Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 618

It\'s time to take someone back?

After seeing the people in full swing in front of us, ye Zhi clenched her fist and said angrily, "Yu jueying, don\'t you think we should finish the things in front of us now?"

Yu jueying was silent. He stared at the situation in front of him, which was obviously dominated by them. He also felt that it was inappropriate to leave now. Anyway, if he left now, everything he did during this period would fall short of success.

Now Ye Gong is at an absolute disadvantage compared with them. At this time, if he takes the opportunity to win the north, the hidden dangers in the north will be solved temporarily. No matter what, ye Zhi will not bite him back at this time.

But if he doesn\'t return to the South now, once Yu Lan takes the whole south, he will be finished.

Thinking of this, Yu jueying could not help but sip the corners of her lips and take a deep breath to calm herself down.

First of all, he left his most important card - the dark side in the south. With them, Yu Lan couldn\'t win the south in a few days even if he looked for more zombies.

Secondly, Yu Ruoshui and Qian Kang are well guarded in the south. As long as they don\'t have too big problems, they can guard the gate of the South with sufficient food and supply in the south.

"You\'re right." Yu jueying, who had figured it out, couldn\'t help but Chen Sheng said to Ye Zhi, "I\'m at a loss. The most important thing is that we take the north now."

Seeing that jueying had figured it out, ye Zhi was not relieved. He could not imagine what he would do next if yu jueying said nothing to help him.

Just when jueying ordered his subordinates to attack with all their strength, another message came from the nearby contact.

He was shocked. He picked up the information and glanced at it. His whole face turned black.

"What\'s the matter with you?" keenly aware of Yu jueying\'s emotional changes, ye Zhi asked again.

"Yu Ruoshui has made trouble for me again." Yu jueying\'s face at this time can\'t be described. His iron face is blue and his hand holding the document trembles almost uncontrollably. "She has lost the materials that can maintain the supply of 100 people to me at such a critical moment!"

When Yu jueying said this, the whole person trembled with anger. At this time, the anger he had just repressed erupted again and again, "again and again, I\'m so disappointed!"

"Su elegy, you bitch\'s child, I don\'t want to say more. Her Huang Ruifei\'s daughter is not a good thing!" Yu jueying won\'t be so angry if someone else removes the materials, but Yu Ruoshui is the existence he gives high hopes. She doesn\'t ask how good she can do, but only that she can reach the expected level.

However, since he went to country e, Yu Ruoshui\'s practice has greatly disappointed him. Whether in the management of manpower, mood and cultivation, it is far from what he expected.

Even in these short months, she lost an arm and a leg and made herself a waste!

How can a loser let her take over the South even if she is strong? This picture of Yu Ruo water is not even as useful as a Yu Tian.

Although Yu Tian is a waste, he can walk normally at least, but if yu Ruoshui can do anything, she is nothing without a wheelchair now!

So while helping Ye Zhi, Yu jueying also plans to catch Ye Gong alive and let him cure Yu Ruoshui\'s disability. Who knows what he thinks is very good, but Yu Ruoshui doesn\'t appreciate it at all and is still jumping around in the south.

"This time, she has lost our supplies in the south for the second time!" he growled. Yu jueying took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

"Calm down first. I don\'t think it says that the materials are Yu ruo\'s water. Isn\'t Qian Kang still investigating?" Ye Zhi said calmly after picking up the news that Yu jueying threw it on the ground.

"Her name is written on the supply extraction record. Tell me who else she can be." Yu jueying said angrily.

The food supply of a hundred people is not a small number. You know, even the dark part he values most is only about a hundred people. If these food are given to his dark part, it may be stopped for a few more days.

"Maybe someone else wrote it on her behalf." Ye Zhi whispered, "some people took the materials and wrote Yu Ruoshui\'s name to make others think she took it... This kind of thing can also happen."

"You\'re right." Yu jueying calmed down now. He closed his eyes and said in silence, "anyway, we should take down the North first."

Now these things haven\'t caused any big panic. As long as he gets back as soon as possible, the South won\'t fall into blue\'s hands.

Ye Zhi nodded and strode forward to observe the war.

They are now standing on a tall building outside the third northern district. Although they can\'t have a panoramic view of the war, they can basically see the general trend.

Now Ye Gong\'s troops are still losing ground. It seems that they have no strength to stand with them at all.

"Wait, ye Zhi, look there." Yu jueying kept paying attention to the situation around the battlefield. Yu jueying pointed to several teams shuttling into the battlefield and said, "Ye Gong seems to have arranged some reinforcements."

"I\'ll check." it\'s related to the status of the leader in the north. Ye Zhi quickly asked her liaison to see what\'s going on now.

Ye Zhi\'s men soon heard the news. The news was obviously good. After hearing it, ye Zhi relaxed, and the corners of her lips that she had just pursed suddenly caught a smile.

"It doesn\'t look so bad?" glanced Ye Zhi, and Yu jueying slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, if something happens in the north, he must stay longer, but the later he doesn\'t go back, the higher the risk in the south.

"The guards who just sneaked in are ordinary civilians. Most of them are Ye Gong\'s followers. They think they can get eternal life by helping Ye Gong." Ye Zhi said faintly, "what a pity... Where are there immortal people in the world."

"Isn\'t Ye Gong good at manipulating people\'s beliefs and thoughts?" Yu jueying smiled. "I said why Ye Gong is so honest and waiting for us to catch him. He was already waiting for us."

"It\'s just a mob gathered temporarily. We don\'t need to pay too much attention to them." Ye Zhi stared at the situation ahead and gradually relaxed when she saw that the advantage was still on her side. "Look, I\'ll say it."