Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 511

Looking down at his left hand, Wang Liang couldn\'t help sneering, "what you observed is careful."

Qu Yaoyao stood up.

"Wang Liang, how could you be a member of the white envoy base?!" looking at Wang Liang with a ferocious face, Zhang Xin felt as if he had been struck by thunder.

"Well, everyone has his own ambition." Wang Liang tried to take two steps to Zhang Xin, but he couldn\'t get over Qu Yao anyway.

"Do you want to protect him like this?" seeing that Qu Yaoyao didn\'t mean to give in anyway, Wang Liang looked at Zhang Xin behind her and said, "I don\'t think Zhang Xin will appreciate you?"

Zhang Xin\'s face was a little ugly, but he didn\'t make a sound.

Qu Yaoyao thought that Wang Liang had a problem before. He refuted it righteously, but the reality gave him a hard slap in the face.

"No matter whether Zhang Xin feels grateful to me or not, I will protect him." looking at Zhang Xin with a complex complexion, Qu Yaoyao looked happy and said, "I\'d like to."

"It seems that Zhang Xin has found a good partner." Wang Liang couldn\'t help laughing. His face suddenly became ferocious. He took out his gun and pointed it directly at Qu Yaoyao\'s head. "Then go to hell?"

The skin on her forehead keenly felt the cold of the muzzle of the gun. Qu Yaoyao slightly lowered her eyelids, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly. With her white and smooth skin, she looked weak.

Zhang Xin trembled in his heart, raised his hand and took Qu Yaoyao\'s arm, ignoring her obstruction and walked forward.

"Wang Liang, you have the guts to come to me." looking at the man who has been good friends with himself for three years, Zhang Xin squeezed his fists vertically on both sides of his body, "just as we have never been good friends."

"Don\'t say that." Wang Liang moved the muzzle of his gun. "I just want you to be a hostage. It\'s not dangerous, but your girlfriend is too fierce. I have to protect myself."

With that, he pushed Zhang Xin away and pulled the trigger directly. The bullet mercilessly passed through Qu Yaoyao\'s shoulder and made a hole in her slender shoulder.

Qu Yaoyao groaned stiffly, covered his shoulder and half knelt on the ground. Her hair covered her face tightly.

"Wow, poor guy." seeing this, Wang Liang shouted excitedly and laughed with a group of people behind him, "it\'s obviously a woman. Why do you want to protect men beyond your power? Stupid."

"Yao Yao!" seeing that Qu Yao was hit, Zhang Xin\'s eyes turned red. His heart seemed to be blocked and he couldn\'t breathe.

He jumped at Wang Liang with red eyes, and Zhang Xin punched Wang Liang in the face with all his strength.

Wang Liang was beaten back two steps. His face became more and more ferocious. He raised his hand and fired two shots at Zhang Xin.

Because he didn\'t stand firm, the bullet fired by Wang Liang just wiped Zhang Xin\'s face.

The next second, the people behind Wang Liang rushed to Zhang Xin and knocked him down on the ground.

"Let go of me!" Zhang Xin struggled desperately. Unfortunately, at this time, he was not paid attention to by Wang Liang and them. Everyone ignored his roar.

"Zhang Xin, you\'re too weak." squatting in front of Zhang Xin, Wang Liang said with a ferocious smile, "you know, you\'re just a space power. You\'re nothing without the protection of your girlfriend."

Zhang Xin was stunned. He twisted his neck desperately to see how Qu Yaoyao was. However, no matter how hard he tried, his head was pressed by Wang Liang\'s men, and he couldn\'t side it at all.

"Wow, it\'s really moving." Wang Liang smiled badly when he noticed Zhang Xin\'s abnormality. "Every time I see you have a woman, do you know how unfair I feel in my heart? What qualifications do you have to have such a beautiful sister."

Zhang Xin stared at Wang Liang, his Adam\'s apple rolling, and the whole person trembled with anger.

Wang Liangke was not in the mood to ignore Zhang Xin\'s anger. He smiled badly, pressed Qu Yaoyao\'s injured shoulder and pressed her in front of Zhang Xin.

"Zhang Xin, would you hate me if I did this girl in front of you?" his hand was heavily buckled on Qu Yaoyao\'s injured shoulder. Wang Liang\'s voice was sharp and ugly. He laughed "ha ha" and grabbed Zhang Xin\'s hair to raise his head.

Zhang Xin\'s eyes were red. From his perspective, he could clearly see that Qu Yaoyao\'s wound was constantly stretched out with blood beads. While ticking down, he quickly dyed the ground red.

Wang Liang didn\'t talk at this time. He smiled grimly, raised his hand and directly began to pick Qu Yao\'s clothes.

Zhang Xin roared in pain, but he was unable to break free from Wang Liang\'s shackles.

"Look, Zhang Xin." just when people thought Qu Yaoyao would silently bear the insult of Wang Liang, Qu Yaoyao suddenly raised his eyes and said to Zhang Xin with a bright smile, "your good friend is the same kind of person as me!"

Everyone was stunned by Qu Yaoyao\'s voice, especially Zhang Xin. At this time, he only felt that his heart was full of complex emotions, such as regret, which made him unable to make a voice.

"But why can you make friends with him, but you are always prejudiced against me?" looking at Zhang Xin\'s face, Qu Yaoyao\'s voice lowered a little, but it still clearly passed into Zhang Xin\'s ears. "The person who has been protecting you, but I am."

"What are you talking nonsense about!" when Qu Yaoyao was crazy, Wang Liang took the gun and aimed it at Qu Yaoyao\'s temple.

However, Qu Yaoyao, who always seemed to hate weakness, suddenly turned his back, grabbed Wang Liang\'s head and threw him out directly.

"Garbage." she stood up with a smile, put her Fingerless finger directly into her shoulder, and took out a bullet without changing her face.

"It\'s terrible that something has been stuck in the meat." she smiled and squeezed the bullet in her hand. The next second, she suddenly flashed behind the people who pressed Zhang Xin and directly pressed a bullet in her hand into the head of the person closest to her.

He kicked over a man sitting on Zhang Xin. Qu Yaoyao pulled Zhang Xin up, turned around and threw him on the chair behind him.

"It\'s the same as before. Just look at it."

As soon as the voice fell, she jumped out like a bullet to avoid Wang Liang. Their bullets rushed in front of Wang Liang, took out the dagger on the side of her leg and stabbed Wang Liang.

"Too despise people!" Wang Liang said coldly. Shuangfei was going to catch Qu Yao.

However, Qu Yaoyao disappeared in his vision in an instant, and there seemed to be no smell of her in the air.