Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 172

"That\'s good, but I can also provide information about Yu Ruoshui\'s personnel." knowing that Mo Wen was lying, he still stubbornly followed Qin Feng, who came in, snorted, and then took out his contact to contact Wen Ning.

Wen cuining, who had long found him missing, almost didn\'t spit fire after receiving his contact, but before he opened his mouth, Qin Feng reported his position. He was so surprised that he couldn\'t care about anything. He had to come first and say something else.

He didn\'t feel guilty about bullying Qin Feng by bullying his hair. He felt tired of standing. He specially found a bench and sat down. Leisurely, he completely regarded him as their man in ink.

During this period, Mo Wen was abnormal and didn\'t do anything to him. He just hung his eyes and fed Yu Lan to eat the crystal core. There was a strange color in his deep eyes.

"Boss, do you want to receive the boy from us?" I felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little quiet. I couldn\'t sit still at once. I twisted my waist and stood up, "after all, I used my powers to save him. If he didn\'t join us, my powers would not be wasted?"

"What do you think we can get into the alliance?" he said unhappily as soon as he heard this. "That guy is just an ordinary person. What can he do even if he joins us."

"That\'s true." he hugged his head and was drunk all night. He suddenly felt that he had done something that wasted his powers. He regretted that he couldn\'t. "my powers are so precious that they have been used by him... No, I have to enslave him for the rest of my life to pay off his debts."

Seeing that the stingy has become a fine drunk without night, everyone adopts a disregard attitude.

Qin Feng only thought about how to look at Yu Lan\'s eyes at this time. He couldn\'t control these civilians struggling on the line of life and death in his city.

"Let him come up." Mo Wen suddenly opened his mouth when he touched Yu\'s blue hair.

Several people in the room were stunned when they heard the speech. Xu Qi was the first to react. He stood up and went to the corridor to call the boy up.

It\'s really a pity that the boy didn\'t leave like this. This kind of stubbornness is not what ordinary people can have.

After witnessing what happened just now, Yang Zeng didn\'t want to blow him away. Now he sat on the ground with his waist in his hand, watching the miserable destruction around him, and his mouth was bitter.

These have to be cleaned up by him

When the boy came up, the crowd began to look at him carefully.

Because under the treatment of the drunken night power, there were not many scars on the boy at this time, and even the frostbite was cured and disappeared.

At this time, except for a slight redness on his face, there was basically no sign of frost crack.

But what surprised everyone was his clothes. On such a cold day, he only wore two thin and ragged vests on his upper body and only one thin trousers on his lower body.

This kind of dress wanders in such a cold day... The point is that it hasn\'t frozen to death?

The boy was looked at by so many people and felt that he was not there. He touched his good hand and became more and more restrained.

His hands have been red and swollen with cold these two days. Now he\'s suddenly better. He still doesn\'t adapt to it.

Noticing the boy\'s restraint, Xu Qi touched his chin, turned to drunk night and asked, "how many injuries did he suffer before?"

"Before that..." drunk Wuye pulled up his finger and began to count, "his whole body was frostbitten, the most serious was his feet, and his toes were almost frozen, but his limbs were all right, and there was no necrosis."

After a pause, his eyes scanned the boy\'s eyes like radar before continuing, "but he just added some wounds after being hit hard, which almost killed him. Only these wounds left after being hit have nothing to do with frostbite."

"It\'s amazing." Xu Qi asked the boy with a slight smile, "aren\'t you afraid of cold? The temperature these days is that we powers feel cold. It\'s really amazing that you, an ordinary person, haven\'t been frozen to death."

"My body has been particularly cold resistant since I was a child..." the stubborn boy seemed a little shy at this time. He raised his eyes slightly to Xu Qi, and his voice was neither big nor small. "After the end of the world, this characteristic became more obvious. I survived in this way in the first two winters."

Looking at the boy\'s eyes, Xu looked like he believed his words.

"Oh, that\'s great." people don\'t sigh when they are drunk all night. "You don\'t know how much I hate winter. It\'s cold to death if I wear more clothes."

"We\'re the most hypocritical." Xiuqi hummed softly.

The room suddenly fell into a strange silence. The boy was standing in the middle of everyone\'s vision and could hardly stand.

Gritting his teeth, he insisted on not letting himself fall down. He lowered his eyelids and told himself again and again that it was okay. This was his desperate struggle for a chance in time and could not be wasted.

"By the way, why didn\'t you tell them before." maybe Qin Feng, who still had some conscience, thought the boy was too poor. He scratched his ear and asked, "you should know they are not good people."

"I don\'t know if they are good people." the boy took a deep breath and whispered, "all I know is that I have to do is try to join you, make me stronger and have enough strength to protect me and my family."

"Well, you really want to run away." I couldn\'t help laughing at this reason, but I tried my best to maintain a friendly smile on his face, "do you know who we are?"

"Desire alliance." the unexpected boy answered.

Hearing the boy say the answer, except that Mo Wen and Yu Lan continue to do their things as if they were nothing to do with themselves, the look of Zui Wuye and others suddenly cooled down.

"How do you know?" Xiuqi asked coldly.

"I... heard what you just talked about on the second floor." the boy said frankly at this time, and didn\'t dare to hide anything. He knew that he might be killed by these people if he wasn\'t careful. "In fact, my hearing is also very sharp. As long as I concentrate, I can hear the voice within ten meters."

"Is this your power?" I have to say that the boy is really special. Even Xiuqi is rare. He asked two more questions, "what other skills do you have?"

"I only have cold resistance and special hearing." the boy shook his head and looked a little lost, "but these are special abilities I was born with. They have nothing to do with powers. I can\'t absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus."

Only the power can absorb the energy when holding the crystal core, while ordinary people can\'t feel anything when holding the crystal core.

Hearing the speech, they were just lost in thought, obviously thinking about the credibility of the boy\'s words.

The world is full of wonders. Although the boy\'s physique is special, it is not completely impossible.

"OK, I believe you." drunk night smiled brightly.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he liked to talk with drunk all night in the whole room, because it would make him feel easier.

"But we have to get back to the topic." he got up and stood in front of the boy. He was drunk all night. He bowed his head and asked, "you should know what kind of place desire alliance is. Even so, you have to join us?"