Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 665

Mo Xiaohuan was quietly sealed in an icicle at this time. She closed her eyes tightly and her whole body was red. Not an inch naked.


Yu Lan frowned. When he looked again, he found something wrong.

She saw the figure here before she went to the south, but at that time, Mo Xiaohuan was still around Mo Wen and never left. How could she be trapped here.

Looking around, she found that it was really a world of ice and snow. Countless ice edges hung upside down on the top, and the tip part emitted a faint cold light. If it fell straight, it was estimated that it could directly hit a small hole in the ground.

"Xiao Huan?" Yu Lan went to the icicle and whispered to the ink Xiao Huan inside.

Mo Xiaohuan, who was sealed in the icicle, had no reaction, but the whole icicle made a crisp sound in the next second.

Several cracks gradually appeared in the center of the icicle, which spread all around and soon covered the whole icicle. With the explosion of countless ice blocks, the sealed ink Xiaohuan also quietly fell down from the icicle.

Avoiding the falling ice edge above, Yu Lan quickly passed and held Mo Xiaohuan in his arms and dodged to a safe place.

Staring at the messy ice and snow area in front of her, she narrowed her eyes slightly and hesitated to leave here first.

She took off her coat and put it on Mo Xiaohuan. She narrowed her eyes and observed the surrounding environment.

"Well..." Mo Xiaohuan seemed to wake up from her deep sleep. Her eyelids moved and opened slowly.

Yu Lan was stunned and found that different from Mo Xiaohuan, the eyes of this "Mo Xiaohuan" were completely white. There were no impurities and still no pupils.

"... mom?" Mo Xiaohuan\'s voice was also hoarse.

"Xiaohuan?" Yu Lan thought and called her mother... Only Mo Xiaohuan should be right.

Mo Xiaohuan\'s eyes lit up, stretched out his hand and hugged her neck, "en!"

Yu Lan is a little confused. Is this really Mo Xiaohuan?

I felt that the ice under my feet also showed signs of fragmentation. Yu Lan knew that this was not a place to talk. He turned and ran deeper with Mo Xiaohuan.

There was blood everywhere outside. She subconsciously didn\'t want the little guy in her arms to touch those.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the depths. Gradually, there was not much cold. Not to mention, there was a lot less ice.

During this period, Mo Xiaohuan lay quietly in her arms, hugged her neck and rubbed like a cat.

Seeing that the surroundings were completely quiet, Yu Lan put Mo Xiaohuan down, tied the buttons of her clothes, and asked seriously, "Xiaohuan is still in the south. Who are you?"

Leaning his head to look at Yu Lan, "Mo Xiaohuan" blinked as if he didn\'t understand the meaning of her words. That face similar to Mo Wen looked very cute.

Rubbed his forehead, Yu Lan frowned and said again, "the Xiaohuan I know has always been the Xiaohuan in the south, not you."

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of "Mo Xiaohuan" became sharp for a moment, but soon she recovered her poor appearance, stretched out her small hand, pinched Yu Lan\'s corner of her clothes, sniffed and said, "Mom... I also want to be Xiaohuan."

What do you mean she wants to be Xiao Huan?

Yu Lan frowned. She looked down at the "ink Xiaohuan" that suddenly appeared again. She didn\'t feel any malice on her.

She hesitated for a long time before she said, "Mo Xiaohuan is mo Xiaohuan. Shall I give you a new name?"

"OK." this "Mo Xiaohuan" looked like he didn\'t mind bending his eyes and responded skillfully.

Yu Lan\'s eyes flickered, but he determined that Mo Xiaohuan was not the one who had been around him all the time.

"That calls you mo Xiaobing?" thinking that she was found in the icicle before, Yu Lan simply gave her a name.

Mo Xiaohuan... Now known as Mo Xiaobing, she smiled and took the initiative to hold Yu Lan\'s hand and said clearly, "Mom, will you take me out of here?"

I felt that there was still some chill in the palm of my hand. Yu Lan nodded carelessly, just as the chill around Mo Xiaobing had not dissipated.

Just to leave here, he must pass through the blood river outside. Yu Lan was also suspicious of the sudden emergence of Mo Xiaohuan, so he asked directly after nodding, "Why are you here?"

Mo Xiaobing\'s eyes were a little dodgy. He looked honest and said, "because I should stay here."

"Should I stay here?" Yu Lan was stunned and didn\'t quite understand what Mo Xiaobing meant.

"You can lead to another space from here." Mo Xiaobing said with a smile, "I\'m the last key."


This word alerted Yu Lan. After all, Mo Xiaohuan was also called the key by Yezhi.

It seems that Mo Xiaobing knows more than Mo Xiaohuan?

She raised her eyes slightly. When she wanted to ask again, there was a clear sound of footsteps behind her.

Immediately looking back, Yu Lan saw Yi An\'s smiling face.

"Long time no see, Yu Lan?" seeing Yu Lan, Yi An said hello politely. Unfortunately, Yu Lan was not in the mood to pay attention to him.

"I don\'t want to see you again." Yu Lan sneered, stood up and said mercilessly, "it\'s really bad to be missed by thieves."

"Thieves? I think we are friends." Yi\'an looked a little wronged and pretended to glance.

Yu Lan looked at him coldly and cast a mocking look.

Yi\'an doesn\'t seem to care about Yu Lan\'s attitude. He smiles with a good temper and looks at Mo Xiaobing behind Yu Lan.

"Seriously, I didn\'t expect that you actually got the key. Yezhi guy really didn\'t cheat me." Yi An smiled, but the cold meaning in the words made Yu Lan feel uncomfortable all over his body.

"Night stop? It\'s him again." thinking of the guy who hurt Mo Wen, Yu Lan unconsciously clenched his fist.

"Well... The guy\'s origin is unknown, but his strength is ridiculously strong." Yi An bent his eyes again, "otherwise he wouldn\'t hurt Mo Wen like that? I forgot to ask, is mo Wen still alive?"

"How could Arvin have something to do before he got rid of you scum?" Yu Lan said contemptuously, staring at Yi\'an\'s gray pupils. "You can only do these things with the help of other people\'s hands."

Being so mercilessly insulted by Yu Lan, even Yi An couldn\'t help narrowing his eyes. He moved his wrists twice, suddenly changed his gloomy color and said with a smile, "I think you shouldn\'t have time to dally with me now. As long as you don\'t go back, he\'ll only have one breath left, isn\'t he?"

Ink is Yu Lan\'s weakness. At this moment, Yi An mentioned it again and again. Yu Lan almost used his whole body\'s fierce strength to keep himself calm.

Now the strength of the enemy and ourselves is unknown. She should not act rashly for the time being.