You're Causing Chaos Again

CH 13

After Shen Yanming finished his sarcastic remarks, the comments section exploded with people spectating, some laughing along, while others expressing their disapproval of his behavior.

And then, a new argument broke out!

– Usually, although the streamer’s mouth is sharp, it’s all self-deprecating, and I find it quite entertaining. I didn’t expect him to become so arrogant after winning once and unfollowed him. I’m unfollowing.

– His behavior is a bit lacking in manners. Even if others are not as skilled as him, there’s no need to say such things.

– Ah? Who was the one who relentlessly insisted on soloing Luanzi ge? Luanzi ge ignored him, and he got all angry and started hurling insults. Here’s a screenshot, take a good look. [image]

– But wasn’t it Luanzi ge who blocked him first? If he didn’t want to solo, he could have refused. Why hold such deep grudges and block someone? Ji ge spoke politely at the beginning too.

– Exactly, and he acts like he’s really amazing. If he’s that good, why not compete professionally instead of being a streamer? Even though Ji ge is a professional player, he underestimated his opponent at the beginning, played in an unfamiliar position, and combined with his teammates’ poor performance, isn’t it normal to lose? You guys think Luanzi ge is the best just because he shows off his skills in low-level games.

– Are you kidding? Wasn’t it Aji who accused Luanzi ge of cheating first? Can you randomly throw such accusations around? Isn’t that enough to hold a grudge? If it were me, I would do more than just block him. Luanzi ge has already shown great restraint, hasn’t he?

Shen Yanming rubbed his throbbing temples.

As one of the netizens mentioned, although Shen Yanming often has a foul mouth, he would never randomly attack others.

The netizens could guess that the reason for Shen Yanming’s sarcastic behavior was Aji’s baseless accusation of him cheating.

But it was not the case.

That particular game was an accident. If he had accidentally crushed another player, he would have found an excuse to brush it off long ago.

No one knew the grudges between Shen Yanming and Aji, not even Aji himself in this life.

It was also because of this consideration that Shen Yanming tried his best to ignore Aji’s constant provocation.

But that didn’t mean he had no temper.

Especially when he had just happily received the ticket, in a great mood, planning to show off that he would be watching the game live, this unlucky guy just had to come and bother him.

Since Aji was unwilling to back down, then Shen Yanming would beat him until he was convinced, make him acknowledge reality, and stop pestering him.

Shen Yanming temporarily set aside his determination to stay away from the game for now, turned on his computer, started the game, and opened his live stream.

He maintained a cheerful tone and said, “The room is ready, come on, let’s have casual matches, everyone can watch freely.”

Aji quickly entered the room using the account he usually plays ranked matches with.

Aji played as a mage, another DPS class with multiple AOE: Area of Effect, it refers to abilities, spells, or attacks that have an impact within a certain area, affecting multiple targets simultaneously.[/mfn] skills and a wide attack range. However, casting skills required casting time.

On the other hand, Shen Yanming always played as an assassin, with instant-cast skills and high single-target damage, but a smaller attack range, making it more challenging to avoid damage.

Both classes had their strengths and weaknesses. Although skilled players could excel at both, there would still be a bias towards one. Someone who was used to playing as a mage would inevitably struggle when suddenly playing as an assassin against someone who had played as an assassin for a long time.

Aji also thought the same way. He believed he had lost, partly due to this factor. In the previous game, he picked White Wolf, a character he hadn’t used much before. Although he had a basic understanding of the character, he knew he wouldn’t fare well against a professional White Wolf player.

So this time, he decided to use his main hero, Crystal Queen.

There was a training match before where Aji used Crystal Queen to stage a comeback against all odds, which caused quite a stir in the gaming community.

The onlookers who came to watch saw Aji picking Crystal Queen and realized that he was serious this time.

Some were worried for Luanzi ge.

After all, some netizens had a point. Luanzi ge had only shown off in some low-rank matches before that was just for fun.

However, some people firmly believed in Luanzi Ge’s extraordinary skills and eagerly looked forward to seeing what kind of performance he would deliver when he go all out.

But they were expecting too much.

Shen Yanming glanced at the barrage and thought that he didn’t need to go all out to deal with Aji.

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, he didn’t pick White Wolf, which he played the most and was most proficient with. Instead, after seeing Aji choose Crystal Queen, he chose the same character.

The atmosphere in the live stream room reached its peak at that moment.

There were front-row spectators selling melon seeds and cola, and others expressing concerns that Luanzi ge might not be able to play Crystal Queen well.

On the other hand, Aji couldn’t help but smile. This was even better. When he played solo with Crystal Queen against others, he wouldn’t win every battle, but his win rate was still impressive.

The game began.

Both of them wasted no time and quickly picked up nearby equipment before heading straight to the center of the map for a clash.

AJi tried to position himself behind Shen Yanming, preparing to cast a skill, but Shen Yanming swiftly turned his character around and interrupted Aji’s casting with a basic attack.

It was as if he knew what Aji would do.

Shen Yanming evaded effortlessly and started circling Aji.

He was literally going in circles.

And in the gaps between the circles, he released his skills with pinpoint accuracy, hitting Aji every time.

As everyone knows, when a mage starts casting a skill, it can be interrupted if they get displaced or attacked by someone else, preventing the skill from being executed.

So, when playing as a mage, most people would find a relatively safe position to output damage from a distance.

But Shen Yanming had calculated the casting time and cooldown perfectly, seamlessly combining the casting into the gaps during his character’s movement.

Moreover, he managed to dodge Aji’s attacks, ensuring that his skills were not interrupted!

It was truly unbelievable.

The viewers in the livestream room were collectively stunned.

Shen Yanming whistled, “This is the hand speed I’ve honed during my more than a decade of being single.”

