You're Causing Chaos Again

CH 8

Shen Yanming in He Changkong’s impression was not such a wild person.

He had heard from others that this kid was quite funny, and he had also seen interviews where Shen Yanming frequently came up with witty quotes. But perhaps because they weren’t familiar with each other, He Changkong had never seen this bold and unrestrained side of him so directly.

In the previous life, when they played solo together, Shen Yanming would politely ask, “Can we play again?” after being beaten, and he would humbly seek advice on gameplay, using polite and courteous language. Occasionally, when they met offline, Shen Yanming would only greet him obediently as “Kong ge,” exchange a few words, never saying more than necessary.

But now, ever since they started playing games together, He Changkong kept hearing Shen Yanming say all sorts of strange things that constantly refreshed his impression of him.

However, he didn’t dislike this version of Shen Yanming.

In fact… he found it quite interesting.

After his rebirth, when He Changkong first decided to get in touch with Shen Yanming, it certainly wasn’t because he had nothing better to do.

In his previous life, He Changkong had actually witnessed Shen Yanming “break character” once, hearing that he got into a fight with someone.

It was the only time he remembered Shen Yanming doing something out of line.

He Changkong found it suspicious, but now that he had a second chance, the truth of what had really happened was impossible to know. If possible, He Changkong hoped that this time Shen Yanming wouldn’t ruin his image, considering the high price he paid for it in the end.

He thought that if Shen Yanming could break free from the CTG team that dragged him down from the very beginning and find a place more suitable for him to soar in, maybe everything would be different.

Of course, He Changkong also had his own selfish motives.

He knew that the future Shen Yanming would grow to become one of the top assassins in the world.

If Shen Yanming was willing, he hoped that Shen Yanming could be by his side, working together to save TMM, which was about to fall into decline.

But for now, even if he set aside all of that, He Changkong was more than happy to simply play a few casual games that didn’t require much skill with Shen Yanming.

Somehow, perhaps because this kid was really interesting.

After giving it some thought, He Changkong didn’t respond to Shen Yanming’s strange substitute joke, but instead sent a few serious messages through the private chat.

[My Milk’s Not Working]: If you practice on your own, your training volume will definitely not keep up. Even if you say you’ll try to find time to practice, you won’t have high-quality training partners. Therefore, if you want to practice on your own, you won’t improve much, and you won’t be able to beat me either.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: =.=…

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Come on, my wife, you don’t have to be so heartless and deny me just because I called you a substitute, right? It’s too hurtful!

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Don’t worry, even if you’re a substitute, I’ll treat you well. After all, the moonlight is far away in the sky1“After all, the moonlight is far away in the sky” or “After all, the moonlight is distant in the heavens.”: “毕竟白月光远在天边” (Bìjìng bái yuèguāng yuǎn zài tiānbiān ) is a Chinese idiom often used to describe a situation where the desired or ideal person or thing is unattainable or out of reach. Here the moonlight refers to He Changkong., and he won’t pose any threat to you.

[My Milk’s Not Working]:…

[My Milk’s Not Working]: Be serious.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Hahaha, okay

[I’m Messing Around Again]: I understand the reasoning too, but I’m just a student, you know? It’s already good enough if I can touch the computer on weekends.

[My Milk’s Not Working]: You play so well, why don’t you consider going pro?

If it were someone else, He Changkong might not have persistently asked this question. Although they weren’t familiar before, he knew about Shen Yanming’s situation. Shen Yanming didn’t like studying, but his family was supportive, and he loved esport. His dream was to hold the championship trophy.

Shen Yanming had no reason not to go pro.

In the previous life, he hadn’t heard of CTG putting in much effort to sign Shen Yanming.

…Where did things go wrong?

Shen Yanming had no idea that My Milk’s Not Working, whom he had played solo with all night, had such complicated thoughts. He just thought My Milk’s Not Working had a special penchant for recruiting people he thought played well into the professional scene.

He knew what My Milk’s Not Working said, but since he had already decided not to walk the same path again, he could only suppress his competitive desire.

He casually brushed it off.

After playing all night, he had relieved some of the frustration that had built up from dealing with online trolls. However, he still had this matter on his mind and brought it up to My Milk’s Not Working before logging off.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Wife, if you see Kong, remember to apologize to him for me. I’ve dragged him into this and he’s being scolded.

[My Milk’s Not Working]: It’s fine, don’t worry about it.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Yeah, I guess so.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Our Kong Shen is handsome and kind-hearted. He would definitely be magnanimous enough to intervene when he sees injustice. But I still want to express my apologies.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: I have wronged you.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Being a substitute is already so pitiful, and now having to bow down in front of the moonlight. Woo woo, I feel so cruel, I’m such a scumbag.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: But who told my heart to belong entirely to him~~~

[My Milk’s Not Working]: …………..

[My Milk’s Not Working]: Enough.

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Hahahaha

[I’m Messing Around Again]: Goodnight, my wife, mwah, love you2mwah, love you: the author actually used “啾咪, 比心心” (jiū mī, bǐ xīn xīn), jiū mī is a playful way of expressing a kiss (sound made when giving a kiss), it’s like *smooch* in English, and bǐ xīn xīn describe the action of making heart gesture with hand. similar to forming a heart shape using thumbs and index fingers. It is often used to express love, affection, or blessings..

