You're Causing Chaos Again

CH 42

Even until Tony came to lead them to wash their hair, the shocked expression on Pudding’s face had not completely faded. He looked at Shen Yanming’s slender figure, and then thought of He Changkong’s appearance… Of course, He Changkong was not a muscular man either, but he did appear quite tall and strong. It wouldn’t be a problem for him to carry Shen Yanming with one hand.

No, no, no… sure enough, stereotypes are bad.

He thought again that many people considered him a pseudo-girl or gay just because he liked wearing skirts. Moreover, he heard that many prominent figures in the gay community that was a 0 were those tall, muscular guys with short hair who exuded a strong manly aura.

Perhaps it wasn’t so strange for He Changkong to be Shen Yanming’s “wife” after all.

Pudding took a deep breath, trying his best not to appear too surprised. Instead, he put on a gentle smile and started talking about other things with Shen Yanming.

When they finished washing their hair and returned, they coincidentally ran into Zhuo Minxing, who had just finished getting his hair cut and was about to leave. This person was quite courteous, as he made sure to greet Pudding and the others before he left.

With a smile, Pudding waved at someone, then turned to look at Shen Yanming, who still had that cold and indifferent expression. Finally, he realized that something was off.

It was the same earlier, but they got interrupted by something else, and Pudding didn’t have a chance to ask him clearly.

Pudding directly asked, “Are you feeling unwell? Usually, when you see other players coming to talk to you, you get excited like dogs seeing bones.”

Otherwise, why would this guy, Pudding, speak in a way that makes people hate him? Shen Yanming sighed, “Ding jiang, your metaphors are truly extraordinary…” Extraordinary in a disastrously bad way.

Pudding was completely unaware, “Thank you.”

Shen Yanming glanced at the little gay guy who had just left the room and casually said, “You know I can tell fortunes, right? Before coming out, I read my fortune, and it said that if I encounter a seemingly innocent male college student trying to talk to me, I must ignore him, or else I’ll be in big trouble.”

Pudding calmly looked at him, “You can tell fortunes too?”

Although he asked like this, in reality, Pudding didn’t believe him at all. At first, he wondered if there was some unresolved conflict between Shen Yanming and that person, but from the looks of it, it didn’t seem like they knew each other. After much speculation, he could only assume that Shen Yanming was afraid of making his “wife” jealous.

Pudding’s mind was in turmoil.

It was really hard to imagine what He Changkong would be like when he got jealous.

But it couldn’t be that bad, right? Shen Yanming is always friendly and close to other people… The more Pudding thought about it, the more alarmed he became. Could it be that they were already on He Changkong’s secret blacklist?

While Pudding was lost in his wild imagination, Shen Yanming suddenly had an epiphany. His eyes lit up, and he began to talk non-stop, “Yes, I can tell fortunes. From Xiaoliuren1Xiaoliuren (小六壬): Xiaoliuren is a form of divination based on the lunar calendar, particularly the Six Yin Days (Liuren, 六壬) within a cycle of sixty days. It involves using the date and time of a person’s birth to determine their fortune, luck, and potential life events. to Meihua Yishu2Meihua Yishu (梅花易数): Meihua Yishu, also known as Plum Blossom Numerology, is a divination system that uses the patterns formed by the plum blossoms falling on the ground as a basis for predictions. It is based on the ancient Chinese book “Plum Blossom Divination,” which associates specific patterns with various meanings and outcomes. Practitioners of Meihua Yishu use a set of numbered sticks or cards to create patterns, which are then interpreted to reveal insights about a person’s life, future events, and decision-making. … I know all about these. I can even read palms and do face readings. How about I give you a reading?”

Of course, all these terms were things Shen Yanming had come across while randomly surfing the internet in the past. There were often fortune-telling websites online. The first time he encountered them was when he checked the auspiciousness of his player name. One website said it was very auspicious, and he would surely achieve success with this name, while another website said it was very unlucky and that this name would lead to betrayal and isolation. All in all, none of them were accurate. However, Shen Yanming had followed those websites to browse through a lot of metaphysical-related content.

Of course, he wouldn’t actually do real fortune-telling, but… he had the Prophet script!

He had completely forgotten about it all this time. With his knowledge advantage, he could totally bluff people.

Although some events might not unfold as they did in his memories due to the butterfly effect and random variables, most of the events that were not influenced by him and He Changkong as two reborn individuals still happened.

Pudding also played along and said, “Then tell me my fortune.”

Shen Yanming cleared his throat, clasped his fingers in a chicken-claw shape, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Pudding praised, “You’re quite convincing, like a swindler.”

