Zither Emperor

Chapter 942

The power of advanced magic guided guns is really extraordinary. Although they are weakened by the turbulent flow of fire energy, when they accurately bombard the exit of the passage, they still have a very strong effect. The temperature of thousands of square meters suddenly drops, and the red ground suddenly returns to black. Strangely, the black ground becomes smooth after the baptism of water and fire Like a mirror, as if covered with a layer of enamel.

Ye Yinzhu can not be afraid of the high temperature at the exit, but not all of the United forces in longqinusi are afraid of it. When ye Yinzhu returns to that side through the passage again, he will deploy his troops and start the process of the United forces entering the abyss. When the temperature drops at the exit, it will naturally facilitate the entry of all arms of the United forces.

Falan, if compared with a country, this area is not too big, but if it is just a city, it can be said that it is the largest existence of the whole longqinus. Three years have passed, and great changes have taken place in Falan. In order to make it easier for the Allied forces to enter the other world through the passage, all the walls of the city of Falan were demolished, and the whole Falan area was full of black soldiers.

Even in the weakest kingdom of Arcadia, the soldiers are well-equipped, waiting for the holy war.

For this Jihad, the first group of two million soldiers had been ready. They were ready when ye Yinzhu disappeared at the entrance of the passage.

The entrance of the passage was originally in the underground of the center of Falan city. At this time, a wide passage has been opened, which can be directly entered from four directions through the stairs. They are waiting for the arrival of the order.

The first batch of logistics supplies have been fully prepared, including a large number of water magicians. In the abyss plane, there is no food or water supply. Therefore, these water system magicians shoulder the important task of replenishing water for the whole army. Of course, they are not enough.

At the top of the list are the soldiers of all ethnic groups from Qincheng. It's not that Qincheng soldiers are the strongest allied forces, but because they have a special mission.

A total of 100000 craftsmen, including the dwarf masters, are waiting quietly, surrounded by goblin rippers with complete loads. The goblin Ripper pulls a huge object behind him. In addition to the goblin rippers, there are also a large number of transport vehicles, such as the super cart powered by Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The first batch of materials is the most important for the coalition forces to enter the abyss. They are responsible for the construction of the base areas. In the abyss, without any supplies, the construction of the base areas becomes extremely important. First, they can guard the exit of the passage, enter and retreat, and at the same time, they can transport huge materials to the abyss through the passage Supply.

At the same time, the establishment of a solid base can better resist the counter attack of abyssal creatures and make all necessary preparations.

"It should be almost there. I feel the huge energy wave from that plane. Order everyone to prepare." The old voice echoed at the entrance of the deep plane.

At this time, standing around the passage is the sixth tower leader of Falan and the little dragon girl, and the old voice from all directions is naturally the Dragon King.

"Yes, dear Lord Dragon King." O'Brien, the leader of the lighthouse, immediately gave the order. The innermost members of the coalition are on the move.

With a flash of light and shadow, ye Yinzhu's tall body appeared in front of the crowd. The six tower owners were eager to see him. After so many years of preparation, the holy war was about to begin. It can be said that success or failure depended on this. They were eager to understand the situation of the abyss.

Ye Yinzhu said: "everything is normal. All the guards at the exit of the passage have been wiped out. Qindi is guarding over there. Let's start to enter. "

O'Brien nodded and said, "Yinzhu, it's up to you. Lord Dragon King, please

The Dragon King's answer was a powerful dragon chant. The huge dragon chant broke out of the air. Not only everyone present could hear it, but also more than two million couplet soldiers in Falan could hear it clearly.

Above the dome, the huge golden body of the Dragon King suddenly lit up. If it wasn't for its body guarding the seal in the dome, the dome would have been demolished when the passage to the seal was dug.

The huge golden light became more and more powerful than ever before, and the Dragon King's voice became more and more high. With the huge energy fluctuation, even the strong people like the seven pagoda leader and little dragon girl in the field felt that their bodies seemed to be solidified.

