Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 532

"In fact, xiuhuang, I\'ve always been curious about you." thinking of the words that Gong Gaoge bastard whispered in his ears all day, Yang Tianzong took a deep breath and summoned up his courage, "I heard you always hate children. Why?"

People who want to join the alliance generally don\'t kill each other, so Yang Tianzong dared to ask this question.

Xiuqi glanced at him, his face was a little gloomy, but he was not angry.

"A child without self-protection ability must not be able to live past the age of ten." when Yang Tianzong felt that Xiuqi would not answer and wanted to leave, Xiuqi said faintly.

This is what he thought before.

"That\'s not true." sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, he immediately said, "don\'t you think I\'m ten years old this year, and I\'m still alive?"

Sheng GE\'s righteous words corrected Xiuqi\'s wrong view, and stared at Yang Tianzong at the same time.

Xiuqi just looked at the Sheng song gently, leaned against the chair and closed his eyes tired.

Seeing Xiuqi was sleepy and lazy, Yang Tianzong shut his mouth rationally, although there were still many problems that Gong Gaoge always talked about in his ear.

Qin Feng here soon caught up with Yu Lan. He grabbed Yu Lan\'s arm. His pale skin could not see a little blood color in the sun.

Yu Lan hid deeply in his cloak, and his milky eyes looked at him suspiciously.

"What\'s up?" she asked, drawing back her hand.

"I, I like you very much." Qin Feng raised his eyes and looked quite wronged, "but I can\'t beat Mo Wen and can\'t grab you."

Looking at Qin Feng\'s appearance that he was about to cry, Yu Lan just felt that he was almost like a child.

"You are the master of the handover city. You can\'t cry if you can\'t fight." he held back his smile and pinched Qin Feng\'s face. Yu Lan said with a smile, "not to mention that even if you can beat ah Wen, I won\'t leave him."

"Why?" Qin Feng said sadly, "I can also be good to you. I will give you my biggest house and give you the best living environment. It will never be worse than that of Mo Wen."

"Are you keeping a pet?" he looked at Wen cuining who came after Qin Feng. Yu Lan sighed and took back his hand. "Qin Feng, I can only say that in ah Wen\'s eyes, I will never be a pet. You and ah Wen are really different people."

After that, she ignored Qin Feng\'s stupefied appearance, turned and continued to walk forward, and her face hidden under her cloak couldn\'t help sniffing.

What do you do? She seems to have lost ink.

Qin Feng stood and watched Yu Lan go away. Even Wen Suining shouted in his ear. He didn\'t look back.

"But you are different from other zombies in my eyes," he whispered, sounding very wronged.


After walking aimlessly for several minutes, Yu Lan found a serious problem - she seemed to have come to the market.

Looking at the cold market in front of her, she hesitated for a moment and turned to return the same way.

Because the white envoy base surrounded the handover city with different plants, the whole handover city was terrified, and even the most prosperous market was not as lively as before. But even so, there are more people in the market. They quietly choose food and bargain with vendors. No one is willing to break the strange atmosphere.

It\'s very noon now. Although Yu Lan is hiding in her cloak, it\'s easy to find her abnormality if she\'s not careful.

Just as she turned around, a voice of quarrel suddenly came from the upstairs next to her, which mercilessly cut through the quiet environment and made everyone who heard the sound look up.

The next second, the sound of a broken window came, and a figure fell from the window with countless glass slag. Fortunately, he turned over in time without blood splashing on the spot.

Yu Lan thought the landing man looked familiar. He looked at Ye Xiao.

"You bastard!" yelled at the man in the window.

"It\'s your brain that\'s not right." Yu Tian poked his head out of the broken window and smiled at Ye Xiao, "you want to run away against the orders of the north and south?"

"I didn\'t!" seeing that Tian was so unabashed to say what he had said before, ye Xiao\'s face changed. He looked around and was relieved to see that there were no people in the north.

Seeing what he had to say when he opened his mouth, ye Xiao was surprised and subconsciously opened his mouth, "you can treat me as if I hadn\'t been here today. You can also treat what I said to you as Farting!"

"I can\'t wait." Yu Tian smiled wildly.

Looking at such Yu Tian, ye Xiao bit a good tooth incomprehensibly.

Before, Yu Tianxian revealed to him that he wanted to escape. He didn\'t make up his mind at that time. Now he has made up his mind. How dare Yu Tian treat him like this?

In his heart, ye Xiao turned around and angrily pushed away the two people on his side, and strode out of the crowd.

Yu Tianze leaned foolishly against the window and stared back arrogantly when he saw several people looking at him, "what are you looking at? Believe it or not, I\'ll dig out your eyes!"

Those people quickly looked away, continued to lower their heads and continued to do what they were doing before. They didn\'t dare to cause trouble at all.

Yu Tian smiled with satisfaction. He noticed that there was still a line of sight on his body. He frowned and looked straight into a pair of gray eyes.

When his heart stagnated, he opened his mouth slightly and looked at Yu Lan standing downstairs.

Those eyes... It seems that zombies can have them?

As Yu Lan\'s face was hidden under his cloak, Yu Tian only noticed Yu Lan\'s unique eyes as a zombie.

Naturally, he noticed Yu Tian\'s eyes. Yu Lan lowered his eyes and was silent for a few seconds. Suddenly, he raised his feet and walked to the building.

Yu Tian was stunned when he saw Yu Lan enter his building. He jumped down from the windowsill. As soon as he stood firm on the ground, he heard the sound of the door being knocked.

Jiang Quan in the room immediately alerted. Yu Tian raised his hand and motioned him to be calm, while he strode to the door.

Jiang Quan restrained his breath and hid in a corner of the room.

Yu Tianwei stood at the door with his eyes narrowed. A second later, he opened the door and greeted Yu Lan with a smile, "hello."

Looking at Yu Tian, who was almost the same as before the end of the world, Yu Lan secretly breathed out.

Obviously, she has not been in contact for a long time, but when she stood in front of the sky, she had a strange sense of familiarity.