Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 535

Who wants to just take a step to see Qin Feng running face to face, with a broken heart on his face.

"Qin Feng." stopped in front of Qin Feng, the eyes of ink had been completely cold, "where\'s blue?"

Qin Feng\'s mind at this time is all about what he was rejected by Yu Lan. He looked up and looked at Mo Wen seriously.

This guy, in the end, where can he be compared with him? Obviously, he is more beautiful and gentle. Qin Feng thought of narcissism.

I don\'t know what Qin Feng is thinking. Mo Wen sees him staring at himself, with a dull face like an idiot.

"Speak." staring down at Qin Feng, Mo Wen narrowed his eyes displeased.

Mo Wen was a head taller than Qin Feng. At the moment, he looked quite stressed.

Wen cuining, who came back with Qu Yaoyao, couldn\'t help but "click" when he saw this scene. He hurried forward and explained, "Mr. Mo, Qin Feng didn\'t do anything to miss LAN this time. Please don\'t bother us again."

After he caught up with Qin Feng, he saw that he looked wrong. Unfortunately, he couldn\'t ask a word for a long time. It was not until Qu Yaoyao suddenly came to ask him about ink that he temporarily put Qin Feng\'s abnormality aside.

As he had never seen Qu Yaoyao before, he doubted and asked two more questions.

What do you think? Qin Feng ran away in the time of asking more questions, and now he has provoked ink?!

"Where\'s LAN LAN?" seeing Qin Feng\'s decadent face, Mo Wen threw him away and asked Wenning in a deep voice.

"She went over there." Wen Suining felt his heart was half cold and quickly pointed to the direction in which Yu Lan ran away.

Thanks to him, he thought that Mo Wen\'s temper was better than before. Now it seems that there is nothing at all!

"Boss." when he finally saw Mo Wen, Qu Yaoyao hurried forward and said, "I heard you were coming, so I hurried to find you."

"What\'s the matter?" Mo Wen was impatient. He looked at the direction Wen Ning pointed, and didn\'t see Yu Lan\'s figure.

"That\'s right." Qu Yaoyao said directly without hiding, "I don\'t know if Zhang Xin is still useful here. I want to apply for no longer protecting him."

"It\'s up to you." Mo Wen ran out at the speed of light around Qu Yaoyao. He was not in the mood to care about these trifles.


Seeing Mo Wen running directly to the market, Yu Lan strangely poked his head and whispered, "where are you going in such a hurry?"

I didn\'t expect to hear Yu Lan\'s voice suddenly. Mo Wen gave a meal at his feet and rushed over and hugged her the next second.

"Where have you been? Why don\'t you tell me?"

With obvious anxiety in his words, he faintly felt a little hostility.

"Don\'t worry about me." Yu Lan reached out and grabbed Mo Wen\'s neck. Her watery eyes bent happily, showing her excellent mood. "Don\'t you think I\'m good now?"

Mo Wen just hugged her and felt that Yu Lan\'s slender body was indeed in his arms. Then he slowly opened his eyes and hid all his anger in the bottom of his eyes.

"Ah Wen, I met my brother Yu Tian today." Yu Lan raised his eyes and said with a smile. He wanted to share his happiness with Mo Wen. "I\'m very happy. I\'m really happy."

Yu Tian

He also had an impression of the sky. Ink\'s eyes stayed on his blue smiling face, which was a little dark.

"What about him?" Mo Wen asked with a smile.

"He\'s going to the south," said Yu Lan, holding the false smiling face of Mo Wen. "Why, why are you angry again? You can\'t even eat my brother\'s vinegar in a big vinegar jar."

Knowing that his fake smile could not hide from Yu Lan, Mo Wen\'s face was a little stiff. It took a while to helplessly hold Yu Lan\'s hand.

"Why don\'t you let him go with us?" holding Yu Lan\'s hand, Mo Wen asked softly, as if his mood had not been out of control just now.

"He said he still had power in the south," Yu Lan whispered. "If we go to the south, he can also help us."

"Can you believe it?" Mo Wen\'s side eyes felt very uncomfortable that Yu Lan had to rely on other men.

"I feel trustworthy." Yu Lan smiled. "Arvin, let me believe him once. He is my only brother."

Looking at Yu Lan\'s heartfelt smile, the smile on Mo Wen\'s mouth faded, and the fundus of his eyes returned to the coldness before.



The people of the false desire alliance have basically been defeated by Xu Jielin\'s people, and the remaining people who are still alive hide in a dark corner like dying bedbugs.

"Yuzhi, Yuzhi..." ye Wuchen\'s body was covered with blood stains, but most of them were not his. He patted Huo Yuzhi\'s face and whispered her name, "wake up and drink some water?"

Huo Yuzhi\'s face had lost a little blood color, her pale lips trembled, and her turbid eyes opened slowly.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn\'t say anything.

Huo Yuzhi\'s abdomen was penetrated by a steel bar and fluctuated up and down with her breathing.

"Pain." she finally gave a sound, and the hot tears fell uncontrollably.

"Drink some water?" ye Wuchen said with sad eyes.

Huo Yuzhi shook his head. His dirty little hand pitifully pulled ye Wuchen\'s sleeve, "it hurts."

Ye Wuchen has no words.

"I\'ve contacted the people of desire League." he carefully and gently picked up the hair stuck to Huo Yuzhi\'s forehead and carefully stroked it to her ear. "They\'ll come soon."

Ye Wuchen contacts the people of true desire alliance. Now the false desire alliance is useless. It\'s time to end all this.

"Will they save us?" Huo Yuzhi asked hard, and there was a bright color in the turbid fundus of his eyes.

"Yes." ye Wuchen nodded. He looked at Huo Yuzhi\'s ruddy face and couldn\'t bear to say anything to deceive her. "I\'ve always been one of them."

"That\'s good." Huo Yuzhi closed his eyes and murmured, "the God of desire alliance will give us delicious food."

"What do you want to eat?" half kneeling in front of Huo Yuzhi, ye Wuchen bit his lips and asked, "Yuzhi? Yuzhi, listen, don\'t sleep."

"Ice cream." Huo Yuzhi didn\'t open his eyes, but whispered in a soft voice, with a peaceful smile on his dirty little face.

"Don\'t sleep, there will be ice cream." ye Wuchen coaxed in a low voice. He carefully followed Huo Yuzhi\'s hair and patted her face to wake her up.

Huo Yuzhi closed his eyes and breathed more and more shallow.

"Jade Branch..."

"Yuzhi, don\'t sleep."

"Huo Yuzhi!" felt Huo Yuzhi\'s body becoming stiff gradually, and ye Wuchen roared out of control.