Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 663

"... they learned how to survive, not how to kill." Qin Huai thought for a moment.

Everyone was silent, but there was no objection.

But the ark looked at Qinhuai thoughtfully and said to Qu Yaoyao with a smile, "don\'t say Qu Yaoyao, this guy looks a lot more pleasing to the eye than Zhang Xin."

Qinhuai and Zhang Xin are not crazy and abnormal. They are also new people who have joined the desire alliance. However, it is obvious that Qinhuai can judge the situation better than Zhang Xin and have the courage to put forward suggestions in front of them.

It\'s not difficult to do this, but the people who can do it really regard themselves as the people who want to alliance.

"Don\'t mention him." Qu Yaoyao\'s face was a little ugly.

Zhang Xin? Qinhuai secretly picked his eyebrows and wondered whether to inquire in private.

"Well, well, it\'s nothing if the traitor doesn\'t mention him." Fang Zhou opened his hand and showed a friendly smile to Qinhuai.

Qin Huai also smiled back.

However, just when they were ready to discuss something else, Yang Chu, who had just gone out, strode back, glanced at them and said coldly, "you\'d better be on alert."

Yang Chu was still expressionless at the moment, but his tone was obviously cold.

"What happened?" Qu Miaomiao asked.

"A large number of zombies suddenly appeared around." Yang Chuwei frowned uncertainly, "it\'s not good."

Since "the comer is not good", it is not Yu Lan\'s zombie. Qu Miaomiao immediately raised his feet and walked out. As he walked, he asked, "is it Xu Jielin\'s handwriting?"

"I don\'t know. I\'ve sent someone to explore outside." Yang Chu whispered, "if only we are attacked by zombies, it\'s probably Xu Jielin\'s handwriting."

The more you go out, the clearer the roar of the zombies. Listen to the sound, there are definitely a lot of zombies.

"Did Qin Feng send someone to answer?" Qu Miaomiao asked again.

"Not yet." Yang Chu pursed his lips, turned back and said to Qin Huai and Qu Yaoyao who followed him, "you two go to pick up Qin Feng. After all, he is the former city master of the handover city. It\'s bad to have an accident around our desire League."

"Where is he now?" Qu Yaoyao, who had previously affected his mood because the ark mentioned Zhang Xin, immediately nodded and restrained his mood.

"Go and ask Gong Gaoge." Yang Chu thought a little and then said, "sister Miao seems to have asked him to go to the information base."

He also raised his eyes and looked at Qu Miaomiao. Sure enough, he saw her nod.

"I see." Qu Yaoyao nodded, took Qinhuai\'s arm and crossed Yangchu. They took the lead in running to the database.

Qu Miaomiao and Yang Chu naturally will not go to the battlefield. Their tasks are to deal with the internal affairs of the desire alliance. Therefore, when they go to the desire alliance hall, they go their separate ways and deal with the things they should deal with.

The ark could only go up to the ground sadly and fight with these sudden zombies.

No one paid more attention to drunk Linxue. She didn\'t even know when she would leave the room quietly.


"There are zombies in a sudden riot." Yu Lan raised his head and whispered just after breaking the ice blocking her.

The Firebird stood beside her, stretched out his head and rubbed her palm.

"Do you feel anything?" Yu Lan gently touched its head and asked.


The Firebird didn\'t open its mouth and transmitted its ideas with consciousness.

"Sixty percent of the zombies in the whole forest of death are not under my control now." Yu Lan closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "it doesn\'t look like Xu Jielin did it."

If the zombies controlled by Xu Jielin had been subject to her before, she could easily call back the consciousness of the zombies. But now 60% of the zombies on the death forest can\'t be contacted and are completely out of her control.

"You go up first, and then I\'ll go alone." after seeing the narrow passage in front of me, Yu Lan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

Firebird naturally didn\'t want to. It sobbed pitifully and soon quieted down under Yu Lan\'s slightly heavy eyes.

"I need you to help me stare at it." he touched the neck of the Firebird, and Yu Lan tiptoed against its forehead. "You won\'t let me down, will you?"

Perhaps seeing Yu Lan\'s firm attitude, Firebird hesitated to fan its wings, and finally stepped back to fly out of the hole.

I\'ll pick you up when you come out

In the blue brain, there was a sharp roar. The Firebird showed its sharp teeth and flew out of the very deep hole.

When the Firebird left Yu Lan, he took back his eyes and bowed slightly into the ice cave broken by her in front.

This time, the ice layer was obviously much thicker than what she had seen before, and even the cold idea penetrated directly into her bones.

After she became a zombie, she was most afraid of the cold, but now it seems that only the cold in this hole will affect her.

This is the cave she explored last time. Her intuition told her that Yi An\'s abduction of drunken night must have something to do with the figure hidden behind the ice.

The cold surrounding gradually penetrated into her bone marrow and slowed down her speed silently.

Subconsciously, he felt that he could not stay here for a long time. Yu Lan looked around and leaned slightly to speed up his steps.

The sound of water drops falling into the water came faintly around. The clearer it was, the quieter the environment became.

Just after seeing the blood River in front of me, the good sound just now changed its taste.

The speed of the blood River in front of her is much faster than her last time, and the depth

Yu Lan jumped in and found that the depth was much deeper. It used to be only to her knees, but now it has flooded her thighs.

Even Yu Lan felt dizzy in such a strong smell of blood.

She knocked on her head, suppressing the blood color of the bee pupa at the bottom of her eyes.

There is no place to walk on both sides. Now she can only move hard against the current in the blood river. Fortunately, her two tails stabilized her balance, otherwise she would be unable to move because her feet slipped.

This time, no human zombie jumped out to attack her, and Yu Lan smoothly reached the place where the blood gushed out.

Looking back at his dark back, Yu Lan frowned and didn\'t feel any danger.

Looking back at the faint figure behind the ice in front of him, Yu Lan took a deep breath, turned his claw into a blade, and attacked with all his strength.

The ice is very thick and strong. At the same time, the biting chill is that when blue touches the ice, it invisibly spreads to her arm and forms a biting thin ice.

Moving his fingertips, he peeled off the contaminated ice. Yu Lan squeezed his fist and began to attack the ice in front with his tail.