Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 320

Qin an easily moved into a small village, he was surprised to find that Yin Hanchao was a good person.

At least, the fat man's enthusiasm for himself is hard for him to resist.

In Yin Hanchao's words, human beings are about fate. After Qin an first appeared in front of him and pulled him down from the devil, Yin Hanchao had already determined that they would become good brothers and friends.

Qin An agrees with the saying that "people should strive for fate", but some of what Yin Hanchao said is too false. Every time Qin An thinks about it, he will get goose bumps.

However, it is undeniable that Yin Hanchao treats Qin'an well. After a few days together, Qin'an has a feeling that they are brothers.

The devil's body has recovered, and her limbs are born again; but her heart can't recover. In the face of Qin An, she can't forget that Qin An cut off her hands and feet again and again with a Japanese knife.

Therefore, she was really good in front of Qin'an, and she was really obedient like a slave.

This is the result that Qin An didn't expect. It seems that this girl of r country hasn't suffered any setbacks. Maybe his father, justice Murakami, really loves this daughter and protects her into a porcelain doll that can easily break her mind.

At the command of Qin An, the devil lived with Yin Hanchao every day.

However, Yin Hanchao did not touch her again.

Yin Hanchao is a good man in essence.

However, the hatred for Murakami justice is too deep-rooted, so he will pass it on to the devil.

Once he is sober enough, calm enough, his heart will become very soft, very soft, no longer willing to hurt the devil, such a little silly girl who has some experience.

Calculate the day, today is the eighth day of the lunar calendar, Qin'an into the enemy's internal plan, so smoothly.

For him, there is also something not going well, that is, Li Na.

A few days ago, Li Na hid in her room and saw with her own eyes Qin An's cruel means to the devils.

She was scared!

Is that man who is cruel enough to cut off a little girl's limbs again and again Qin An?

She can't be sure, because this mature man, after growing up, seems to be completely different from Qin An, whom she knew before crossing?

At least in character and way of doing things, they seem to have essential differences!

Can 15 years make a person change so much?

In short, after that day, Li Na began to deliberately hide from Qin An, and even in a few days, she and Qin An did not say a few words.

Qin An was very helpless about this situation. He didn't want to explain anything, but he found that Li Na's appetite had become very poor in the past few days. She ate very little and lost weight several times, which only showed that Li Na was under great psychological pressure.

There is no way. After breakfast this morning, Qin An came to Li Na's room and planned to have an in-depth conversation with her.

Li Na, who is lying on the bed in the room and looking at the ceiling in a daze, sits up nervously after seeing Qin An come in. She leans on the head of the bed and her face turns pale.

At this time, she was wearing a white thickened thermal underwear, with a quilt on her leg. Qin An felt uncomfortable with her thin body.

Go to bedside, Qin An pulled a chair to sit down, opening a way: "have you eaten?"

Li Na shook her head and replied in a low voice: "Uncle fat sent someone to deliver food, but I can't eat it. Now the food seems to be very tight. Let's leave it to others! "

With a bitter smile, Qin An looked into Li Na's eyes and said, "are you afraid of me? Fifteen years ago, you were not afraid of me! Have you forgotten how miserable you are to bully me? Do you remember that time, after class, you filled my pencil box with water, and then put some small fish in the water. When I came back, I didn't know that when I took a pencil case, water and fish were all scattered on me, which made me very embarrassed! "

Li Na was slightly stunned for a moment, then she couldn't help laughing and said, "ha ha, who let you buy such a big and clumsy iron stationery box? Look silly, just like you

After that, Li Na's mood became relaxed.

For her, it happened five years ago, when they were just in the second grade of junior high school. For Qin An, it happened 20 years ago!

I didn't expect him to remember!

