You're Fired!

Chapter 27.2 Was Bai Duanduan her natural enemy from her previous life? !

“This ankle and leg of yours are totally fine.” The male doctor from the orthopedic department pushed his glasses up his nose bridge and looked at Meng Xin with a puzzled look on his face, “Look, there’s no swelling here either, and the X-ray films show that the bones are fine too, so how is it possible that you can’t stand up?”

Meng Xin was afraid that Bai Duanduan would continue to push hard for exercise after learning that she was indeed fine, so she could only cry out falsely and insisted in the face of the doctor’s diagnosis, “Doctor, this may not have come out in the X-ray film but something is definitely wrong with my bones. It may not have been fractured but the joints may have dislocated or something. Look, I’m in real pain, I really can’t stand up ……”

The orthopedic surgeon immediately retorted, “No way, there is neither a fracture nor a dislocation here. This patient, are you ……”

“It’s okay, doctor.” Bai Duanduan pulled the distressed doctor, “This lady may indeed have a minor joint dislocation that is not visible on the X-ray film.”

“Little girl, that’s impossible. I’ve been watching this kind of X-ray film for years, it’s not ……”

Bai Duanduan, however, didn’t wait for the doctor to finish speaking and interrupted him straight away, “Doctor, I’m just asking, if the joint is dislocated, what should be done in that case?”

The doctor was taken aback but still answered, “Then it needs to be reset and then put in a cast.”

“Good.” Bai Duanduan smiled, “Then please reset this lady and then put her in a cast.”

Meng Xin froze, since she frantically objected, “No, no, no, no need!”

Are you kidding, how can she walk with a cast on herself!

The doctor was also having a hard time, “She’s not even dislocated……”

Bai Duanduan smiled, “Okay, Auntie Meng, you heard him, right? Then you can go home and rest today, but you still can’t run away from the daily exercise starting tomorrow.”

When Meng Xin heard about the daily exercise, she finally gritted her teeth ruthlessly and said, “I’m dislocated! Doctor! You reset me and put me in a cast! I’ll have it!”


The orthopedic surgeon had been practicing for more than ten years, but this was the first time he had seen such a patient, who was obviously fine, but insisted on claiming that her joint was misaligned and needed to be reset and put in a cast. He had no choice but to follow the patient’s insistence and start putting her in a cast after the other party had written a waiver ……


Ms. Meng was really stubborn and would never admit defeat. In order to fight till her last breath and so as not to exercise and not to be poked in the skin for insulin, she was willing to suffer. She was so desperate to save face that she would refuse to give in and would never admit that her leg was alright in the end.

Bai Duanduan actually intended to give her a step down, yet she actually chose not to, and eventually went to get a cast like she was going to die ……

The only thing was that just as Ms. Meng went in to get a cast, Bai Duanduan got a phone call from Ji Lin.

“Has your application to transfer your practice as a lawyer been completed?”

Only then did Bai Duanduan suddenly remember that there was still this matter left to attend, “No, I don’t think I can do it today.”

Ji Lin’s voice sank and he said in a somewhat unhappy tone,”What’s so difficult about this? You asked for half a day off this afternoon, I approved it, you should have gone and gotten it done.”

“No, your mother is in the hospital.”

Ji Lin really raised his voice, “What’s wrong? Why is she in the hospital?”

“She just sneaked out to play mahjong and injured her foot, and now she is getting on a plaster.”

After Bai Duanduan answered this, Ji Lin’s questioning did come, and his voice was solemn, “Bai Duanduan, I didn’t give you 20,000 yuan a month to do whatever you want, you should at least take responsibility for the nursing. This serious accident occurred solely because you were irresponsible in your care and you need to take responsibility for all the conseque ……”

Before he could finish the word “consequences”, Bai Duanduan interrupted him with a yawn, “Don’t worry about your mother’s leg. I promise she will be fine by this afternoon, and if she is not fine by this afternoon then she will definitely be fine by tonight.”

Ji Lin only said coldly, “What happened to my mother’s leg? Is it broken that she needs a cast? How can it heal so quickly?”

Bai Duanduan just smiled knowingly, “I’ll explain the details later, anyway, just wait, I’ll create a medical miracle for you. Oh, your mother has finished getting her cast, let’s stop talking for now ah, bye bye bye!”


Bai Duanduan hung up the phone on the one side, and on the other side, although Ms. Meng Xin was reluctant, she could only follow Bai Duanduan home in a cast. Although Bai Duanduan repeatedly confirmed several times whether she really wanted a plaster cast, she finally decided – to fight! After all, having a cast would allow her to escape from daily exercise, which Ms Meng loathed more than the inconvenience of a cast.

