Zither Emperor

Chapter 940

With a flash of body shape, ye Yinzhu has entered the qindi through the entrance. Without any hesitation, he immediately closes the entrance and exits. At the same time, he takes out the life storage gem from his arms.

The pink light twinkles in an instant, and with the pink light spreading, one shadow after another appears beside Ye Yinzhu.

The first thing that came into view was Sura and the ocean. Ye Yinzhu brought them here not for personal gain, but with extremely important strategic significance.

Sula didn't even say hello to Ye Yinzhu. She flashed to the limit and sat on the main console calmly. This is the place where the magic crystal controlled the operation of the qindi. Everything has to be approved by the main console.

Haiyang is not idle. Naturally, the beautiful Smurfs from the twelve music square of qindi are with her. Under the guidance of Haiyang, they enter the most defensive amplifying room in the front of qindi. Where will they show the style of the divine voice masters.

At the same time, there were dozens of soldiers of all nationalities, including Yinlong Lisha. These people are all trained and specially come to control the qindi, including Sura and the twelve music workshop of qindi. There are altogether 89 people. This number is necessary for the normal control of qindi.

Sula quickly opened the omni-directional monitoring and control system and connected the internal communication device of qindi. He said in a loud voice: "I'm Sula, the main controller of qindi. All personnel are ready to fight. Repeat, all personnel are in combat readiness. Report on you. "

"Zone one fire control is ready."

"Zone two fire control is ready."

"Zone three magic guided gun fire control is ready."

"Four zone magic gun fire control is ready."


One after another, reports kept ringing, and the last one who was responsible for ending was Li Sha, "the fire control preparation of the annihilation gun is complete."

Sula immediately issued a second order, "control system start, qindi power system charged, intermediate magic gun charged, advanced magic gun charged. Start. "

Ten minutes later, the double headed haters below are enjoying the auxiliary magic constantly exerted by the witches and sorcerers, occasionally launching a breath attack into the air. The whole huge qindi has been moving slowly in the air, and a strong blue light suddenly covers the huge volume of the whole qindi, which forms a beautiful blue landscape with the dark blue qindi. Qindi's volume slowly rhythm, huge volume in a slight shaking, around the Qingguang around qindi into a circle of cyan halo, the whole qindi quickly moved a distance of about 100 meters, adjusting its own direction.

Although qindi seems to be so huge, at this moment, when it moves, it is extremely fast. In the air actually appeared a blue shadow.

Sula looked at Ye Yinzhu, who was not far from the main control console. "Report to the emperor qindi. The emperor qindi is ready. Follow your orders."

Ye Yinzhu eyes flashing cold light, "intermediate magic gun, all launch, advanced magic gun standby."


"All the fire controllers of the magic guide are ready. Follow my orders. 1、 Three, five, seven, nine, five, ready to launch. 2、 Four, six, eight, fifteen secondary preparation, all intermediate magic gun open. All magic guide artillery properties are ready to attack. "

The abominations below began to see a strange scene. On the huge shuttle shaped object in the air, square holes began to crack. Then, thick black gun tubes slowly extended from inside. There was a strong light. Because it is in mid air, so from the ground, qindi seems to light up a red spot.

In order to make the Qin emperor continue to fight in the abyss, the masters of the goblin tribe took great pains. Power system and defense system can't be replaced, so we can only choose the wind system and the earth system. Without the support of Magic Elements in the air, these magic stones can ensure that qindi can continue to run for about a month. You know, that's thousands of high-grade crystals.

Only in this way can they get element supply in the abyss plane and launch continuously. Each magic gun is equipped with a dual attribute magic crystal core, which can be launched in different degrees. Of course, the five annihilation cannons don't need to be prepared like this. After all, every time they launch, they will cost a level 9 magic crystal. Ye Yinzhu won't use them until it's necessary.

A total of 300 intermediate magic guns were on at the same time, also shining with dazzling red light. It's like there are 300 huge rubies on the qindi.

