You're Fired!

Chapter 43.3 “You look like my neighbor’s roast chicken, exactly like sh!t.”

“Duanduan ……” Lin Hui took a deep breath, “If there is no accident, ZhaoHui will annex a small office later this year, by then this small office will move in and work together with the main office, but we have currently rented the whole floor in this office building, and if we want to expand the area further, we only have one office area left upstairs. So when the time comes, there will be some of the staff working upstairs. There are separate offices over there and with a lake view. The environment is better. I can give you a separate office, you can work over there, you don’t quite need to see Du Xinyi again.”

Lin Hui sighed, “I know it’s silly, she is her, Zhaoxia is Zhaoxia, but with a face like that, I….”

Bai Duanduan did not expect Lin Hui to drive away Du Xinyi. This was almost already his biggest concession and compromise. When he mentioned Ye Zhaoxia, his voice carried a genuine struggle and regretful pain.

He knows very well in his heart that Ye Xhaoxia was dead and Du Xinyi was just Du Xinyi, yet that feeling of empathy cannot be controlled….

Thinking of Ye Zhaoxia, Bai Duanduan couldn’t help but feel a little redness in her eyes. She remembered the days when the three of them were still supporting each other in the past. When she thought of Lin Hui’s frustration and pain after the loss of sister Zhaoxia, a few mockery words came to her lips. In the end she considered her old feelings and felt that she could not blame Lin Hui at all for not being by Zhaoxia’s side at the time of incident.

At the time of Ye Zhaoxia’s accident, Bai Duanduan was in the hospital because of her father’s injury. She was anxious when she heard about the accident. All she knew was that Ye Zhaoxia was attacked in her neighbourhood and was hit hard on the back of the head with a rod. The other party ran away after the crime, leaving Ye Zhaoxia on the ground. By the time she was found by a passer-by and taken to the hospital, she was already dead.

Later, Lin Hui called the police, who found the suspect through the surveillance of the community, and the other party eventually paid the price under the law, but Ye Zhaoxia could not return.

Regarding the details of the incident and the motive of the suspect, Bai Duanduan has always been doubtful. Because Ye Zhaoxia did not know the other party at all, and the other party did not have any mental problems. She even heard that he was usually quite honest and does not have the kind of antisocial aggressive personality. ;

After Ye Zhaoxia’s incident, the suspect’s parents and relatives wrote a joint letter asking for a lighter sentence. The neighbors also endorsed the criminal suspect explaining that he was not a bad person and it was just a crime of passion….

It was the darkest time Bai Duanduan had ever lived. Her own father had been critically ill all around the year and Lin Hui was worse than dead. He was in such a state that he was like a walking corpse, wishing so much to die along with Ye Zhaoxia at that time. As the time has passed, Bai Duanduan doesn’t want to touch his scars again to ask about the cause of death of sister Zhaoxia.

Lin Hui suffered from severe depression during that time and his hands were covered with blood marks from self-harm. He was unwilling to eat or rest. Every day he obstinately held Ye Zhaoxia’s posthumous photo and his health was detoriating. Although he was still alive, Bai Duanduan could feel that his heart was already dead.

But even so, when her father was in desperate need of medical expenses, Lin Hui still struggled to stand up and used his faltering body and shoulders to carry a piece of Bai Duanduan’s misery and helped the family to get through the difficult times.

He didn’t hesitate to take out all his savings, and poured everything he had, not even leaving himself with meal expenses. He ate only free white rice and soup in the university canteen every day, and even went to the school to get an advance on his year-end bonus.

And in order to fill the final gap in the cost of Bai Duanduan’s father’s surgery, Lin Hui went to the client he represented to collect the legal fees he owed…..

Law school teachers were allowed to practice part-time in a law firm with their law license. In addition to teaching, Lin Hui has been representing some labor disputes on a part-time basis, and his clients have always been poor workers who cannot afford lawyers. The few fee-paying cases that he represented were not well-off clients, and were of such a small size and such poor value for money that no one at the rest of the firm was willing to take them on. At that time, Lin Hui was a very famous pro bono lawyer in the field of labour disputes, so a number of clients came to him, and Lin Hui never refused.

However, although many of them were in fact fee-paying businesses, because the clients themselves were in a tight spot, and because Lin Hui was also very gentlemanly and never presses for payment, many of them just got along with it and put off the lawyer’s fees as long as they could, and in the end, they just forgot about it.

