although he felt uncomfortable for a while, he soon covered it up.

Qinhuai raised his eyes just to Zhang Xin\'s deep eyes. His heart was slightly sluggish and habitually smiled at him.

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Qin Huai made such a good gesture, that is, Zhang Xin could only nod silently and dared not make a mistake.

"Boss, I think we\'d better go back to Yumeng first." some tired lie on the side of the bed, drunk all night, leaning his head and smiling at Mo Wen.