Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 56

"It\'s all right, boss. He has thick skin." he was drunk all night and didn\'t use his head. Xiuqi kicked him the next second and nearly lay on the ground.

"Fool, you can talk with your head."

Since Xiuqi was drunk all night, the fool seems to have become addicted.

Drunk Wuye took the loyal dog and said to Changli with a sigh:

"Well, in fact, the boss may be frozen in the extremely cold weather in January and February, but now this temperature is nothing for the boss."

Since the end of the world, January and February are extremely terrible for everyone.

In that extremely cold weather, the snowstorm will sweep the whole world and turn water into ice. It is difficult to walk outside. Even staying at home is likely to be frozen to death.

Changli nodded without saying more, but secretly glanced at the two people in the dark again. He secretly said in his heart that men are not afraid of cold. Aren\'t women afraid? It seems that the boss who is drunk all night doesn\'t treat women as bastards.

Also, in this last world, no one can be regarded as a good man at all.

Although Yuying didn\'t want to, she had to squeeze into a fire with them because Changli didn\'t make a fire for them, and she and Xu Yushan didn\'t have any fire making tools. They don\'t have the same strong cold resistance as ink. If they don\'t come to the fire, they will be frozen to death.

Yuying only felt that she was losing face and hung her head. Xu Yushan took care of her carefully all the way, with worry written on her face.

Tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut.

"I didn\'t tell you what happened to you." maybe he thought the quiet atmosphere was too strange. Changli touched his smooth skull and smiled at Yuying. "A team of level 7 powers can break a person in area 2... To tell the truth, it\'s really rare."

"What do you mean?" thought Changli\'s words meant contempt to them. Yuying opened her eyes and said angrily, "we are the first time to the land of death. Can we compare with you wandering guys!"

"Come for the first time..." drunk night smiled, "no wonder."

"No wonder what?" Yuying\'s mood was originally bad, but now it\'s even worse. "If it wasn\'t for the damn Yizhi, do you think my boyfriend could be gone here!"


Hearing this word, even Xiuqi raised his head in surprise.

The exotic plants in China are mainly distributed in two places, one is the poisonous fog area at the junction of the north and the south, and the other is the forest of death in the seven districts of the land of death.

I\'ve never heard of anyone who met a different plant in area 2 of the land of death.

"What strange plant did you encounter?" Chang Li asked with a dignified look and a wrung eyebrow. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Pig cage flower." Yuying raised her eyes. When she came, she still had a simple understanding of the different plants. At this time, she could also call the name of the different plants attacking them.

Recalling the scene where Wanda was pierced by the fangs of pigsty flowers, her mood could not calm down anyway.

"How can there be pig cage flowers in zone 2?" Xiuqi frowned with some doubt on his calm face.

It is named after the shape of pitcher grass before the end of the world. It is mostly distributed at the junction of the north and the south. This kind of different plant can be seen only in Wulu and Wulu districts in the first six districts of the land of death, and it has never appeared in District 2.

"Wait a minute." Changli suddenly changed his face. He stood up and shouted at Yuying, "didn\'t you pull out the pigsty flowers by root?!"

Yuying was stunned. Before she could speak, the soil under Changli\'s feet suddenly began to sink. A pair of huge sharp teeth on both sides directly penetrated the soil and bit at his feet.

Changli was also a man wandering in the place of death. He was trapped, but he keenly avoided it. But he didn\'t want to feel a sharp pain in his lower leg as soon as he landed. The pigsty flower with a barbed long beard surrounded his leg and tripped him to the ground.

Huge petals broke through the soil, and a layer of sand was adhered to the orange outer membrane.

Xiuqi was the first person to stay away from this place of right and wrong. He looked at Changli from a distance and was about to be dragged into the mouth of pig cage flower. He raised his hands and wrapped his arms expressionless.

Most of the different plants in the end of the world are conscious, including the pig cage flower. If the people who meet it don\'t uproot it, even if they hide in the ends of the earth, it can catch up with revenge.

However, this is quite similar to drunken night... Xiuqi jokingly thought that this time, the pig cage flower obviously went to Yuying. Changli should be attacked because he contacted Yuying and caught her taste.

Raised his eyes and looked at Mo Wen. He found that Mo Wen was sitting at a higher place with Yu Lan in his arms, watching the excitement and feeding Yu Lan to eat. It was not pleasant.

Yu Lan stared at the pig cage flower with great interest and was ready to rush up and bite. Unfortunately, the whole person was pressed by ink and couldn\'t move at all.

Seeing that Mo Wen didn\'t mean to make a move at all, Xiuqi watched the play more calmly.

Pig cage flower is not a very dangerous alien plant. As long as it is uprooted, it has no deterrent.

Zhang Xin hid a long way with his head in his arms. He neither saw the play nor gloated at the disaster. He obediently avoided the disaster.

Now the only people left in the land of right and wrong are Zui Wuye Yuying and Xu Yushan, and a Changli who is about to be eaten.

Drunk without night is very righteous. He took out a dagger and cut off the long beard of the pig cage flower and saved Changli.

"Are you all right?" he dragged Changli\'s arm and dragged him back. He smiled and cared, and his eyes fell on his bloody legs hooked by the barbs on his long beard.

Unlike zombies, alien plants and mutant animals will not turn people into zombies if they hurt people, so there is no need to worry about Changli becoming a zombie.

"Thank you, I\'m fine." Changli stood up with his drunken arm, looked at the pig cage flower in front of him, gave up him, and leaned over the petals to attack Yuying.

"Ah!" Yu Ying screamed and hid behind Xu Yushan. She stumbled and tripped.

Xu Yushan was embarrassed to erect a soil barrier in front of the sand and stone on the land.

"The seventh level earth power person is so weak?" he rolled his eyes drunk and speechless. As a healing power person, he can solve this strange plant without power. "I think I probably know how her boyfriend died."

Stupid by his girlfriend.

"I\'d better come." Chang Li sighed, ignoring the wound on his leg and stood up.

He took out his pistol pinned to his waist and fired two shots at the pig cage flower. His hind legs burst up and rushed directly to the flower tail of the pig cage flower and fired a shot at its thick stem.

The pigsty flower seemed to feel pain, shaking its petals, and countless long whiskers were thrown at Changli.