Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 616

Since Jiuming followed Yu Ling, his hatred for Qinhuai and Yumeng became stronger and stronger.

He looked at Yu Ling for a long time and didn\'t do anything. He only knew that Yu Ling, who watched the fire from the shore, couldn\'t help being anxious at the bottom of his heart. He said loudly, "Yu jueying is in the north now. When he came from the north, Yu Lan would have taken the south!"

"What are you worried about?"

It seems that Jiuming is getting impatient. Yu Ling turns his head expressionless. The burned half of his face shows a heavy chill and looks very penetrating.

As soon as Jiuming\'s expression stagnated, Yu Ling\'s slap had already slapped him in the face.

Yu Ling has great power. If Jiuming isn\'t an artificial power, he may break his neck directly at this time.

"Don\'t forget who gave you all this." Yu Ling said coldly, ignoring Jiuming\'s angry eyes.

Jiuming just felt dizzy at the moment. He stared at Yu Ling and silently exuded a blood stain from the corner of his mouth.

She\'s just a man-made power... If she doesn\'t have a good life in the south, she\'s a man-made monster!

"Now that I\'ve taken you in, you\'ll be useful." I don\'t know how Jiuming evaluates himself in his heart. Yu Ling looks back at the new document passed by Yu jueying on the table, his eyes dim, sits back at the table and says, "the news above is that I\'m asked to bring someone to subdue Yu Lan. You can do it."

Unexpectedly, Yu Ling arranged a task for himself. Just now, nine lives with an angry face suddenly widened their eyes and looked at them strangely.

"Before the leader left, he left one of his two dark teams for me and the other for Qian Kang." Yu Ling said faintly, "now you take the dark team left for me and contact Qian Kang to see what plans he has. It\'s best to catch Yu Lan at once."

Yu Ling mentioned Yu jueying\'s dark team once before, so Jiuming knows more or less what kind of team it is.

He wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, stood up and asked differently, "such a powerful armed force, can you rest assured to give it to me?"

"This question...... do you hate Yu Lan and them?" Yu Ling turned around and asked nine lives faintly.

"Of course!" this question obviously touched a sharp nerve in Jiuming\'s mind. He stubbed his neck and roared without hesitation, "they have destroyed everything I have, and I want them to die! Especially Qinhuai, I must personally kill him, a traitor. Fortunately, I still regard him as a friend. I didn\'t expect that he is a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

How much did the previous nine lives trust Qinhuai? Now he wants Qinhuai to die.

"Such an attitude is enough for me to trust you." Yu Ling\'s stiff face seemed to have a little smile. She lowered her eyes and said faintly, "you start now."

"I see." Jiuming, who was trusted, only felt energetic. He turned and walked out. When he opened the door, he suddenly turned back and asked, "do you hate them, too?"

"Hate?" Yu Ling smiled, "no, I don\'t hate. It can be said that Yu Lan and I have no hatred at all."

"Then why are you..."

"Because I\'m loyal to the leader, that\'s enough." looking at Jiuming faintly, Yu Ling looked like she had no expression before. "If the leader wants Yu Lan to die, then she must die."

She said with a sneer, and her voice returned to its previous coldness, "don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t ask. Doing well is the only way to reflect your value."

Reflect his value? Yes, only in this way can he have the opportunity to realize his wish to be a man all the time.

Yu Ling\'s words made Jiuming inexplicably excited. He nodded and turned to go outside the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, Yu Ling suddenly called him.

"What\'s the matter?" Jiuming asked suspiciously.

"There seems to be something wrong in the south." in my mind, I received the news from the south. Yu Ling\'s face didn\'t change, but Jiuming could feel her gradually deteriorating mood.