Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 381

Yin Hanchao searched around the room and found half a bucket of water, a piece of white cloth and a set of children's clothes.

He took off Qin An's clothes at this time, and then began to wipe Qin An's body with cloth and water. At the same time, he said:

"after killing many people, it's normal for me to be possessed by demons. In fact, I've been possessed by demons all my life, and I've never been separated from them!

My life is a journey of lies.

My parents raised me to five years old, and finally my father found out that I was not his own, that is to say, my mother stole someone outside.

My father beat my mother hard, and then took me away from home, took the green train for more than 3000 kilometers, left me in an unknown town, and then left, let me live and die.

At that time, I was a very observant child. After crying for a long time, occasionally someone would come forward and ask me what happened.

I know I was thrown away by my father, but I can't say that, otherwise others will think I'm not good, so I will tell them that I'm separated from my father and want to ask for help.

At that time, people's hearts were still good. Instead of wandering and starving to death, I was adopted by a couple. Their four sons were older than me, so I became the fifth in their family.

The four children always bullied me because I was a foreigner.

In order to fight against them, I can only use my brain to think of some ways to do some bad things, and then plant them on them, so that they will be punished by their adoptive father and adoptive mother, and even spanked. As a result, I will be beaten more fiercely by the four brothers afterwards.

Therefore, I found that simple deception can not solve the problem, and there must be a better way not to be retaliated.

So, once when my adoptive parents took me for a walk in the park near my home, I took advantage of their inattention and ran back home. Then I used the gasoline and matches prepared in advance to light my home, and then I ran back to the park to continue playing with the children.

That year, I was seven years old. A big fire destroyed all the adoptive parents' homes, and their four sons were all burned to death!

My original intention is to make a fire, and then frame them to play with fire, because in my eyes, playing with fire is a big crime, and I will be strongly punished by my adoptive parents. The four brothers don't know that I set the fire, because I was taken to the park by my adoptive parents. This is the way I thought of. I planted and framed them, but produced alibi evidence. To tell you the truth, it's not easy for me to think of it when I was seven years old.

But I didn't expect that the fire was burning so fiercely that I burned four of them alive! It scared me a lot, but my parents didn't blame me because they didn't know I was the one who set the fire.

Four biological children died, and the adoptive mother lost the ability to bear. I became their only child, and they gave me all the father's and mother's love.

Since then, I have learned a truth that deception is actually a good thing. It allows me to get everything I want when the conditions are not mature.

But my nature is not so bad, so I blame myself for burning the four brothers.

So I began to cheat myself that I didn't set the fire at all, because I had been walking with my adoptive father, mother and son in the park and playing with some other children.

Half a year, I successfully deceived myself, no more pressure in my heart.

Then at this time, I understand that I can deceive myself, and self deception can make my heart free from guilt.

From then on, my life as a liar began.

I pretend to be obedient in front of my parents, I pretend to be eager to learn in front of my teachers, and I pretend to be friendly and united in front of my classmates.

So in my school years, life has been good, everyone around me like me, let me get a lot of benefits.

After graduating from high school, I began to work in my father's unit, a machine shop.

There I met my ex-wife, Lin Lei.

She is really a beautiful woman, but her father is the leader of the machine repair factory, and I am just a small worker, the door is not right, the door is not right, she does not like me at all, so I began to get close to her premeditated.

They are all very old-fashioned plots. I'll find someone to pretend to rob her, and then the hero will save the beauty and get familiar with her.

Then he often gave her boxed lunch, and then went to the canteen to steal chicken legs for her.

But I found that this was not enough, because her parents had begun to arrange blind dates for her, looking for some noble children.

In order to get Lin Lei, I thought of a simple and crude way, that is to cook the raw rice.

That was in the early 1990s. People's thinking was in the period of collision between conservatism and openness.

Old people will feel disrespectful when they see actors wearing Capris and bell bottoms on TV, while young people have begun to struggle to break through the shackles of feudalism.

I got it. I cheated Lin Lei into bed, and then let her cheat her parents that she was pregnant.At that time, it was a shame to get pregnant before marriage. Lin Lei's parents had no choice but to let us get married.

After I got married, I made several small scams and won the favor of Lin Lei's parents.

