You're Fired!

Chapter 38.3 First dig a pit for Du Xinyi, then fill her with soil and lay her to rest.

This time, Bai Duanduan stopped smiling and said in a cold voice,”This is professional negotiation. Do you see it clearly? Whether it’s the job announcement or the employment contract. It’s clear that the position that Guifeng Communications wants to recruit for is a text-based planning and creative position, and Dai Qin has a 211 1 T/N: To have a 211 educational background means that you have surpassed 95% of the national education level, surpassing 98% of peers your age. There are about 100 211 universities in China and only 5% of the candidates manage to get in. bachelor’s degree in Chinese. Her last job was also a marketing planning position.”

“When she left, her performance evaluation was excellent. Several of the planning projects she formulated at her last company were well-received in the market which is enough to prove that she is fully qualified for this position at Guifeng Communications. The CV she submitted to Guifeng Communications also recorded everything truthfully, without any falsification, and there is no question of her being hired because of concealment.”

Du Xinyi looked at Bai Duanduan with a look of idiocy, “Bai Duanduan, are you stupid? I never said that Dai Qin had concealed and faked her education qualification on her curriculum vitae. I have just made it clear that Dai Qin had concealed the fact that she was pregnant!”

She really didn’t see the problem at all.

Bai Duanduan looked at Du Xinyi with some pity, “Right, if it was based on Dai Qin’s fraud that Guifeng Communication gave her this job, then naturally the employment contract is invalid.” She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Du Xinyi, “To this point, it is also clearly written in the labour law, ‘The employer has the right to know the basic information of the worker directly related to the employment contract, and the worker should truthfully explain it’.”

Du Xinyi did not know what medicine Bai Duanduan was selling in her gourd 2 basically it means, Du Xinyi had no idea what Bai Duanduan was cooking up/was going to do , and she said warily, “Why are you saying this? Doesn’t this article further verify that your client did not truthfully explain her situation and the contract is invalid?”

Bai Duanduan, however, grunted, “Did you hear what I said? Yes, you have the right to know the circumstances directly related to the employment contract.”

While Du Xinyi still didn’t understand the situation, Li Wanjun, a senior HR director, had already reacted and looked at the female lawyer in front of her like an enemy, who she hadn’t even taken seriously before because she was too pretty and young.

When Bai Duanduan saw that the groundwork was almost done only then did she light up her weapon, giving Du Xinyi a painful hand up and down, “This text planning position recruited by Guifeng Communication is not like the positions that require fieldwork all year round. Whether or not the employee is pregnant does not affect the qualifications for the job, and a pregnant woman can be fully qualified for the job as long as she meets the academic requirements and has relevant work experience. These are the only circumstances that are directly related to the employment contract, while being pregnant or not is not fundamental at all. It is only very private information, even if the employee has concealed it, it does not affect the validity of the employment contract.”

Bai Duanduan looked at Du Xinyi and gave a mocking smile, “Whether you are pregnant or not is not directly related to whether you can get this job or not, so pregnancy is not a directly related circumstance that the company needs to know before concluding this employment contract, go it?”

“How is it not relevant?!” Du Xinyi was anxious, “Even if Dai Qin has no problem with any aspects of her resume and education qualification, which company would be so fed up as to find a newly pregnant female employee to support? If they knew she was pregnant, how could the company have hired her? There were nearly twenty people competing for this position! Many male applicants were also qualified!”

Bai Duanduan, however, only smiled. She was sure of her chances of winning and ignored Du Xinyi, instead she just looked at Li Wanjun, “So Manager Li, tell me, is it true that if you knew that Dai Qin was pregnant, you would never have hired her?”

Compared to Du Xinyi’s aggressive manner in this negotiation, even at that moment, Bai Duanduan was still speaking in a clear and coherent manner, in a calm and elegant tone, giving people the illusion of gentleness. But underneath this gentle appearance, there was a hidden strength and an unquestionable ability to make a statement.

There were always many people who misunderstood negotiation as a quarrelsome debate. However, Ji Lin knows that a truly mature lawyer never cares to show off his skills in a peacock-like manner like Du Xinyi, but was more likely to take a step-by-step approach like a quiet stream.

Li Wanjun was not Du Xinyi, and as a senior HR director, she looked at the tape recorder that Bai Duanduan had placed on the table so brazenly from the moment she entered the conference room and knew that there was no way for her to give the true answer to this question.