Shen Yanming opened his eyes and gave Pudding a displeased look, “Don’t disrespect this master.”

Pudding teased, “Please, Master, go ahead.”

Playing the role to the fullest, Shen Yanming stroked his non-existent long beard and said, “If you don’t take care of your shoulders now, it will become more severe over time and might even affect your professional career. Believe me, the master doesn’t lie.”

Pudding replied, “…so you’re waiting for me to do that.”

Shen Yanming replied, “…” It did sound quite unconvincing.

Pudding knew Shen Yanming meant well, so he smiled and said, “Alright, alright, I’ll take care of it.”

“Do you believe me? If you don’t, I can tell you something else…” Shen Yanming grew anxious, preparing to act like a real swindler. He tried to recall any recent significant news, but he couldn’t remember specific dates. Suddenly, he thought of the next game version update, which had caused some commotion. So, he said, “After the regular season, there was a version change, and the Dark Dragon Knight was nerfed to the ground3nerfed to the ground: got nerfed or weaken until it couldn’t be used. There was a guy from the IM team who used to carry the team with the Dark Dragon Knight during the regular season, but after entering the playoffs, he couldn’t adapt to the changes and got eliminated right away.”

The Dark Dragon Knight wasn’t strong in this version, but it was quite popular, so it was possible for it to get nerfed. Every year, there were teams that seemed invincible during the regular season but couldn’t compete after the version changes.

Pudding naturally didn’t think Shen Yanming’s words were prophetic. At best, they were just predictions. He responded, “Why do you curse others like this? It’s not nice.”

“It’s not a curse, I didn’t mean that…” Shen Yanming lowered his voice and looked serious, “It’s that the player couldn’t handle the setback, got drunk during a livestream, he took a wine bottle and smashed it against his own head, bang, bang, bang, hitting himself over a dozen times, causing a very bad impact, and he ended up getting banned…”

Pudding had a deadpan expression, “Your imagination is quite rich.”

Shen Yanming clicked his tongue, “I’m telling you, I actually foretold that!”

Pudding gave Shen Yanming a lovingly-you’re-such-a-fool look and said, “You can say these things casually to us, but be careful not to talk about them outside. It sounds like you have bad intentions.”

Shen Yanming replied, “I really didn’t curse anyone…” Of course, if that person could avoid such behavior, it would be better. However, Shen Yanming had no personal connection with the player, so if he rashly warned him, it would indeed come off as having ill intentions, just as Pudding said. He could only say it was all fate.

As they talked, their hair was finally done, and two hairstylists came over to help them blow-dry and trim their hair again.

Shen Yanming shook his head in front of the mirror, and the more he looked, the more his lips curled upwards.

Pudding nudged him, “Why are you grinning like that?”

Shen Yanming turned his head and began to appreciate himself from multiple angles, saying, “I’m just too handsome.”

Pudding adjusted his own purple hair and moved closer to the mirror, “Still slightly inferior to me.”

The two narcissists quickly took a selfie together. Shen Yanming wasn’t used to taking selfies, but today, feeling good about himself and with Pudding’s enthusiastic invitation, he agreed to it.

However, the consequence of not being comfortable in front of the camera was that he looked somewhat stiff in the photo. Shen Yanming only managed a small victory sign, while Pudding posed with ease, looking completely at home in front of the camera.

Pudding even edited the photo and added a filter before posting it on Weibo.

This was Shen Yanming’s first time posting this kind of photo online, even though he used someone else’s Weibo account. He thought the comments would be filled with overwhelming praise, but when he checked, the top comment said: Haha, a poodle and a Samoyed.

The second top comment said: What’s going on? The “kill Matt” family is making a comeback?

Shen Yanming & Pudding: “…”

As expected, we can’t expect these players to say anything nice.

Not long after Pudding’s Weibo post, He Changkong messaged Shen Yanming.

[Kong_]: It looks good.

[ShenBird]: You really get it, we’ll be back soon, wait for me to come find you~

Shen Yanming was delighted with He Changkong’s praise, smiling like a flower. Pudding noticed Shen Yanming’s smile and glanced over to see the chat screen, realizing that the person Shen Yanming was chatting with was indeed He Changkong.

Pudding: “…” He really should gouge out his own eyes. What was he looking at it?

Once back at the dorms, Shen Yanming’s first order of business was to knock on He Changkong’s door. The player dorms had three floors, and while Pudding waited on the first floor in the dining room for Meng Yan and the others to prepare his takeaway meal, he couldn’t help but look at Shen Yanming who couldn’t wait to head upstairs. His emotions were complex and indescribable.