It was getting late, so Shen Yanming went offline and shut down his computer.

Shen Yanming hadn’t interacted with this support player from TMM’s second team before. He didn’t expect this chubby nanny, to have a smiling face but an unexpectedly serious personality.

Usually, Shen Yanming and his friends often made these kinds of boring straight guy jokes. Those who didn’t want to engage with him would call him annoying, while those who were just as playful as him would play along.

My Milk’s Not Working’s reaction was unusually interesting. Shen Yanming could almost see a pair of reddening ears in each of his ellipsis.

It was so much fun. The more My Milk’s Not Working used ellipsis, the more Shen Yanming wanted to say something to tease him.

However, he vaguely remembered that My Milk’s Not Working didn’t play for long before retiring. He didn’t know the specific reason for it

But now, he felt that it was a pity. My Milk’s Not Working’s skills were definitely world-class.

For a high school student who lived at school, the moment before he returned to school on Sunday afternoon was truly the last chance for him to play on the computer.

He felt that his self-control was too poor. Whenever he saw the computer, he couldn’t help but sit down and immerse himself in the game. He realized that continuing to play like this was not a solution, so he made a deal with his parents. After he returned to school this time, they would lock away the computer.

My Milk’s Not Working probably went to train during the day and hadn’t been online. Since Shen Yanming mentioned selling his account, he hadn’t played with his classmates, friends, or any other online friends he used to know. Now his only companion was My Milk’s Not Working, and when My Milk’s Not Working wasn’t online, he could only play alone.

After a few matches, he estimated that his parents wouldn’t call him to go back to school for a while, so he queued up for another game.

The system quickly matched him into a random room.

He didn’t livestream and wasn’t aware of what happened the moment he entered the room.

——In this game, one of their opponents was a professional player’s smurf account.

In fact, Shen Yanming was familiar with this player.

CTG’s mage, Aji, also known as Ji ge3Ji ge: Brother Chicken, the nickname derived from his real name 阿吉(Ā Jí) but rather than 吉哥(Jí gē), it’s actually 鸡哥(Jī gē) as chicken is also called jī in Chinese..

Shen Yanming had fought side by side with him for three years—of course, in this timeline, Shen Yanming didn’t join CTG, so they were strangers to each other.

At this time, CTG was just a newly established team and didn’t have many matches to play. To make a living, the players would often allocate a significant amount of time for livestreaming.

Coincidentally, Aji was live streaming this particular match, claiming that he wanted to have some fun in the low-rank fishpond with his smurf account.

Originally, this was just a rather uninteresting livestream, but as soon as they entered the game room, the audience saw the ID [I’m Messing Around Again] on the opposing side.

Upon seeing Aji paired with Luanzi Ge, the audience in his stream got excited, even those who initially just wanted to casually watch.

There were even some eager individuals who even immediately shared the livestream link.

——”Quick, come to Black Cat Live Platform to watch Ji Ge’s alternate account destroy this crazy streamer!”

[I’m Messing Around Again] wasn’t a very influential person initially. He was just a slightly popular comedic streamer. But after Kong Shen vouched for him, many people who didn’t know him before went to watch his videos out of curiosity.

Some found him amusing and entertaining, but in a circle that valued strength above all else, there were still many who didn’t think much of streamers like him.

Although Aji was currently a relatively unknown player in a low-tier team, no matter how little fame he had, he was still a registered professional player under the Throne’s official organization.

Seeing a professional player going to crush a casual players, especially a casual streamer they didn’t like, many people were quite interested in witnessing the spectacle.

As a result, Aji’s stream room was suddenly flooded with a group of popcorn-eating spectators.

Some fans quickly tried to message Shen Yanming, but unfortunately, Shen Yanming had been annoyed by random private messages these past few days and had directly blocked messages from non-friends.

Unaware of all this, Shen Yanming quickly selected his character once he entered the room.

He wanted to finish the game quickly so he could pack up and return to school, so he chose White Wolf, the character he used most often.

He didn’t pay much attention to the fact that there was another person who also chose White Wolf on the opposing side.

Shen Yanming wasn’t concerned because he believed no one could play White Wolf better than him.

In the livestream room, Aji was addressing the viewers, saying, “I heard this streamer claim to be the number one White Wolf in domestic server? Well, today, let’s show him what a real Wolf King looks like.”

The viewers in the livestream room almost burst the screen with their laughter.

-Chicken King turns into Wolf King?

-Luanzi ge doesn’t seem to know that the opponent is Ji ge, right?.

-No suspense in this game. I’m out. Someone tell me how many times Luanzi ge dies later.

-Waiting for Luanzi ge to get hit hard.

-You never know, Luanzi ge has quite a few winning streaks.

-One streak?


-I actually enjoy watching Luanzi Ge’s streams. He may be bad, but it’s genuinely entertaining.

-I don’t know, it seems a bit unfair for a professional player to bully a streamer like this.

-Just enjoy the show, what’s the harm?

No matter how much mockery there was in the stream room, Shen Yanming couldn’t see any of it.

He took a sip of his cola and waited for the game to finish loading.

The battle officially began.

…But if Shen Yanming knew that it was Aji, he would probably quit the game without hesitation.

There was no other reason, he just found the other person unlucky.

Thank you for reading! 

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