Seeing that Li Na's expression no longer seemed so nervous, Qin An tried to make her expression gentle and said, "Li Na, don't be afraid of me! Because I don't want you to live in panic every day! As I said, I am the only proof of your existence in this time and space, so you can tell me anything you have

When she heard Qin An say such words, Li Na was slightly moved. She let out a long sigh of relief. Then she looked at Qin an with her eyes and said, "Qin An, although you were silly when you were a child, you were kind-hearted. Why do you grow up to treat a little girl so cruelly? Although she is from r country, she is still a person after all? "Qin An nodded. It was because of this that Li Na alienated him.

With a sigh, Qin An said: "yes, my behavior that day was a little extreme. In fact, I just wanted to deter the fat man and his subordinates, and subdue the devil at the same time. But when I first cut off the devil's arms, she said in Mandarin R, which seemed to mean "don't". It's the word "linen belt" that often appears in island action movies! This reminds me of a little thing in the past, so my mood becomes a little unstable, so I'm overweight. "

When Li Na heard Qin an talking about the island action movie, she didn't quite understand what it meant. However, she was very interested in the so-called little thing that Qin An remembered that affected her mood. She asked, "what is it? Let's hear it. "

Qin An's face was a little depressed, and then said, "Li Na, in fact, it's good to be young! I envy you now. When people grow up, they will not be pure, and their ideas will become more and more. Well, let me tell you something about it. It was my first year of working as a security guard in a Japanese funded electronics factory. In our security team, there is a female security guard. She looks pretty, but her figure is very hot. Especially her buttocks are very plump. After bending down, any man will have an impulse to commit a crime. "

Qin An said here, Li Na's face has been red, she quickly opened a small mouth, kowtowed and said: "Qin... Qin An! What are you talking about? "

Qin An's face was very calm, and he continued his story:

"the name of the female security guard was Guo Ping. At that time, our male security guards liked to joke with her, and Guo Ping's personality was very cheerful, and she had a good relationship with everyone.

One day, Guo Ping went to the company's canteen to have a meal. The dining window of the canteen was relatively low, so she had to lie there to tell the chef what she wanted to eat.

And when she was lying there, her buttocks would naturally turn up, and her plump buttocks would make her trousers round, which was very tempting from the back.

At that time, several male security guards, including me, were eating at a nearby dining table. When they saw Guo Ping lying there, they talked about her ass. hehe, men, in fact, they were all like this.

At this time, a Japanese section chief of the production department also came to the canteen for dinner.

When he came near Guo Ping and saw Guo Ping's upturned buttocks, his eyes glowed green. Finally, he didn't control the color center, so he patted Guo Ping's buttocks with his palm in public.

How can we tolerate the fact that a r country person openly molested a Z country woman in a Z country place?

So, at that time, several security guards rushed up and argued with the man of r country. Finally, we took action and beat him up.

The result is that we were punished for a month's salary, and the R man just wrote a letter of apology!

However, we are not disappointed because what we want is his apology, to our Z people! It's nothing for us to lose some wages, because we feel that we have safeguarded the dignity of Z people! "

When she said this, Li Na listened very carefully. She pursed her mouth and looked at Qin An. She felt better.

Maybe Qin An has grown up, matured and changed.

But once communicating with this man, Li Na can always find the familiar flavor of Qin an when she was young in his words.

Yes, no matter how big his change is, he is still Qin'an!

With this idea in her heart, Li Na's pale face turned red. She interjected: "that R Chinese is really bad!"

After a long sigh, Qin An continued to say:

"even if it comes to an end, one night a month later, I work on the night shift and then patrol the factory.

Inadvertently, I suddenly found two figures in the office corridor.

I followed carefully, trying to identify them.

And after approaching, I was surprised to find that these two people were Guo Ping and the head of r country of the production department!

At that time, I was filled with the atmosphere that he wanted to rush up and beat Guo Ping while no one was bullying her nearby.

But when they started talking, I couldn't move.

The section chief of r country is poor in Chinese, but he can express his meaning clearly.

He wants Guo Ping to go into the office with him, and then shove a dozen of thick money into Guo Ping's hands.

Guo Ping refused at first, but after taking the money, she began to push and push, and finally followed the R section chief into the room!

