You're Fired!

Chapter 33.1 Humble Duanduan, begging for food at the door

Bai Duanduan has always cherished the rare weekend mornings when she could sleep until she woke up naturally, but on this day she was woken up by the ringing of her mobile phone.

Bai Duanduan fumbled sleepily to answer the phone, and before she was fully awake, Ji Lin’s cold, quality voice came from the other side—

“You have ten minutes, if you don’t come over within ten minutes, the breakfast service will be over.”

Bai Duanduan was not yet awake, but after she heard the noise over the call, she woke up with a jolt. This wasn’t the time to argue, firstly she needed to go to Ji Lin’s house and have a meal to make up for the lost energy. She held her anger and hurriedly washed up, changed out of her pajamas and ran to Ji Lin’s door without makeup.

Bai Duanduan yawned while secretly vowing in her heart that from next day onwards, it was better to let herself and Ji Lin go free from this breakfast service. It was just breakfast, wasn’t it? Was it worth the extra ten minutes of sleep? There are breakfast shops everywhere on the opposite side of the street, and takeaways too, with plenty of variety at good prices to choose from. So the big deal was to have a good talk with Ji Lin and have him reimburse herself for a month’s breakfast.

Soon, Ji Lin opened the door for herself. Although it was a weekend, he was about to go to work overtime. He had already put on a suit and was wearing his watch indifferently. He glanced at his watch almost as soon as he saw Bai Duanduan.

“Within ten minutes! I just checked it! It was exactly nine and a half minutes when I knocked on your door! You can’t stop serving breakfast!”

Ji Lin glanced at Bai Duanduan coldly, “Breakfast can be served, but it will end in fifteen minutes. You must finish it within fifteen minutes. I still have some work to do for which I need to go out.”

The man’s face was indeed impeccable. Now he stood in front of her in a straight suit with deep eyes and outstanding temperament. Yet that cold look was as if Bai Duanduan was a housekeeper responsible for cleaning and this handsome but difficult employer was telling her that she had to clean up and get out of there in fifteen minutes.

Breakfast like this was like self abuse! Wasn’t it just a bowl of noodles? Ji Lin’s attitude was too bad! She hasn’t even started eating his breakfast yet, and he was already kicking herself out! Was this the way to treat a guest? Does he know what respect means?

Bai Duanduan couldn’t hold back right away, she coughed and pretended to say, “Ji Lin, do you know what it means to dine elegantly? I always eat in style, especially on weekend mornings like this, and I usually eat at home while playing soft music. While eating people must not wolf down the food because it is too unattractive. Not to mention that chewing slowly is also healthier and better for digestion. People like you who can finish breakfast in fifteen minutes do not know what it means to live a fun and ritualistic life ……”

“Besides, since you’re so busy, I think it’s really too much to ask you to cook breakfast for me, so why don’t we discuss it. In the coming month, I’ll take care of breakfast myself, but you’ll reimburse me the cost of breakfast, okay?”

Ji Lin agreed straight away, almost without thinking about it, “okay.” He glanced at Bai Duanduan and said, “I have already served the noodles in the kitchen, go and have them. Since I have made breakfast today, so today’ cost will be deducted from the reimbursement amount for the month.”

Okay, pretty good! Bai Duanduan groaned inwardly, does he really think she wants to eat his sh!tty noodles! It’s just egg soba noodles, can he still make flowers?! 1 Bai Duanduan is mocking Ji Lin, that it’s just a simple dish, can he still make it taste any better?

But when Bai Duanduan arrived at the kitchen, she was soon rendered speechless ……

She never thought that Ji Lin’s soba noodles would really make flowers ……

What greeted her eyes was a bowl of soba noodles. The hot noodles were topped with a staggering array of green cabbage, shredded carrots, a generous portion of fresh prawns, an orange and yellow fried egg, a handful of shredded seaweed, white sesame seeds, and a cute little crescent-shaped lemon was also dotted on top of the soba noodles.

