You're Causing Chaos Again

CH 97

Shen Yanming, nestled in the bag, made a hushing gesture, scrunching his face. He Changkong realized he had spoken too hastily, inexplicably joining in on someone else’s conversation, which might seem bizarre to those two young girls.

He Changkong flashed an apologetic smile at the two girls and stepped out of the shop.

Originally, the plan was to take Shen Yanming out for some food and drinks, but considering the practical difficulties and Shen Yanming’s small appetite, he didn’t insist that He Changkong order anything to eat. He just had He Changkong buy a cup of milk tea. When they returned to the car, Shen Yanming took a small sip through the straw.

He Changkong asked, “Don’t you want the pearls?”

Shen Yanming drooped his head and replied, “I feel like they’ll make me explode if I eat them.”

In one’s lifetime, it’s quite extraordinary to hear someone say that a single tapioca pearl in milk tea could make them explode.

After finishing the milk tea and satisfying his taste buds, Shen Yanming climbed onto the front of the car, where decorations were placed. He positioned himself like one of those decorations. However, standing in a military posture for a while tired him out, so he sat cross-legged and leaned against a chubby dog decoration.

He Changkong asked, “Are we heading back?”

Shen Yanming raised his small speaker and said, “Yeah, let’s go.”

Just as He Changkong was about to start the car, Shen Yanming suddenly spoke again, “Honestly, do you have some kind of resentment towards me?”

The words of those two young girls earlier were just casual remarks, but after experiencing so many strange and inexplicable events and carrying the frustrating burden of being unable to return to his original state for a long time, Shen Yanming had become vigilant, even when hearing nonsense from others.

He Changkong helplessly replied, “I really don’t.”

Shen Yanming pouted, “Well, if you did, it might be better. If you did, according to my understanding, I could become bigger by resolving your resentment… Think about it. Do you have any… well, let’s not call it resentment, do you have any obsession with me?”

The word “obsession” sounded a bit awkward, but Shen Yanming couldn’t find a better word at the moment, so he used it.

He Changkong fell into silence. Shen Yanming had originally wanted to drop the subject, thinking that forcing his significant other to find fault with him was absurd. Unexpectedly, after a moment of silence, He Changkong spoke up, “Maybe I do.”

Shen Yanming exclaimed, “What?”

Shen Yanming had been lazily leaning against the chubby dog figurine nearby, but upon hearing this, he immediately sat up straight. “What is it? Have I not been able to satisfy you?”

He Changkong sighed, “…Don’t speak nonsense.”

Shen Yanming chuckled, “Your skin is still so thin.”

Shen Yanming was teasing, but He Changkong took an unexpected turn, saying, “Well, yes.”

Shen Yanming was taken aback, “Huh? Yes to what?”

He Changkong glanced at Shen Yanming and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, “You didn’t satisfy me.”

Just a moment ago, Shen Yanming had been mocking someone else for having thin skin, but now he himself was blushing like a tomato. He almost dropped the loudspeaker in his hand. Barely managing to hold onto it, Shen Yanming took a deep breath. “Wait… let me get this straight. Because I… um, haven’t satisfied you, you made me smaller? Damn it, so you mean if I become smaller, I can satisfy you? What exactly do you want to do to me…”

He Changkong rubbed his forehead and interrupted Shen Yanming, “It’s not like that. Your logic is completely wrong. First of all, I didn’t make you smaller, and secondly, I didn’t want to do anything to you…”

But as he spoke, He Changkong suddenly hesitated.

Earlier, he had admitted that Shen Yanming hadn’t satisfied him, and if he were to insist on saying it, he had indeed thought about doing something to Shen Yanming… Of course, it wasn’t some unethical or perverted thought.

It all started when, before a certain competition, they had encountered a staff member backstage who handed them TMM’s support item—the cat ear headband. When they met, the staff member handed the cat ears to Shen Yanming without much explanation, saying, “Your fans just gave these to me. We have so many teams here, and it doesn’t seem right for a staff member like me to specifically support your team. You should wear them yourselves.”

Shen Yanming wasn’t particularly fond of these kinds of accessories, which had nothing to do with a macho image. Although he accepted them, he hadn’t put them on and had been holding them in his hand.

However, He Changkong’s mind had wandered far away, recalling the first time he had seen Shen Yanming at the opening match. At that time, Shen Yanming had cat ears perched on his head, and as he moved, the cat ears would sway and twitch.

If only Shen Yanming would put those cat ears on again.