For the sake of her own father, Lin Hui, who was such a noble person at heart, knocked on doors one by one to get the outstanding legal fees back.

A university professor, a well-known human rights lawyer, ended up humbling himself like an ordinary salary collector, even……

Even in order to get the money, Lin Hui knelt down to people.

In fact, Lin Hui had never told her about these things, and Bai Duanduan had only heard them relayed to her by others, but the shocking picture painted in the few words of others was something Bai Duanduan could never forget.

Even till that day, Bai Duanduan was still moved and grateful when she remembered the past.

Later, Lin Hui changed, but Bai Duanduan never forgot the past.

“Duanduan, I’m sorry, I know Zhaoxia can’t be replaced by anyone. Du Xinyi is Du Xinyi and I’m sorry for Zhaoxia. I didn’t let her have a good life. I want to make up for it, even if it’s just the same face…..” Lin Hui’s expression was stoic and painful. “You can’t understand, I have to rely on this to survive, it really is entirely out of my own selfishness.”

Lin Hui took a deep breath, “You give me some time.”

At this point, he had already made a statement between Du Xinyi and Bai Duanduan, which was already Lin Hui’s biggest concession and sincerity. As long as Bai Duanduan took advantage of the situation, it was only a matter of time before Du Xinyi was swept away, but—

“Forget it, even if you fire her for me, I won’t come back. Don’t you dwell on it.”

Although she and Lin Hui were once close like that in the past, once a rift was formed, it could never be repaired to its initial state. Now with his heartfelt apology, Bai Duanduan felt she had let go of the situation and she didn’t want to necessarily split up Du Xinyi from Lin Hui’s heart.

This time it was Lin Hui’s turn to be surprised, “Why? Duanduan, I can meet all your requests, just this matter of Du Xinyi, give me some more time, any other ideas you have on your treatment, you can mention it to me. It’s true that I had a problem with your attitude before, I apologize to you.”

“It’s not your problem. It’s that I’m fine at Sheng Lin and I don’t feel that Ji Lin is not beneficial. I’m quite used to it and I want to continue working here.”

This was an answer Lin Hui had not expected, and he was quiet for a moment before saying, “Ji Lin treats you well?”

“Yes, not bad.”

“That’s good.” Although he said that, Bai Duanduan also sensed keenly that his voice and expression were somewhat unnatural, and that he had something else to say.

As expected, Lin Hui took a sip of coffee before saying, “Duanduan, since you don’t want to come back, then I respect your decision, but there is one more thing I want to trouble you with……” Lin Hui paused, “Since you and Ji Lin are on good terms, then can you ask him to meet me?”

The legal circle in City A was so big that although there was a lot of competition between law firms, the chance of collaboration could not be ruled out. Not to mention the fact that there were a lot of telephone exchanges among lawyers, and what was once a rival may become a colleague tomorrow. So it was not surprising that Lin Hui wanted to meet Ji Lin.

Bai Duanduan nodded, “Okay, I’ll talk to him and give you his contact information, so you can contact him yourself.”

“I’m afraid that’s not really possible.” Unexpectedly Lin Hui face showed an embarrassed look, “I contacted him before but he ignored me. I don’t know if there’s a bit of misunderstanding about me or ZhaoHui, but I actually admire him. Young people have drive and ideas, even if I don’t have the chance to work together, I’d like to get to know them.”

Bai Duanduan remembered how perverse Ji Lin had been when she mentioned Lin Hui, and how he had wanted to be involved at all costs when he heard that Lin Hui was on the other side of Dai Qin’s case. She did feel that there was probably a misunderstanding.

“Duanduan, do you think you can help me ask Ji Lin out directly and the three of us can have dinner together? And also help me explain so that Ji Lin knows what kind of person I really am?”

Lin Hui had once helped her so much at the most difficult time without hesitation. It was just about introducing someone, Bai Duanduan felt that it was not a difficult task and finally agreed to do so.

The author has something to say:

Teacher Lin Hui is also a person with a backstory, and his story will unfold slowly. He is a very complicated and three-dimensional character~

Sexy Partner Ji Lin trolling online –

He is nothing but a primary school chicken hahahahaha~

[Small Theatre]

Ji Lin: I hate Lin Hui, what’s so great about him!

Bai Duanduan: He knelt down for me before and I’m still grateful for that….

Ji Lin: I knelt down for you too!

Bai Duanduan: You knelt down and proposed to me, thank you…