It’s just a pity that she didn’t realize that although exercise was dispensed with at the moment because of the cast, healthy meals were not. Now she was tearfully eating an unpleasant, healthy meal under the death glare of Bai Duanduan.

Bai Duanduan even directly searched for photos of cheesecake, chocolate matcha ice cream and butterscotch biscuits tempting to the point of mouth-watering on her ipad, and placed them right in front of Meng Xin’s face, with the fancy name of giving her an appetite boost.

“Since Auntie Meng wants to eat these but can’t due to blood sugar issues, let’s satisfy your cravings, why don’t you just have a healthy meal with this picture? Imagine the taste of these desserts?”

Meng Xin was already bitter from eating healthy meals, and now when she looks at the sweet food that was within her grasp a few hours ago, she feels that not only was it not sweet, but it was getting more and more bitter. Luckily, once she thought of pretending that she had sprained her leg and was in a wheelchair, she could get rid of the nasty post meal exercise at least ……

However, in order to adapt to the situation, Meng Xin acted as soon as she got home. She used Bai Duanduan to get herself a wheelchair and sat on it modestly. And because she claimed that she had a sprained leg and was unable to move and was put in plaster, Bai Duanduan’s lawyer’s transfer application today was naturally unsuccessful, and she had to stay and take care of her.

Meng Xin planned quite well. Although she can run and jump like a healthy person, sitting in a wheelchair with a cast was a bit constrained and uncomfortable for her. But anyway, at night when Bai Duanduan leaves, she doesn’t have to act. She can find a small community hospital to have the cast removed and then re-tie some bandages the next day to pretend during the daytime again. Isn’t this just the right time to torment Bai Duanduan and have her push herself in the wheelchair everywhere?

Meng Xin’s plans were naturally clear to Bai Duanduan. After having her meal, she instructed Bai Duanduan to push her wheelchair here and there, to go to the courtyard and then back to the kitchen and so on. It can be regarded as going around the entire villa on the first floor. Even so, Ms. Meng Xin obviously didn’t think it was enough.……

“Xiao Bai, I think I should be more active outdoors. I think middle aged and elderly people need to breathe more fresh air and get more sunlight, because sunlight allows the body to synthesize vitamin D. You know that vitamin D is important for the bones of the body, right? It’s important for the bones, it helps absorb calcium! Come on, it’s a sunny day, push me to the little park outside the villa!”

This small park mentioned by Meng Xin was actually not close to the villa area, and can even be said to be somewhat far away. This park was built amidst several high-rise buildings in the neighborhood and was small compared to the large green areas and garden landscape in the villa area. The residents of the cramped high-rise building area do not have much place to walk their dogs on a regular basis, so the city government has planned such a small park garden next to the high-rise building area.

Bai Duanduan knew that Meng Xin was finding different ways to torment her, but Bai Duanduan didn’t say a word of complaint. It was never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But Meng Xin didn’t know what was in Bai Duanduan’s mind, so she kept on tormenting her…

“Xiao Bai, go east! Yes, to the east!”

“Hey no no, go west! I want to go west again!”

“Forget it, turn around, go south, west doesn’t mean good, it’s like going west, you go south!”

“Stop, stop, stop! South is not good either, I’m too south, harmony is too hard for me, the color is not good, go north!”


Bai Duanduan had been directed to work all afternoon. Ms. Meng Xin obviously had an electric wheelchair, but she made Bai Duanduan push it by hand, and Bai Duanduan’s shoulders and neck were sore from exhaustion.

By now the sun had set and the little park was starting to come alive with old aunties coming out after their early dinners.

Meng Xin had been tossing and turning all afternoon and was bored, “Xiao Bai ah, let’s go back.” She said mercifully, “You’ve been pushing me all afternoon and you’re tired, so you can rest and relax on your own for the rest of the day afterwards.”

Want to go back? Hmph!

Bai Duanduan pursed his lips tightly, and without saying a word, she immediately pushed the wheelchair and walked in the opposite direction.

“Huh? Where are you going Xiao Bai, it’s in the opposite direction!”

“Of course it’s the opposite direction Auntie Meng, I’m going to the square dance meeting point!”

Meng Xin frowned, “What are you going there for?”

“Weren’t you the one who told me to take a break to relax and unwind? My way of resting is to do square dancing! It’s hard to get by this kind of little park. I have heard that the square dancing here is very good. They even won the city’s Sunset Red Square Dance Competition!”