Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 541

"What does your excellency say?" like him, spiritual cultivation couldn\'t help asking.

"My Lord asked us to go directly to Qin Feng to confirm the situation." the correspondent said, his face was not very good-looking.

Spiritual cultivation was silent for a few seconds, as if in meditation.

His men looked at the spiritual cultivation together and were waiting for his answer.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways." it took about 20 seconds for spiritual cultivation to finally make up his mind. He raised his eyes and said, "go to Lord Xu for support all the way, and follow me all the way to find Qin Feng."

"OK." the men nodded and quickly divided into two teams. The passers-by followed Lingxiu and ran straight to the place where Qin Feng lived.

Not to mention what happened to the other team, the team of the spiritual belt encountered a lot of trouble along the way.

Some guards seemed to doubt their organized teams. They thought they were the rest of the white envoy base. They wanted to stop them and stop them from looking for Qin Feng.

Spiritual cultivation affirmed more and more in his heart that Qin Feng must have fallen into the hands of Yu Meng. At the same time, he took people to deal with the guards blocking the way and forcibly broke into Qin Feng\'s residence.

Without alerting the guards outside the residence, they sneaked in through a remote window.

Qin Feng was playing Gobang face to face with Mo Wen at this time. When he heard the noise, he didn\'t raise his head. Instead, he frowned and stared more and more seriously at the chessboard in front of him.

His proud Gobang can\'t even connect the Gobang in front of ink!

Generally speaking, talking about a person\'s chess skill refers to his ability to go, but Qin Feng can only play Gobang, so ink plays with him.

Originally thought it would make Mo Wen fall into a rout. Unexpectedly, people didn\'t pay attention to him at all. Although it can\'t be said that they won all, most of them won.

"Ah Wen is so powerful." Yu Lan praised loudly.

Mo Wen smiled happily, even his ears were soft and red, but Qin Feng\'s mood was not very good. At the thought that his most persistent and favorite zombie worship eyes were on his opponents, he was filled with anger.

More and more serious, Qin Feng said he would win the game in front of him.

However, spiritual cultivation would not give him serious time. Only a violent and noisy noise was heard. They broke through the window directly against the bullets of the guards.

"I didn\'t expect to be found!" spiritual cultivation clenched his teeth and saw Qin Feng sitting at the table. His eyes lit up at the moment.

"Lord Qin!" he said loudly, "I\'m the messenger of spiritual cultivation in the north. We think you may be hijacked by the lawless elements of the desire alliance. We came to support you."

Wanting to ignore the spiritual cultivation, Qin Feng closed his eyes impatiently, turned his eyes sideways and said in a cold voice, "the lawless elements you said are right in front of me."

Spiritual cultivation was stunned. The next second, he directly picked up his gun and aimed it at Mo Wen. He looked indignant, "Lord Qin, you can rest assured that we people in the north can save you soon!"

Qin Feng and Wen Suining who came later were speechless. Which eye of this guy saw that they needed to be rescued?

"Kill, kill." he took out a white son and put it on the chessboard. Qin Feng waved his hand impatiently while remembering the numbers in his heart. "It\'s so stupid that you can\'t feed Annie."

It was found that the atmosphere in the room was not as tense as he thought. The spiritual Adam\'s apple rolled twice, and a few drops of cold sweat gathered together and dropped on the ground along his forehead.

Breathing gradually became heavy. Lingxiu raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at Qin Feng\'s head.

"Lord Qin, we are from the north. Do you want to be the enemy of our north?"

Listening to Lingxiu\'s questions, Yu Lan, who had been leaning against Mo Wen\'s arms without showing his face, suddenly gave a sneer.

Mo Wen\'s face changed as soon as his name was published in the spiritual cultivation newspaper. He will not forget that one of the people who hurt Yu Lan was called spiritual cultivation.

"What about the people in the north?" Mo Wen smiled gently along Yu\'s blue hair. "You have no possibility to go out alive since you entered this room."

At this time, the ink looks very soft, and even the smile makes people feel gentle.

Spiritual cultivation felt that the blood of the whole body began to flow back at the moment when Mo Wen opened his mouth, his breathing gradually became heavy, and his legs began to soften uncontrollably.

"Who are you!" he shouted, holding the gun in his hand and staring at him.

"He is the leader of the desire alliance you said." he thought he might win this game. Qin Feng was in a good mood at the moment. "It seems that I might win this game."

"It\'s not the end yet." Mo Wen smiled at him obliquely, and the sunspot in his hand seemed to fall on the chessboard at will.

Qin Feng frowned again, clenched his teeth and began to meditate.

"You two..." seeing the atmosphere between Mo Wen and Qin Feng, he didn\'t want to be as nervous as he imagined. After a short shock, spiritual cultivation immediately said, "Qin Feng, you cooperate with Yumeng. Are you crazy!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and didn\'t bother to talk to him.

"What can\'t we give you in the north? It\'s worth you to cooperate with such a force that doesn\'t stand on the table!" spiritual cultivation said more and more excessively, and the trigger in his hand was directly pulled against Qin Feng.

Now this situation is extremely unfavorable to them. He must find an opportunity to hold the leader of the desire alliance or Qin Feng.

At the moment he pulled the trigger, Wenning\'s look changed. He directly rushed over and crushed Qin Feng to the ground. During this period, he directly bumped the chessboard out.

Poor Qin Feng was still holding a white boy who was just ready to go down, so he watched his winning chessboard fly away.

Mo Wen also subconsciously protected Yu Lan, and then stared coldly at spiritual cultivation.

Under the eyes of Mo Wen, spiritual cultivation only felt that his consciousness was stiff. The next second, he found that many bright red blood stains were splashed on his face and body.

Turning around, all the powers he followed turned into blood clots, leaving him standing alone, like a lamb ready to accept sanctions.

"Can\'t be on the table?" Mo Wen humed and smiled, "grow your brain and talk again."

The spiritual cultivation got a soft leg and knelt down directly in the pool of blood.

Those powers who died just now are all elites in the north. How can you imagine that they have all turned into meat at the sight of ink?

Where is human power... Has the leader of desire alliance been so strong?

"Spiritual cultivation." looking at the spiritual cultivation that was close to collapse, Yu Lan sighed and finally leaned out his head, "haven\'t seen you for a long time."