Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 348

Some people are even more lunatic. They take off the clothes of the dead directly, wash them hastily and sell them.

The clothes sold by the vendor in front of us are of good quality. They look pre apocalyptic and well preserved.

"Hey, girl, your brother is so handsome. He must look good in my clothes." the vendor\'s boss said quickly when he saw someone buying it, "our clothes are all pre apocalyptic inventory, and the material is good!"

"It\'s amazing that you can keep the clothes before the end of the world so completely until now!" Sheng Ge looked surprised. "I thought they were produced in the handover city."

The boss shook his head, "girl, if you want to buy clothes produced in the handover city or the south, you have to go to the mobile merchants. I can\'t afford those expensive clothes they sell."

The quantity of clothes produced in the end of the world is very small, but the quality is very high. The clothes produced at this time are completely made according to the current environment, which is very suitable for the field activities of powers.

At present, there are only two places in China where clothes can be produced: the handover city and the south.

Because there is no fixed place to produce clothes in the north, they can only rely on the help of the handover City, which makes them have to lower the handover city by half.

"So." Shengge asked with a smile, "uncle, can I ask where your clothes came from?"

Perhaps he was deceived by Shengge\'s harmless smile. The boss selling clothes didn\'t mention any vigilance. He just waved his hand and lowered his voice and said to her, "girl, don\'t ask if you shouldn\'t ask, whether to buy my clothes or not."

"I\'ll buy it if you tell me." Shengge looked at the boss innocuously and said coquettishly, "boss, please satisfy my curiosity and tell me. I\'ve always wanted to wear nice new clothes every day as before the end of the world... I promise not to tell others. Can I buy things from you in the future?"

"No, No." the boss made up his mind and didn\'t want to tell Shengge where the goods came from. He waved his hand to drive people away.

"Well, I\'d better go to someone else\'s place to buy it." Sheng Ge stood up and said, "I don\'t believe you are the only place in the whole sales area to sell good-looking clothes!"

As she spoke, she pulled up her neat sleeves and took him away.

"Hey, hey, little girl, can\'t I tell you yet?" the merchant didn\'t expect Sheng Ge to leave, so he quickly shouted to her, "but I told you you have to buy my things."

"OK." Shengge smiled back and over his head, smiling like a little fox.

The boss couldn\'t help staring at Sheng Ge. He just felt that the little girl was putting a condom on him.

After Shengge came, the boss waved her to her and whispered in her ear, "all my goods come from Yumeng!"

Desire alliance?!

Sheng Ge was stunned. He couldn\'t help looking at Xiuqi. His eyes were very hidden and didn\'t be found by Xiuqi.

The merchant spoke in a low voice, but Xiuqi could still hear it clearly.

He stared sideways at the merchant, with a slight chill in his eyes.

Xiuqi had been in a trance before, and the merchant didn\'t notice him. At this moment, he suddenly saw that the merchant felt his hair pricked up all over his body.

This man feels so dangerous!

"Is that the desire League being searched in the north?" Sheng Ge whispered.

"It\'s not the desire alliance. What else can it be?" under Xiuqi\'s dangerous eyes, the merchant seemed to break a string in his head, and he subconsciously connected with Sheng GE\'s words.

"Oh, it\'s the desire alliance." Sheng Ge smiled.

She knows this false desire League. It seems that she has been severely suppressed by the North these days.

The name of the false desire alliance of the last world was also rampant in the north for a while, but it didn\'t take long for it to be rampant. Later, there was no news of them.

The merchant regained consciousness. He repressed the beating heart in his chest and quickly stared and sang, "don\'t say it! Otherwise, let the zombie bite you to death."

This is to coax children... Sheng Ge secretly turned his eyes, and said calmly, "I know."

He was kind enough to buy some of the merchant\'s clothes. After giving Xiuqi all the Sheng songs, he took him into the crowd, and then walked around the merchant in a small circle.

Sure enough, the merchant had begun to pack his things.

"It seems that brother Xiuqi scared him." Sheng Ge teased Xiuqi with his side eyes.

Xiuqi ignored her. He just stared at the merchant who was still packing up and frowned.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Eh?" unexpectedly, Xiuqi suddenly asked her such an incomparable word. Sheng Ge was stunned for two seconds before he said, "it\'s almost half a month."

"It will take more than a month... This false desire alliance still has spare power to jump out." xiuqisen said coldly, with a dangerous breath in his tone. "Is the North too useless?"

Sheng Ge doesn\'t know that drunk Wuye planted Ye Shu\'s death to the false desire alliance. He only knows that the people of the false desire alliance offended the north and were severely suppressed.

"In fact, the false desire League has disappeared during this period of time. I didn\'t expect them to jump out again by taking advantage of the outbreak of corpse tide these days."

Listening to Sheng GE\'s words, Xiuqi\'s eyebrows tightened more and more, and his eyes were stained with killing intention, "how do you know they are false desire alliance?"

"..." unexpectedly, Xiuqi grabbed the handle of the conversation, and Sheng Ge coughed and said slowly, "what you just said."

"..." Xiuqi narrowed his eyes.

Sheng Ge knew that it was nothing for her to say something about Xiuqi before, but if she said something about desire Alliance... Xiuqi would screw off her head without saying anything.

Just when Sheng Ge wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, the businessman had packed up his things and hurried to leave. Xiuqi and she naturally stopped the topic and followed behind.

The businessman turned left and right away from the trading area, and then got into a weapons shop.

Xiuqi and Shengge didn\'t follow in. They just hid opposite the weapon shop and could see the situation in the shop while hiding their body shape.

However, the merchant didn\'t stay in there for long, and soon came out with a boy with a broom.

"Ye Wuchen?" Xiuqi stared at the boy and was surprised.

"Who is ye Wuchen?" Shengge asked strangely, having never heard of the name in any life.

"You don\'t need to know." Xiuqi said faintly, and turned his head to stare at Sheng Ge coldly.

After listening to this, Sheng Ge guessed that ye Wuchen should be a person who wants to alliance, but it\'s strange that he hasn\'t heard of such a person in the last life.