In reality, this kind of approach was very risky in official matches. If he encountered an evenly matched opponent, they could easily calculate the timing to prevent such maneuvers.

The problem was that Aji’s skill level was miles behind Shen Yanming’s.

The ultimate skill of Crystal Queen was called “Heartbreaker,” which fired five crystal-shaped beams of light at a target, with each beam gradually decreasing in damage.

Aji could dodge them, and he was indeed trying to, but Shen Yanming didn’t give him a chance to dodge.

Basically, Shen Yanming could predict where Aji would move next and block him before he even made a move.

The first beam of crystal light hit.

Shen Yanming remembered the time in his previous life when he and Aji were roommates at CTG. One night, they sneaked out of the base and rented a motorcycle to go for a ride. When they returned, they were caught, scolded by the coach, fined, and had to write self-reflections.

After finishing the reflections and returning to their room, they regretted not coming back earlier after eating that barbecue. Maybe they wouldn’t have been caught if they had returned earlier.

The second beam hit Aji.

Shen Yanming remembered the first time their small team made it to the world championships. His teammates lifted him up in celebration.

Aji had his arm around his shoulder, looking extremely excited. He said, “Without you, we wouldn’t even have a chance to touch the door to the world championships.”

The third beam.

Shen Yanming saw the chat records that his teammates forwarded to him.

It was what Aji said to the coach, saying that Shen Yanming’s individual performance was too outstanding and it was affecting the team’s balance. The other teammates were also talented, but their potential was limited because all the resources were prioritized for Shen Yanming. Aji suggested trying a different approach to allow the team to go further.

Shen Yanming didn’t think much about it and agreed that they could indeed try different strategies.

His teammates showed him other chat records.

It turned out they had another private group without him.

When they weren’t in front of the coach, Aji spoke more frankly.

—Why is it always him in the spotlight? We’re like extras, and whenever CTG is mentioned, it seems like they only know him. Isn’t this a team game? Aren’t our efforts valuable too? We did pretty well when we played on our own before. Does he really think he’s the one carrying all of us?

The fourth beam.

Shen Yanming recalled the last time he heard Aji speak in his previous life.

Aji stood in front of the investigation team, head down. “Yes, it’s true that Wild had some personal grudges with Moonlight. He also told me that he beat someone up when he came back, and I did try to talk him out of it…”

Shen Yanming couldn’t believe his ears, his eyes widened.

After returning, he received a message from Aji, just three short words.

—I’m sorry.1I’m sorry: “对不起”(Duìbùqǐ)

But all of that was in the past.

Shen Yanming looked at the screen, watching Aji frantically running around, and he launched the final beam of light.

Aji was killed.

It took less than three minutes, and the match was far from over. Aji revived in the game, looking a bit lost, hesitating whether to make a comeback or not.

But anyone with discerning eye could see that Aji didn’t have much chance for a comeback.

Shen Yanming also seemed uninterested in continuing the one-sided match. Before the match was over, he chose to quit.

“Let’s play together again next time~” Shen Yanming said with a rising tone at the end, sounding relaxed and content. In reality, he had no expression on his face… or rather, he felt a bit suffocated at the moment.

But the viewers wouldn’t know any of this.

All they knew was—

Luanzi ge was simply terrifying!

If there were still doubts about Shen Yanming’s abilities at the beginning, after this match, almost all of them had changed their minds.

Who else could effortlessly defeat their opponent using their most proficient hero? And all while maintaining a seemingly nonchalant attitude— killing them just by circling around!

The viewers, with mixed emotions, flooded the barrage with comments.

– I wonder how big Ji ge’s psychological shadow is…

– Damn, after all, Ji ge is a professional player. Let’s give him some face.

– Supervisor, please step in.

– I’m sorry, I used to think Luanzi ge might not be as amazing as they say. I was blind.

– Ahhhh! Why did Luanzi ge pretend to be weak when he’s so strong!!! Give us your main account!!!

– Are you neko by any chance?

– I feel like his playstyle is somewhat similar to Xiao Ba…2Xiao Ba: “小八 “(Xiǎo bā) another player name, translated as Little eight

– The voice is different, and their age and experiences don’t add up either.

– He’s definitely using a voice changer. And all that talk about being a third-year high school student must be made up. Has Luanzi ge ever spoken a single honest word?

After Shen Yanming exited the game and returned to the game lobby, he no longer paid attention to Aji’s condition. He glanced at the barrage and answered some questions that everyone was concerned about: “Ha, stop guessing. I’m just an ordinary game enthusiast, nothing special.”

– Speechless, he’s f***ing ordinary.

– Bro, don’t be a streamer anymore. Go pro, I beg you. [/kneels]

The livestream chat was still bustling, but Shen Yanming ignored them. He got up to get a glass of water and took a sip before sitting back down. He was about to play a few more games to fulfill some viewers’ requests.

With this unexpected exposure of his hidden identity, it wasn’t his intention, but since things had come to this point, he had no reason to keep pretending.

The audience enjoyed watching him play, so he would just play casually.

However, as soon as he sat back down, he saw that [My Milk’s Not Working] had come online in his game friend list and sent him a message.

[My Milk’s Not Working]: You played well.

Shen Yanming actually had something he wanted to discuss with My Milk’s Not Working, but Aji interrupted him, and he almost forgot about it.

With the livestream still running, and everyone able to see their conversation, it wasn’t convenient for Shen Yanming to chat with My Milk’s Not Working.

So, without any preamble, Shen Yanming said to the audience, “Bros, my wife is here, and we need to have a private conversation. So, If you guys don’t mind, I’ll end the stream now.”

The screen went black.

Viewers: ? What happened to playing another round?

Thank you for reading! 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day

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