Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 522

Drunk night was too lazy to pay attention to the Ark\'s reaction. He strode ahead and touched the dagger pinned to his body.

"That\'s right." suddenly thought of something, the ark quickly followed behind the drunk night, "Zhang Xin went back to the white envoy base to find the boss, and I asked Gong Gaoge to send him back. Now although Qu Yaoyao doesn\'t protect Zhang Xin, the boss\'s order to protect Zhang Xin is still there, and I can\'t ignore him."

"You\'ll see what you do." he soon walked out into the street and snorted, "Zhang Xin doesn\'t know good or bad. You\'re good to him. He doesn\'t necessarily remember your feelings."

After saying that, he ignored the expression of the ark and disappeared where he was. He should have gone to the gathering place of mobile merchants.

The busiest place in the handover city these days should be the gathering place of mobile businessmen. There are quarrels, fights, house demolition and so on.

Looking at the address given on the data, I lit the floor and soon found the location given on the data.

He found a place with better vision. After lying down, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the closed window opposite.

The square guy is right there

He gently clasped the guardrail on his side and looked around drunk all night. After confirming that there was no one to monitor, he ran into the opposite building along the shadow.

Taking out his dagger, he pursed his lips and could almost hear his heart beating clearly.

Is it too quiet here?

The noisy environment outside is in sharp contrast to the extreme silence in the corridor, which inexplicably gives people a feeling of being separated from the world.

A sensitive nerve in my heart suddenly felt something wrong. When I was drunk all night, I took back the dagger, buckled the guardrail on my side, turned over and jumped downstairs.

At this time, there was a sudden change. Countless muzzles stretched out from all directions of the wall. Dense bullets instantly penetrated the drunk body. I saw several blood flowers rising in a parabola shape and falling on the next gray white wall.

There were countless holes in his body and limbs. He fell to the ground in embarrassment. He could almost see the blood gushing out of his body.

What a carelessness! Unexpectedly, there are so many people in the white envoy base.

"Huang Jun, well done." while the box landed, there was a wild laughter in the corridor. The box strode towards the drunken night, holding a pistol that can shoot the head.

Huang Junwei hung his head and followed behind the box, looking cautious.

Huang Jun\'s power is to make the objects he has touched transparent, that is, what he wants to be transparent, just touch it.

It is this power that makes drunk night become a live target of countless muzzle. Under the cover of opaque walls, he can\'t even find the direction of the enemy.

Noticing that the diamond was determined to win, he sneered at the drunk night, endured the pain and blood all over, stood up, grabbed a guard without any protection, grabbed his gun and hid in an iron door next to him.

Closing the door behind him, he secretly estimated the time of their arrival in the ark.

The guard who was choked by him was completely struggling at this time, and his face was pale.

Unfortunately, all the walls were useless like waste paper in front of Huang Jun. he stretched out his hand and gently covered the wall. While making the whole wall transparent, he strode and square into the room.

"Your power is rare." looking at the box and Huang Jun who entered through the wall, he couldn\'t help picking his eyebrows and laughing.

At this time, most of the wounds on his body have recovered. Except for the wounds where several bullets still stay in his body, he now looks no more embarrassed.

"It\'s as rare as your power." he paid close attention to the wound on the drunk night. The square light flashed, and a cold light flashed in his blue eyes, "are you a healing power?"

He had killed a healing power before, so he immediately remembered the past when he looked at the situation of drunk night.

Drunk night smiled. His bloody face made him smile with the feeling of sunshine.

"What are you laughing at?" Huang Jun asked coldly, feeling that his drunken smile was strange. Huang Jun stuffed a compressed biscuit into his mouth.

Drunken night also greatly used his power at this time, but his hands are now used on the guard in front of the hostage. He has no extra hands to take out the compressed biscuits in his pocket.

Naturally, they would not give drunk Wuye the opportunity. He looked at Huang Jun on his side and suddenly took out his gun and aimed it at drunk Wuye\'s head.

The guard who was kidnapped by drunk night only felt his face green. His legs were uncontrollably soft. He opened his mouth to beg for mercy, but he couldn\'t make a sound.

Receiving the guard\'s praying eyes, the square sneered and looked at the guard directly.

Drunk without night, he didn\'t expect the guard to protect himself. He pushed away the guard in front of him and rushed over when the square subconsciously raised his hand to resist.

The dagger in his hand flipped sensitively and shook it fiercely. At the same time, the square felt cold on his face. When he raised his hand and touched it, he directly touched the blood of one hand.

Drunk without night, he cut half of his nose directly and scratched a blood mark on his face from the middle.

The sharp pain made square\'s eyes a little red. He stared at his drunk hand coldly, and could almost see the cold light passing along his eyelids.

When he saw that the box avoided his fatal blow, his action simply stopped in mid air. Then he quickly changed direction before the box reacted, and the tip of the dagger pounded straight down the main artery of the box.

The pain on the body slows down the speed of drunkenness without night, but even such a close square still can\'t avoid the fatal blow of drunkenness without night.

His heart suddenly mentioned his throat, raised his hand and subconsciously pulled over Huang Jun on his side to stop the attack.

Huang Jun didn\'t even have time to use his powers, so he was directly pierced through his temples by a drunk night dagger. He opened his mouth and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

At the same time, the square quickly took out the dagger and fired a shot at drunk night.

This shot only hit half of drunk night\'s shoulder, but under the action of inertia, drunk night still took a half step backward. Without shoulders, his right hand was connected with his body, as if it would fall down at any time.

Even in this case, there is still a smile around the corner of the mouth drunk all night. The smile is warm and warm, like the winter sun. It seems warm but still makes people feel cold.