After that match, when He Changkong was alone, he secretly searched a well-known shopping website for fluffy accessories. Apart from cat ears, there were also other animal ears and tails… Of course, their purpose was a bit subtle. There were also more normal items, like some cute bear and puppy-themed onesies, which were adorable.

He Changkong really wanted Shen Yanming to wear them, but considering Shen Yanming’s personality, he wouldn’t wear such uncool clothing unless there was a good reason.

Back then, He Changkong had genuinely thought that if Shen Yanming turned into a doll, he could play dress-up games with him and make him wear whatever he wanted.

But it was just a passing thought, and he had even forgotten that he had ever thought about it.

Who could have known that something as bizarre as this would actually happen?!

Thinking of this, He Changkong’s expression shifted from sunny to gloomy, and he became even more solemn.

Seeing He Changkong’s reaction, Shen Yanming was shocked, “No way, do you really have some inappropriate thoughts about me?”

He Changkong thought that he might indeed be responsible for this situation and couldn’t find words to reply, so he simply said, “I’m sorry.”

Shen Yanming was a little flustered by this unexpected apology, “What do you want to do?”

He Changkong placed his index finger against Shen Yanming’s small head and lightly tapped it, “I didn’t want to do anything. Let’s go back first, and I’ll explain it to you.”

“That’s how it is.”

Back at the base, it was just past noon, and the other gaming addicts had only recently woken up. Instead of heading to the training room, He Changkong took Shen Yanming directly to the player dorms and gave a rough explanation of his speculations.

Shen Yanming’s mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ shape.

“I remember now. You have a thing for fluffy stuff!” This was probably something Shen Yanming had discovered a long time ago. However, because He Changkong didn’t often display this preference, even when faced with cute kittens, he seemed rather restrained. Therefore, Shen Yanming rarely thought about it.

He Changkong replied, “…Maybe.”

It wasn’t just a preference for fluffy things…

Feeling somewhat guilty, He Changkong lowered his head, touched his nose, and then brought out the box of clothes he had bought, placing it in front of Shen Yanming.

When he bought the doll-sized clothes, he bought the entire collection at once, not just out of a bold impulse but also because he had thought that if xiao xiao luan could try on all these clothes, it would be very cute. However, when it came time to actually change the clothes, he hesitated, considering the other’s preferences, and didn’t suggest it.

But now…

Although it was far-fetched, the possibility that some sort of obsession was at play made He Changkong clear his throat lightly. He took out a few pieces of clothing from the box. “How about trying these on?”

He thought Shen Yanming would resist strongly, but Shen Yanming only hesitated for a moment before taking the clothes. “Turn around.”

He Changkong asked, “Don’t you need my help putting them on?”

Shen Yanming paused, “Is this one of the things you wanted to do to me but didn’t?”

He Changkong replied, “…No.”

“Then turn around,” Shen Yanming said as he pushed He Changkong. Of course, with his current size, pushing felt more like a regular person trying to push a tall wall.

He Changkong obediently turned around, and before long, he heard Shen Yanming’s confident declaration, “I’m done!”

Before him stood xiao xiao luan, wearing a green dinosaur onesie, and he even made an effort to wag the large tail attached to the back of the outfit.

He Changkong exclaimed, “Ah!”

He Changkong’s eyes gradually lit up. He didn’t express any opinion but crouched down to look directly at xiao xiao luan, who was standing on the bed and swaying the tail behind the clothes. He stared at him for quite some time. When xiao xiao luan, feeling embarrassed, held up the tail to cover his face, He Changkong reached for his camera and asked, “Can I take a photo?”

Shen Yanming bit the tip of the dinosaur tail and frowned, then said, “Sure.”

He Changkong took a few shots, looked at the photos, and then glanced at the little figure on the bed. He revealed a nearly imperceptible mysterious smile. He put away his phone and pulled out another piece of clothing, handing it to Shen Yanming. “How about changing into this one next?”

It was a hoodie with cat ears sewn onto the hood, paired with denim overalls. However, the overalls also had a long cat tail sewn onto them.

Shen Yanming made a few clicking sounds with his tongue but still took the clothing.

After putting on the clothes, Shen Yanming put on the hood and even made a standard anime catgirl pose — he raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, and placed it next to his head, tilting his head slightly. “How’s this?”

He Changkong took a breath and continued to silently take photos.

After changing for a while, almost all the clothes in the box had been tried on, including a maid outfit with a little skirt. At first, Shen Yanming felt a bit uncomfortable, but seeing He Changkong’s rare enthusiasm in his eyes, he reluctantly tried them all on.