At that time, there was no light on in the corridor. It was dark. They didn't find me.

And I, have been completely stupid, can't believe what happened in front of me, is true.

I lingered for a long time, and finally I walked slowly to the door where they entered.

Maybe they were too anxious, maybe they were too nervous, and the door was not closed tightly, so I could hear the sound inside even when I stood at the door.And when I got closer, do you know what the first thing I heard?

It's the word "linen belt" called out by that cheap woman!

Then came the voice of the chief of R, who said, "very good! Good '!

At that time, my heart and lungs are about to explode, blood surging in the whole body, and finally rush to the brain!

Almost without any hesitation, I kicked open the door and went in to see the dog man and woman taking off their clothes and hugging each other!

Who would have thought it would end up like this? This woman gave up the dignity we used to protect for her for money!

At that moment, I laughed! Rush up and beat the section chief of r country! For a long time, when I left, I didn't look at Guo Ping. I just spat and left it on her! "

Said here, Qin An's voice became low and hoarse, his eyes became blood red.

Li Na was stunned and her body trembled.

Qin An controlled his emotions, and then said:

"afterwards, I was detained for a month for the crime of injury.

The section chief of r country was transferred back to r country for misconduct, while Guo Ping resigned and disappeared.

It's really exciting for me.

I understand a truth!

We must strive for self-improvement, whether in times of war or peace.

If we are not strong enough, people will open factories into our country!

Hire our cheap labor, produce products, sell them to us, and continue to earn our money!

If we are not strong enough, people can sleep our women!

Let's disgrace our ancestors!

I am not a very strong person, but after experiencing that event, I really feel that I must work hard and be strong!

But the reality is very cruel!

I didn't find a suitable position because I left a record, because I had a low education background, because my ability was average, because I didn't have contacts in a strange city, because I didn't have operational capital.

Hehe, so maybe I should thank the end of the world. In the end of the world, I face the reality and escape from the reality!

All right, Li Na! That's the little thing I want to tell you.

Because when I cut off the devil's arm, the R Mandarin in her mouth reminds me of it, so my mood became a little unstable, so I cut off her limbs again and again, so I treated her so cruelly!

Li Na, you have to believe that I am not a cruel person, really

At this point, Qin An's expression became lonely.

Li Na's eyes have shed tears. She thinks it's a sad little thing!

Suddenly, a roar came from outside the door.

"Damn little devil!"

After that, the sound went away.

Qin An knew that it was Yin Hanchao. He knew that he was eavesdropping outside for a long time. Maybe he came here with himself. He wanted to talk to himself, but he overheard this little thing.

So he left so angry, don't think, must be to find the little girl devil!

Alas, in this world, there are always some sorrows that cannot be resolved.

All of a sudden, the small hand has been holding Qin An's big hand.

That little hand is cold, but it can also make Qin'an feel warm.

She looked at Qin'an for a long time before she said, "Qin'an, how are you doing in these 15 years?"

Qin An didn't think too much, and replied, "happy, and miserable!"

Li Na bit her lip and said, "fortunately I found you! Qin An, I haven't grown up yet! I do not understand the human suffering, so let me put my simple and happy, to share with you? It's not easy. After 15 years, I can find you! Ha ha, what a happy thing it is

Looking at Li Na's smile, Qin an also laughed, dispelling the haze in her heart, and said, "then, are you not afraid of me?"

Li Na snorted: "fool Qin! I tell you, I've never been afraid of you

Qin An laughs heartily. In the end of the world, there are always some people who make people happy and happy.

For Qin An, at this time, the person is in front of her, she is Li Na!

After watching each other tenderly for a while, Li Na became nervous and blushed. She could not help pulling back the hand that held Qin An. Then she looked away and said awkwardly, "then... Qin An, have you ever seen Guo Ping in the future? And the section chief of r country. What's his name? "

Qin An shook his head and said, "I have never seen Guo Ping again. As for the section chief, he seems to be called Da Dong Yang Sheng!"

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