Just by looking at it, Bai Duanduan could already feel that refreshing taste drizzled with lemon juice. And next to the lemon, there’s fresh sea salt and black pepper powder, as if all she had to do was to toss it and the delicious taste would be on her lips……

It was just egg soba noodles, but Bai Duanduan didn’t expect at all that Ji Lin’s egg soba would be so excellent. It was clear that this man usually doesn’t even cook and lives entirely on takeaways, but she did not expect him to be a powerhouse who does not take the plunge easily.

Almost at the first bite, Bai Duanduan fell in love!

It was so delicious! She had never eaten such delicious soba noodles before!

Bai Duanduan was almost moved to tears as she ate. For the first time, she realized that her love for Ji Lin at first sight might not be a mistake. For a man who cooked so well and was so good-looking, what was wrong with being a little short-tempered? What’s wrong with being a little stingy? For this skill, he deserved to be owned!

If Ji Lin could cook this kind of food for her every day, Bai Duanduan felt that she could go to the Civil Affairs Bureau on Monday and get married to him right away.

After eating in one breath, Bai Duanduan only felt that she was still not satisfied. If it weren’t for Ji Lin, she would have really licked the bowl clean. She looked at Ji Lin with burning eyes, “It’s delicious! It’s really delicious, Ji Lin!”

It’s just a pity that Ji Lin obviously didn’t have any reaction to Bai Duanduan’s praise. When Bai Duanduan finished eating and looked up, she realized that he was leaning against the kitchen’ door, looking at her with a cold expression. He looked at his watch, and then clapped his hands with a mocking expression, “Wonderful show.”

Ji Lin smiled coldly, “You who pay attention to eating gracefully and chewing slowly, just finished your soba noodles in 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Didn’t you claim that it was absolutely impossible to finish it in 15 minutes?”


This happened due to her momentary lapse in checking. She just focused on eating and forgot to pay attention to elegance and completely collapsed the persona she had created ……

“But now that you’ve finished eating, get out of here. It’s none of my business how you eat on your own from tomorrow. I will reimburse you for the month, and don’t bother me every day.”

How can this be! Such a delicious meal! There’s no way to let it go!

“No, no, no! Ji Lin! I figured it out! I can’t go for reimbursement! I’ve decided I’ll just keep eating your breakfast!” Bai Duanduan said righteously, “I thought about it, our first encounter was actually not too good, and we were rivals before, and we had a lot of misunderstandings with each other ……”

“I don’t think there were any misunderstandings between us.”


Bai Duanduan choked, “Good, good, no misunderstanding. Then now that we are all in the same company, we should have a team spirit. Moreover, we should cultivate and nurture our relationship more. This breakfast, in fact, is a means for us to promote the bond of mutual understanding ……”

“No, I don’t want to have any bond with you.”


Bai Duanduan bit her lip and decided to be straightforward, “I can wash the dishes!”

Ji Lin was not at all impressed, “I have a dishwasher.”

“I can clean up for you!”

“I’ll hire a part-time worker.”

“Then I… I won’t ask you for overtime pay for working overtime this month!” When Bai Duanduan saw that Ji Lin did not immediately refuse, she immediately picked up again and offered to say, “And I’ll give you a 20% discount on your mother’s side this month!”

As a result, Ji Lin still didn’t say anything.

Bai Duanduan thought about the delicious soba noodles she had just eaten and decided to go out on a limb, “I’ll supervise your mother for six months! 30% off, it can’t be any lower! You don’t have to pay for the castration of Ji Mimi, I’ll pay for it all! I’ll be at your beck and call if you need anything from now on! Your next case that exceeds the 50 million bid amount, I can reduce the share ratio …… Ji Lin, save the child 2 have mercy …..”

For the sake of a mouthful of food, Bai Duanduan was completely spineless and went crazy, “Ji Lin, as long as you do me the kindness of cooking for me, I am willing to work like a donkey to repay you …… What wakes others up in the morning is a dream, but what wakes me up can only be your breakfast! I’m willing to get up early for your breakfast. You can start serving at whatever time you want, you can stop serving whenever you want, I have no other demands. As long as you give me a bite to eat, I am willing to sell my soul!”


Bai Duanduan said pitifully, “Boss, please!”