The room’s door was slightly ajar, and He Changkong heard footsteps approaching, so he went to the door and opened it.

Shen Yanming rushed forward in a hurry, not paying much attention to his path. When he arrived at the door, he nearly collided with He Changkong, who happened to be walking by the door. Fortunately, Shen Yanming managed to stop just in time to avoid a collision.

He Changkong looked at the silver-white-haired youth who had just dyed his hair.

Shen Yanming’s skin was already fairer than others, and this new hair color made him look even more ethereal. Feeling a bit embarrassed by his reckless behavior, he lifted his face and gave a smile with a hint of apology. His eyes sparkled like rippling water when he smiled.

He Changkong couldn’t help but stare for a bit longer.

Starting from Shen Yanming’s appearance, He Changkong began to make more associations.

He felt that this version of Shen Yanming was like a little white cloud in the sky—pure white, soft, and delightful.

Seeing that He Changkong was staring at him, Shen Yanming belatedly felt embarrassed and asked, “Is it a bit too unconventional?”

He Changkong shook his head and repeated, “It looks good.”

“Hahaha, I also think it looks pretty good,” Shen Yanming’s embarrassment only lasted a few seconds before he regained his shamelessness. However, he didn’t come just to show his hair to He Changkong, “Let’s go inside and talk.”

Initially, he wanted to tell He Changkong that he had encountered a troublesome player from his past life. However, on the way back, he decided to handle the matter on his own. After all, he hadn’t explained everything to He Changkong, and nothing had happened in this life. He could simply avoid that person on his own. If he encountered Moonlight during a match, he would beat him with his skills, leaving a psychological shadow on him.

He didn’t want to cause any trouble for He Changkong.

Instead, he wanted to talk about Pudding’s situation.

After pulling up a chair and sitting down, Shen Yanming absentmindedly flipped through the books on the table. He said, “I’ll do my best to persuade Ding Ding jiang to see a doctor, but what do you think about getting someone to replace him?”

In the previous life, the tank who replaced Pudding was directly brought up from the second team. The person wasn’t too troubled psychologically, but he didn’t perform well and quickly transferred to another team after completing a season. Afterward, TMM tried a few more tanks, but the team’s performance still didn’t improve.

This time, they all didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes.

He Changkong had thought about these matters before and answered quickly, “Um, you know the ID called Liu Ritian.”

Shen Yanming exclaimed, “Ah,” and then nodded.

Shen Yanming’s first impression of Liu Ritian was: This person is a flamer.4flamer: trash-talker

Liu Ritian’s style of insulting people was ever-changing, from subtle sarcasm to direct and offensive language, ranging from incomprehensible metaphors to vulgar language. Many people who played with him were scolded so harshly that they felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over them. He not only cursed during games but also on platforms like Weibo and forums.

In short, Liu Ritian didn’t leave a good impression on Shen Yanming.

The second impression was: this person is very strong.

This person is also a passerby king5passerby king: a player who excels in ranked games or matchmaking games with random players but may not be actively participating in professional esports or official competitions. They are known for their exceptional skills and achievements in regular online matches. . He usually climbs ranks using tank heroes, and he has reached the top ranks in both the national and international servers. Even when he didn’t top the leaderboards, he usually ranked in the top ten. A person like this undoubtedly received many invitations from various teams, but nobody ever heard of him joining any team.

In the previous life, Shen Yanming didn’t remember Liu Ritian going pro either. It seemed that he was active for a while during that time but disappeared later.

Shen Yanming asked, “He’s talented… but will he come?”

There were some thoughts that Shen Yanming didn’t express directly. Even if this person joined a professional team, he might not be able to control his mouth. He might even cause some trouble for the team. Shen Yanming believed that they should carefully consider this.

Unexpectedly, He Changkong replied, “I asked him, and he’s willing to come. We might arrange a test for him in a couple of days.”

Shen Yanming was taken aback. He had wanted to say more, but now he swallowed back his words. “…Did you already consider him from the beginning?”

He Changkong replied, “Um, at first, he didn’t want to come either.”

Shen Yanming felt a bit awkward for no reason.

Could it be that when He Changkong recruited Liu Ritian, he did something similar to what he did with him? Creating a small account, playing together, and having heart-to-heart chats?

Author’s Message:

Luan Luanzi: Do you have other dogs6dogs: romantic partners or love interests. outside?? QOQ

Thank you for reading! 

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