Lin Lei's father began to cultivate me intentionally and wanted me to be the successor of the machine repair factory, so he began to consciously let me know more people and establish my own network.

At that time, I got to know Deng Bo, Lin Lei's current husband, who is now the vice mayor of Ruyan city. At that time, he started his own business and founded a food wholesale company.

When Lin Lei was pregnant, there was a catastrophe in her family.

Lin Lei's father was taken away by the police because of bribery, and all the property in the family was confiscated. Lin Lei and I lost our jobs, and we went from a surplus home to a poor one with no money left.

What's worse, my adoptive father was diagnosed with uremia in the hospital and needed dialysis treatment, while Lin Lei's mother was diagnosed with brain tumor and needed surgery, which made our life worse. We couldn't afford the medical expenses of our parents.

For this reason, we are really sad.

It was at that time that Lin Lei gave birth to our son, Deng Yunfeng.

We can't raise this child at all, because we don't have money!

In order to solve the urgent crisis, we began to borrow money everywhere, but it was really difficult to get it, because everyone knew that my father-in-law and Lin Lei's father were arrested for crimes, so they all wanted to stay away from us, and they didn't want to run into my family.

There is no way, I finally convinced Lin Lei, embarked on a road of no return.

My first cheating target was Deng Bo, because he was the richest person in our circle of friends at that time.

After several times of invitation, I finally invited him home, and then drank with him to borrow money. He finally agreed to lend me 5000 yuan because of his kindness.

But the 5000 yuan can't cope with the parents' medical expenses and the children's raising expenses.

So my plan continued, pretending to drink too much, let Lin Lei tempt Deng Bo, let him take a small advantage.

Lin Lei is a beautiful woman, so she successfully seduced Deng Bo, but did not sleep with him.

Men are like this, in the face of women can not get, the heart will always be turbulent.

After that, I asked Lin Lei to contact Deng Bo several times. Every time I saw him, Lin Lei would cry into a tearful person and tell us about the hardships of life.

This is the second characteristic of men, often can not stand the tears of their favorite women.

So Deng Bo was simply conquered by Lin Lei.

So I began to deliberately let them have more contact space and time, and designed a bureau to let him and Lin Lei break my affair with another woman.

After that, Lin Lei ran away from home and had nowhere to go, so she had to live in Deng Bo's house for the time being.

Deng Bo really fell in love with Lin Lei at that time. I asked Lin Lei to pretend that she would hang herself in the middle of the night. Then I woke Deng Bo up by barking a few nearby dogs outside.

Deng Bo finds out that Lin Lei is going to commit suicide and saves her. Then he angrily denounces my guilt and divorce Lin Lei from me.

Well, I was listening out of the window at that time! "

After listening to Deng Bo, Qin An's blood killing spirit gradually faded, and his attention was attracted by Yin Hanchao. He didn't expect that Yin Hanchao had such a story.

On the wall between the East and west of the city, Lin Lei and Chen Lin are far away from other people, and Lin Lei is also telling the story.

"That night, I had a relationship with Deng Bo.

My mood is very complicated, I really don't want to cheat such an honest man.

But I have to because I need money!

Although Deng Bo is very honest, the essence of a businessman makes him mean about money. If I don't become his woman, I can't get his money!

Deng Bo and I have done it several times in our bedroom. I know Yin Hanchao may be listening outside!

I thought at that time, this bad man! This big liar!

Since you took me to this road, since you can sacrifice me for money, then I will torture you well!

I call very loud, just want to let Yin Hanchao out of the window listen more clearly! Let him feel his wife, in another man's body under chenghuan, is what kind of mood.

After that, Deng Bo and I got married. I became the boss of his food wholesale company, and naturally gained his wealth.

My mother successfully operated, Yin Hanchao's father also had money to do dialysis treatment, and his son also had Deng Bo to help him.

At this point, I'm really confused. I don't know whether Yin Hanchao suffered losses or took advantage.

In the plan, I should have divorced Deng Bo quickly and returned to Yin Hanchao's arms after I got all the wealth I wanted, but what I didn't expect was that the development of things had a dramatic change. Yin Hanchao got inspiration from this incident and started his history of prosperity! "www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!