Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 613

"If I tell you, can you convey it to the people above?" Yu Lan asked, lying on the neck of the Firebird and puffing her cheeks. She really wanted to eat the crystal core now

"I can do it." the brave guard nodded and said seriously, "I have a way to contact the above. We can convey anything you want."

"That\'s good." he thought the guard looked credible. Yu Lan bent his eyes and said with a smile, "help me tell Yu Ruoshui that I want the whole south."

The whole... South?

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan made such a request. The guard was stunned, and then angrily retorted, "how can the South give it to you? You\'re making trouble for nothing!"

"Why can\'t you give it to me?" Yu Lan sighed, "but I just want it..."

"What do you think the south is? It\'s the only place where countless civilians can live, but you should take it now?" the guard angrily said. "This kind of thing... Is impossible anyway!"

Staring at the guard with a full sense of justice, Yu Lan left his mouth, opened his eyes and said, "this is not what you can decide."

Yu Lan\'s calm attitude left the guard speechless. He looked at Yu Lan\'s Zombie and calmed down with his fist. "I\'ll convey it to you."

"Thank you," Yu Lan said with a smile, "then I\'ll wait for your news here."

"Aren\'t you going to withdraw the zombie?" the guard said incredulously.

"Didn\'t I say that my zombie won\'t attack you? Just rest assured." Yu Lan waved his hand and said, "but first, I\'ll only wait for you one day. When I take the south, I\'ll go back."

I don\'t know if the thing misses her

At the thought of Mo Wen Yu Lan, she couldn\'t help feeling blue. She turned over and lay on the back of the Firebird, with her chin and a sad face.

I used to hear people say goodbye, but she didn\'t feel it at all. I miss Arvin so much.

I don\'t know what Yu Lan is thinking. The bolder guard hesitated to come over. As soon as he was about to make a noise, the Firebird shook its tail unhappily and stopped him two meters away from Yu Lan.

"Roar!" narrowed his eyes and growled. The Firebird shook its tail and nodded at the guard\'s toes like a deterrent.

The guard swallowed his saliva and felt the coolness in front of the crossed leg.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Yu Lan was shocked by the Firebird\'s change. She looked up and asked softly on the Firebird\'s back.

"I just want to talk to you." the guard tried not to show his fear. He took a breath and said seriously.

"OK." he didn\'t mean to be wary. Yu Lan touched the Firebird\'s head and motioned it to put the guard over.

The Firebird breathed reluctantly, but still obediently took back its tail.

The guard got a chance to come forward.

He stood on the side of LAN and looked warily at the Firebird. He was sure that he didn\'t mean to attack, so he breathed safely.

"You don\'t have to be too afraid of Firebirds." Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing with a friendly and pleasant voice. "It just looks terrible, but it\'s actually very good. Sometimes it\'s like a little cat."

Compared to a kitten, Firebird lies on the ground with a wooden face. It retracts its neck into its body and looks shy.

I really don\'t agree with Yu Lan. The guard coughed and suddenly felt that Yu Lan\'s Zombie was actually very friendly and had no bad thoughts.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Yu Lan asked with a smile after noticing the guard\'s eyes. While she made a sound, she also took an examination of the research. Not far away, she was busy reporting to the guard above. After a pause, she said, "look, your companions are afraid of me. Aren\'t you afraid?"

"In fact, I don\'t think you\'re a bad man." the guard whispered to Yu Lan, with a hard to hide curiosity in his eyes. "Seriously, it\'s the first time I\'ve seen a zombie that can maintain my mind."