These magic guns are all over every corner of the qindi, that is to say, there is no blind spot when the qindi launches an attack. The muzzle of the magic guided gun can be fine tuned. But it also causes that when firing in one direction at the same time, it is impossible for all the magic guided guns to attack at the same time.

But is this really a problem? If this problem existed, the goblin masters would not call it a perfect masterpiece."Attention, all personnel. In five seconds, qindi will launch in a whirlwind carpet coverage. Get ready for launch. "

The sonorous sound was heard intensively. Each controller sitting in front of the console was tightly hooped on his seat by the steel bar sticking out of the chair, while ye Yinzhu grasped a nearby armrest, showing his hard to hide enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Launch. " Sula's passionate voice kept on ringing.

When the last launch two words sounded, the whole qindi had a huge change. The intense blue light instantly covered every inch of the qindi. The huge airship with a length of 1000 meters was spinning rapidly in the air, and the shuttle shaped hull seemed to follow a blue whirlpool. In the process of rotation is very stable, if not for the violent rotation of the green light, closely watching the qindi, as if it had not moved.

At the beginning of the rotation, rows of intense red lights spewed out like the fury of the God of fire. At first, each red light looked like a spot of light from the sky, but when they fell, they had become huge pillars of fire with a diameter of more than three meters.

Three hundred to the firelight, three hundred red spots in a moment of rotation completely pour out, qindi all three hundred intermediate magic guided guns completed their first collective launch. Coverage launch.

Huge pillar of fire from the sky, the moment of amazing forever imprinted in the abyss creatures mind. Three hundred pillars of fire covered all the abominations and places where the witches and the men lived, and even expanded several times.

Fire magic forbids to curse meteor fire shower. Compared with the outbreak of this moment, it can only be described as a small Witch sees a big one. There's no way to measure its power.

When the three hundred rays of fire fell on the ground, on the creatures of the abyss, everything seemed to be silent and stopped. And the next moment, a semicircle of red light suddenly burst out.

Boom -

the extremely hot energy instantly vaporizes all the abyss creatures. Although double headed haters have added a lot of auxiliary magic, how can their bodies compete with those intermediate magic guns that are comparable to the fire system's single attack forbidden spell?

The effect of firing 300 intermediate magic guided guns at the same time is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. This is a disaster, a real disaster.

Centered on the place where the abominators were, everything around them began to vaporize, the hills were flattened and turned into scorched earth, and the hard black rock of the abyss level on the whole ground was melting and sinking like ice and snow. Only the exit of the passage is still dark. Although it is covered by fire light, it can not affect its existence. It is only a passage. Even if the exit becomes shorter, it has no effect on itself. Of course, the temperature is much higher.

Under the action of inertia, qindi continued to rotate in the air for more than ten weeks before it stopped. All the faces were full of excitement.

Sula cheered calmly: "the door of the intermediate magic gun is closed, and the defense system is activated. To prevent the flow of magic. "

Ye Yinzhu clearly remembers what effect hundreds of forbidden incantations can produce. Therefore, despite the deafening roar from outside, he did not forget to remind Sula to give the order immediately.

The green light around the qindi was quickly replaced by the yellow light. The green light ran within the yellow light, and the whole qindi soared up under the control of Sura, just like a huge shuttle flying towards the higher air.

Although the energy turbulence produced by fire element is extremely terrible, it lasts for a short time. More than 70 percent of this hilly area, which is much larger than the Brenner mountains, has been turned into scorched earth in this turbulent flow of fire elements, and the whole ground has sunk more than 10 meters. This is also because the rock of this plane is very strong.

The reason why qindi can achieve such a huge effect is the perfect embodiment of its own attack power. You know, the magic gun equipped on the Qin emperor is higher than that of the whole Qin City. The construction of qindi is equivalent to half of the wealth accumulated by Falan in the past ten thousand years, or even more. It doesn't include the cost of manpower and all kinds of materials Qincheng has paid for it.


the continuous climax is coming, my friends, please smash the tickets, thank you. (to be continued, for more information, please visit www.qidian.com , more chapters, support the author, support the legitimate reading! )