Yes, Du Xin Yi was right, everyone knew that no matter how good Dai Qin was, no company would want her as long as they knew she was pregnant in the first place, but she also knew that she could never admit the truth at a time like this.

Li Wanjun could only force a smile and deny it, “No, whether or not she is pregnant does not affect our hiring.”

Bai Duanduan smiled at Li Wanjun and said, “I’m really glad to hear this answer from Manager Li, because if your company decides not to hire Dai Qin because she’s pregnant, that’s a violation of the “Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests” and your company would be suspected of gender discrimination. I can also go to the relevant labor department to file a complaint and then go to the internet to expose it to seek justice for the majority of women.”

This was the pit that she was digging. Bai Duanduan looked at Du Xinyi with a wry smile and began to fill her in to send her to her grave.

“Then, since whether Dai Qin is pregnant or not does not affect the hiring, so hiring should be judged solely on the basis of education, work experience, etc. As I said, pregnancy is not a relevant circumstance that the company must know in this employment contract of Dai Qin, so even if Dai Qin conceals her pregnancy, it is not because of fraud that she got the job. After all, Manager Li also said that it does not matter whether she is pregnant or not ah, what matters is the ability of the individual.” Bai Duanduan gave a broad smile, “So how can the employment contract be invalid?”

This time, Du Xinyi also completely reacted. She finally lost the good-natured provocative look she had just had and panic flashed across her face as she took out her mobile phone, apparently ready to go to Lin Hui, for help.

At such a time, Bai Duanduan naturally wanted to beat up the drowning dog. She smiled and said, “Water from afar can’t put out a nearby fire, lawyer Du.”


Although Ji Lin and Bai Duanduan had already fought twice before, she was more or less unable to bring her true strength into play due to the wrongful concealment of Bai Duanduan’s client, the dragging from pig teammates like Du Xinyi and her own suppression. Ji Lin never thought that Bai Duanduan, who spends money like water on gags, at the negotiating table would be so….. dazzling.

A ray of sunlight shone from the window of the meeting room, and it hit the side of Bai Duanduan’s face, making her already beautiful appearance even more gorgeous. Simply too beautiful to say, while her shining eyes were the soul of all this beauty, confidence, calm, and power.

Ji Lin had never been distracted in a negotiation before, yet at this moment he was unprecedentedly distracted for the first time when he looked at Bai Duanduan’s face, which was so close at hand. He thought that Lin Hui would like her not only because of her looks, but also because of her professional performance in her field that makes people unable to take their eyes off her; no wonder, he thought, that Lin Hui likes her.

Ji Lin’s heart flashed with all sorts of confusing thoughts, and when he looked across at Du Xinyi, Ji Lin was obviously full of doubts. Based on the gossip he had heard from Rong Sheng, Lin Hui had actually broken up with Bai Duanduan because he had cheated on her with the woman sitting in front of him? It was said that men’s aesthetics should be smooth at a certain stage, was Lin Hui blind? He broke up with Bai Duanduan and got together with Du Xinyi, which was like throwing away the original Bulgarian imported roses in the vase and replacing them with a handful of green onions.

The author has something to say:

Partner Ji took this case even though he was slapping his own face. Of course it wasn’t because of Duanduan…there were some readers who can’t accept this and say that the characters are changing quickly, but it’s not at all what you think unilaterally… (I’m wronged..)

[Small Theatre]

Reader @Time-sensitive’s

[After a long time]

Ji Dog: Honey, our baby was miscarried before, now let’s have another one

Duanduan: ???? When did we ever have a baby?

Ji Dog: Honey did you forget that time you had an unstable fetus to help me fight for the plush bear

Duanduan: …..

Reader @ WUFDTD’s

After the Wedding

Bai Duanduan: Ji Lin, I want to eat mangosteen

When he got home at night and opened the bedroom door

Ji Lin: Duanduan, I’m ready


Ji Lin: Hmm? Oh my god, I have become a father? I have saved time and economically I can make money at the same time

Reader @ Hitomi plus’s

After the wedding

Partner Ji (flirtatiously undresses): Duanduan, the mangosteen skin is ready for you, come and eat!

Reader @ Eggpnt’s

Bai Duanduan: Ji Lin, when you come back today, buy some mangosteen I want to eat it

At Evening

Bai Duanduan: Where’s the mangosteen? You didn’t buy any?

Ji Lin: I just did, come and eat as much as you want