Little did he expect that he had escaped Pudding’s clutches only to fall into He Changkong’s… A man’s destiny was to crossdress at least once in his life…

But at least he was doing it after getting smaller. If he were in his normal state, he would never agree.

Shen Yanming consoled himself this way.

It took quite some time to change outfit after outfit. Perhaps because they hadn’t gone to the training room, Pudding even called them during the process.

He Changkong was initially excited about taking pictures, but this call interrupted him, and he seemed a bit annoyed. Nevertheless, he didn’t say much, asking Pudding, “What’s wrong?”

Pudding said, “Where the heck are you guys? What are you doing? Aren’t you coming to practice?”

He Changkong had the speaker on, and Shen Yanming overheard the conversation. So, he raised the loudspeaker and shouted to Pudding, “We’re playing Miracle Chaos, don’t disturb us!”

Pudding: “…”

He Changkong also paused for a moment, realizing that it was indeed Miracle Chaos.

They changed all the clothes, but the miracle they hoped for didn’t happen. Shen Yanming remained at his 10cm height. Both of them felt a bit disheartened. Finally, Shen Yanming poked He Changkong, saying, “Well, if it’s not meant to be, so be it. You seemed so happy seeing me in those weird clothes. It’s a win-win. Let’s go back to the training room.”

He Changkong picked up Shen Yanming, who had changed back into his normal denim jeans, and they returned to the training room.

Another day passed, and before going to sleep, Shen Yanming didn’t even think about turning back. Forcing it seemed useless; if he couldn’t change back, maybe he should find a magician or something… Oh, Meng Yan was considered a mage, right? Could Meng Yan help with this? He wondered aimlessly, eventually sinking into dreams.

The next day, he woke up and, out of habit, turned over, feeling that something was off.

The bed had become smaller.

Shen Yanming opened his eyes, raised his hand, and then turned to see He Changkong, who was no longer a giant.

After experiencing the initial confusion, a belated joy surged within him.

He had returned to his original size!

Shen Yanming shook He Changkong, who was still sleeping, forcefully, “Ge! I’ve turned back!”

He Changkong woke up in a daze, and the first thing he saw was Shen Yanming, who was completely naked.

The small clothes were only suitable for the 10cm-tall xiao luan, and Shen Yanming at his normal proportions couldn’t fit into them. Naturally, these clothes had somehow gone missing during the transformation.

He Changkong flipped over and pinned Shen Yanming down.

A new day began with refreshing morning exercise.

After exercising and taking a shower, when they went to eat, they ran into Meng Yan, who had woken up early for some reason. Meng Yan greeted the two, “Good morning, brothers. Hey, Luan Jiang, you’re back to normal… Huh? Wait, I think I had a dream. I dreamt that you became small, it was really weird.”

He Changkong and Shen Yanming exchanged a glance and shared a knowing smile.

A few days later, Shen Yanming carried a suspicious-looking package like a thief as he rushed back to his room, which had been empty for a long time without any occupant. He unpacked the package, threw the newly purchased clothes into the washing machine in his room, and, after washing them, didn’t dare to hang them on the balcony for drying. He had to turn on the air conditioner and hang the clothes inside.

In the evening, after ending practice early once again, he put on the various, weird clothes that had already dried.

What he was wearing was a light pink maid outfit with cat ears.

The process was excruciating.

It wasn’t that putting on the clothes was difficult; it was overcoming his embarrassment that was tough.

you’re back to normal… Huh? Wait, I think I had a dream. I dreamt that you became small, it was really weird.”

After all, he had held a grudge against him and turned him into a small figurine.

He Changkong noticed Shen Yanming leaving practice early but didn’t ask why. After playing a couple of rounds with his other teammates, he felt restless and slipped out of the training room early.

When he returned to his room and didn’t find anyone there, he noticed that the neighboring room’s light seemed to be on.

He Changkong knocked on that door.

Originally, there were some faint noises coming from inside. However, as soon as He Changkong knocked on the door, everything inside fell silent.

He Changkong frowned and was about to knock again when the door clicked open, revealing a small gap.

He Changkong pushed the door open and saw Shen Yanming standing behind the door, blushing.

With cat ears on his head.

Wearing a pink apron.

He Changkong held his breath. “!!!”

Shen Yanming extended his hand to quickly close and lock the door. He was still holding a suspicious-looking, pink, fluffy cat tail. He shook it and said to He Changkong, “…I can’t manage this myself, can you help me with this?”

He Changkong: “!!!”

(End of Extra Chapter Four.)

Author’s Message:

Next, feel free to use your imagination! Hahaha.

Thank you for reading! 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day

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