Your Majesty, I Want You

Chapter 17 - Climax (1)

Chapter 17: Climax (1)


“…Thank you for coming,” Aran said shyly, “It probably took you many days to journey from your home to the Imperial Palace.”

Enoch nodded. “It’s fine. Oh, the Empress asked me to deliver this to you, princess. She said you must eat it.”

Enoch passed her a small paper bag stuffed with powdered medicine.

Aran wore a sullen look and grabbed the bag hastily. “I don’t want to take medicine…”

Enoch pretended that he did not hear her grumbling.

Aran looked at him for a moment and asked carefully, “Um… can’t you feed me?”


Enoch’s face reddened. He’d grown a little embarrassed at her unexpected request. He, too, was of noble blood and the heir to the Grand Duke Roark’s dukedom and the House of Roark. He’d never done anything like this.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

But upon recalling the Empress’ warning, he nodded vehemently.

He opened the medicine bag with a slight clumsy hand and put it in Aran’s mouth. Aran did not complain. It’d be unfair for Enoch who made every effort to feed her the medicine. She took it all in with great strides.

She expected Enoch to praise her and she to revel in it, but Enoch, unaware of her current thoughts, said nothing and stuffed more medicine into her mouth like it was candy.

Aran’s eyes widened and Enoch let out a sudden laugh at Aran’s bulging cheek.

Aran’s heart warmed. She did not know why he laughed, but she liked it. She liked his smile.

Enoch stroked Aran’s head unconsciously.

“You’ll be okay,” he said.

Aran was pitiful. She spent most of her time in the bedroom at an early age. Enoch was aware that though she looked calm, her heart must’ve longed to journey outside and leave the confines of the palace walls. The her who bravely wielded the wooden sword in the midst of the night suddenly came to mind.

Enoch’s hand cupped her cheek and Aran’s eyes opened wide. She carefully leaned against his hand. The temperature of her body rose. Enoch could feel it.

“It’s strange,” she muttered.

“What do you mean?”

“Enoch, you’re sweet,” Aran smiled weakly, “If it’s like this, I hope I’ll be sick every day.”

“Everyone looks forward to your speedy recovery, Your Highness.”

Aran looked up at him. “You too?”

Enoch nodded. “Of course.”

“Then… I’ll get better soon.”

Looking at Aran’s innocent face, Enoch could see why the Emperor would not allow his daughter to experience much of the terrible world. Maybe because she’d grown up protected due to her weak constitution, but the princess was overly naive and frank. And she was weak. She’d become the target of everyone should she hold a clumsy grip on power.

The Grand Duke, Enoch’s father, had always traditionally been at odds with the Imperial Family, but regardless, the Emperor pushed ahead with the engagement of his daughter to the Grand Duke’s son to prevent others from using her.

Enoch wondered what it felt like to be loved.

Both father and mother were always mercilessly…

Aran twisted her body and saw Enoch’s gaze.

He looked down and smiled lightly.

“Enoch,” she called his name.


She smiled softly. “…I’m happy you’re here.”


His answer was blunt, but Aran did not care. She laughed and enjoyed his simple presence.

But in Enoch’s eyes, the princess lived in a completely different world. He and his parents lived in an estranged relationship. No… he disliked them. How does it feel to like someone else the way the princess liked him? He wasn’t quite sure how to. Maybe he’ll figure it out one day. But for now, the thought of having to keep the Emperor’s daughter happy and in a good mood for the rest of his life seemed to tire him.

Flashback End…


The zephyr wind from outside blew. Aran, the Empress Regnant, was in the office busying herself with work. The Grand Duke had yet to visit her. She was fortunate for that. But much to her dismay, whenever time allowed it, he’d bother her at every opportunity.

And she was aware of what would become of Enoch’s occasional rendezvous to visit her.

And right… now… she was looking at the man buried in between her legs and eating her flesh like sweet nectar. She wanted him to stop, but she did not have the power to speak. If she did, a groan would slip out of her mouth.

Despite the building excitement of pleasure, Aran looked at the door uneasily. She could hear passersby busily wandering around outside the office.

An hour ago, she had no idea she’d be spreading her legs wide open on the desk. She never thought they’d commit to passion and pleasure in broad daylight when she accepted Enoch’s request for an audience.

Aran bit her lips and covered her mouth with her hands to avoid making a sound.

Meanwhile, Enoch flicked his tongue around and bit her tender and hard cl*toris lightly.

Aran’s waist twisted slightly and a nasal sound leaked out.
