Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 547

"Yu Lan... Yu Lan!" the interaction between Yu Lan and Mo Wen undoubtedly hurt Xu Jielin\'s eyes. He admitted that at the beginning, he really approached Yu Lan with the idea of utilization, but later... Later, he always thought Yu Lan liked himself because he also liked her. Shouldn\'t this kind of thing be equivalent exchange?

What\'s it like to be betrayed by someone you like?

Xu Jielin has no mind to think about this problem. His face is iron green, his eyes are red, and his forehead is full of green tendons.

He obviously spent his mind and effort, but now he has got such a result?

For what? Is it because his strength is not strong enough? He\'s just the son of a rich man?

Xu Jielin was almost on the verge of collapse because of his inner humiliation. He bit his tongue and didn\'t return to his mind until there was a bloody smell in his mouth. His eyes to Yu Lan changed from ferocious to profound.

"It doesn\'t matter," he said suddenly.

Mo Wen, who thought he would attack before, was stunned. He didn\'t understand what happened to him suddenly. The alarm bell in his heart was loud, and Mo Wen subconsciously protected Yu Lan behind him.

However, Xu Jielin just lightly moved his eyes from Yu Lan to the face of ink. Those eyes faded red, but it was even more frightening.

"Angel!" a happy voice sounded. Qin Feng ignored the strange atmosphere at this time and ran to Yu Lan quickly. Because he had little exercise, he was still slightly carrying his back and gasped for breath.

Ink looks worse.

"What you said to me last time, I thought seriously after I went back." ignoring the eyes of Mo Wen with a knife, Qin Feng said to himself, "I think although you don\'t like me, we can be friends."

"..." unexpectedly, Qin Feng figured it out so quickly. Yu Lan bent his eyes and said with a smile, "it\'s best for you to think so."

Mo Wen glanced at Qin Feng suspiciously. He didn\'t believe his words anyway.

Qin Feng just showed a harmless smile, and his white teeth almost blinded the eyes of ink.

Seeing that Mo Wen was still not happy, Qin Feng simply turned to LAN Dao, "if we are friends, he doesn\'t have to hinder us."

He pointed to the ink and said with a smile.

"That\'s right..." Yu Lan thought for a moment, and his side eyes tilted to ink with some ridicule. "Ah Wen, you shouldn\'t be guarding against my friend?"

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng immediately smiled, and secretly said that the method given to him by Wen Suining was really effective.

Who wants the next second, Mo Wen suddenly changes his face and holds Yu Lan\'s arm to move her to a place where Qin Feng can\'t see.

"Don\'t even think about it." Mo Wen said coldly to Qin Feng.

Although Qin Feng was angry, he couldn\'t help it. He could only insert his angry hands into his pockets and sat on the ground indecently.

Although Wen Ning didn\'t see much peace after coming, he was satisfied with the current scene.

He had been trying to stop Qin Feng\'s endless death before. After thinking about it, he only thought of a way to let Qin Feng be Yu Lan\'s friend, not his lover.

Qin Feng certainly didn\'t want to at first, but when he understood that he could approach Yu Lan openly, he immediately responded with joy.

Why did he make friends with such a fool? Looking at Qin Feng sitting on the ground, wencuining couldn\'t help thinking on his forehead.

"Mr. mo." naturally, seeing Xu Jielin\'s embarrassed appearance, Wen Suining sighed, looked at Mo Wen very seriously and said, "are you determined to kill him?"

Mo Wen didn\'t answer Wen Suining immediately. He just looked at Yu Lan and seemed to be asking her what she meant.

"Lan Lan, if you want to plead for him, I won\'t kill him."

It seems that he noticed more meaning in the ink words. Yu Lan raised his eyes to see him and smiled gently.

For this reason, if she doesn\'t know the meaning of ink, she won\'t call Yu Lan.

"I said I wanted you not to kill him." Yu Lan raised his eyebrows.

Mo Wen\'s face was cold. As soon as he was about to make a sound, Yu Lan stretched out his arm and covered his mouth.

"Look, if I told you not to kill him, you\'d be angry, and then you\'d still kill him." Yu Lan reluctantly stood up and said wrongfully, "obviously you don\'t listen to me. Then why do you ask me?"

Seeing Yu Lan\'s wronged wrinkled nose, a pair of small ears trembled twice. Her small face looked like a coquettish cat.

"If you care about other men, I\'ll be sad." I feel my heart beating fast like a spring. Mo Wen gently holds Yu Lan\'s hand and lowers his head. "I\'m always afraid that you care about others so much. Do you want me one day?"

Yu Lan once saw a saying before the end of the world that there is nothing wrong with women when men are enchanting. Now she suddenly feels that this word needs to be changed

This man is so charming that women can\'t compare with him at all. The lethality is completely doubled!

Yu Lan covered his heart that he had never jumped again, and suddenly felt that his heart was afraid to live again.

"Why don\'t I want you." although she knew that Mo Wen might have mixed some water, Yu Lan still couldn\'t bear to come forward and hold Mo Wen\'s hand and skillfully hugged him.

Mo Wen smiled happily. He gently pressed the back of Yu Lan\'s head and stared back provocatively when he noticed Qin Feng\'s eyes.

Qin Feng frowned at all the actions of Mo Wen, and suddenly felt that at this time, Mo Wen\'s mental activities must be summarized in only four words - salted fish retreat!

"...." silently looked away. Qin Feng felt that he had no courage to look at ink.

"Xiuqi." when Yu lanmowen calmed down, he immediately looked at Xiuqi, bent over and picked up Yu Lan and was about to leave.

Xiuqi, who understood the meaning of Mo Wen, immediately pulled the chain and leaned forward, but before he approached Xu Jielin, he felt a dark in front of him. The next second, the whole person was like being grabbed by something and directly thrown out.

Seeing Xiuqi fall heavily on the nearby ruins, Shengge hurried to the past. In addition to the flying dust, there were only dense blood stains.

"Brother Xiuqi!" quickly took out the healing device to heal Xiuqi. Unexpectedly, the healing device exploded directly in her hand the next second, and she was thrown out by the sudden impact.

She fell to the ground in confusion. She felt that her arm holding the healer had completely lost consciousness. She tried to get up from the ground and ran towards Xiuqi.