On the ground, all the golden lines are lit up at the same time, and the dense light is rippling like water waves. With the sound of the Dragon singing, the huge golden dragon in the air actually moved and circled around the golden light that had turned into water waves. If you look closely, you can find that this seemingly solid Golden Dragon is actually completely formed by energy.

"Thank you, Lord Dragon King." In addition to Ye Yinzhu, the six tower owners of Falan blinked at the same time and disappeared in the rippling golden light at their feet. First entered the abyss plane.

According to the plan, the strongest troops of the coalition will be the first to enter this garrison. Only in this way can we clean up all the abyss creatures around the hilly area in the shortest time and minimize the losses. These strong soldiers will also stay on the periphery and guard the fortress before it is established.The channel opened by the Dragon King this time is definitely different from the past, because it consumes all the energy accumulated by the Dragon King for thousands of years.

In order to win the final victory of the Jihad, the Dragon King and ye Yinzhu decided to baptize all the soldiers who entered the abyss plane with the energy accumulated for thousands of years.

Such Dragon Energy baptism can enhance the physical resistance of all races by 30%, that is to say, the resistance to virus and the ability to adapt to the environment will be greatly improved. Among them, the soldiers with Donglong blood will get the most benefits.

Because their own blood is inherited from the dragon, so when they are baptized by the Dragon energy, all the East Dragon soldiers below purple level will be improved by three levels.

In other words, the Yellow level will directly become the green level, and the green level will directly become the green level. If it is a blue level, then it will be directly promoted to the purple level.

For many years, Falan guarded the seal and constantly put a large number of magicians' mana into the seal to stabilize it. In fact, this is a trick set by the Dragon King. Dragon King has long told ye Yinzhu that its energy is enough to maintain the seal forever.

And the reason why Falan continues to inject mana is that the Dragon King condenses these mana with his special ability.

What a huge sum of ten thousand years' savings, otherwise he would not be able to baptize millions of lives.

Although the Dragon King cheated Falan for many years, at this time, he gave back all his accumulated energy to all ethnic groups in the mainland of lonzainus. The overall quality of these soldiers in the mainland of lonzainus will be greatly improved.

That's why O'Brien said thank you to Dragon King. Of course, he didn't know that most of the energy of dragon baptism came from the energy injection of Falan over the years.

XiaoLongNu floats quietly over the golden ripples and looks at Ye Yinzhu. Her face looks unnatural. The crucial moment has finally arrived. She seems to be a little nervous

Ye Yinzhu floated out of the sealed place. He was floating in the air with a milky halo all over his body, which made him the focus of the audience immediately.

"I, ye Yinzhu, commander-in-chief of the United forces of longqinusi, now begin to give orders. All departments should strictly follow the orders and make no mistakes." Ye Yinzhu's dignity is unprecedented. Although he is still just a white robe, the dignity he released at this time is the breath of the superior.

"Yes, Lord Qin." The roar of the promise came from millions of voices almost at the same time. The shocking scene undoubtedly made the blood in every human body boiling, and ye Yinzhu was no exception.

What a feeling it is to be able to command millions of troops, or to be the most elite millions of troops of all nationalities in the mainland of lonzainus!

"The behemoth, enter the tunnel. Under the personal command of his Majesty the third deputy commander. Purple, the situation of the abyss plane is up to you. Quickly command and clean up all abyss creatures, pay attention to pestilence and toxin. "

Zi stood in the front of the army and said, "yes. Birmon legion, follow me

Standing beside purple, there are not only Bimont legion, but also mountain giant Ming, war giant gracis, golden armor, insect flash, thunder, three platinum bimont kings, dragon and lion nuoyun.

They can be said to be the most powerful force of the coalition forces except for the leader of the Seventh Tower of Falan.

For the sake of Jihad, all the bimonthly beasts were under the unified command of purple, including the bimonthly legion of Qin City, and after purple unified the orcs, the number of bimonths who came to swear to his Amethyst bimonthly was as high as 2000. (to be continued, for more information, please visit www.qidian.com , more chapters, support the author, support the legitimate reading! )