Your Majesty, Empress Is Escaping


"Prince of the South, the Crown Prince is still inside!" How can you order an attack? "

"Blades and swords have no eyes, what if they hurt the crown prince?"

Just as Murong Nan was about to attack, Prime Minister Dong shouted and shouted for them to stop. However, before he could even run a few steps, a person walked out from behind Murong Nan and chased after Dong Xiang. Dong Xiang was lying unconscious on the ground. From then on, no one else on the scene spoke out for Murong Hao.

Murong Nan gave the order.



The rain of arrows sliced through the air and headed towards the opposite direction!

Before Ink Yan could think of anything, she grabbed the dragon at her feet. Swish! The long arrow that was coming at him was thrown to the side, followed by another spin! The sound of metal clashing rang out one after another. Ink Yan grabbed the stunned Murong Hao and threw him onto the back of the wolf. She then stepped on it herself!

"Let's go!"

"We'll talk about it after we charge out!"


"What are you doing?"

At that time, Murong Hao's entire body was in disarray!

In the history, the lofty Crown Prince was actually carried on the back of an animal by a lowly slave like he was throwing rice bags! Under the "panic", he let out a feminine yell! It was practically causing the ministers standing on the sidelines to fall so hard that they could not even stand up straight!

"To save you, of course!"

Compared to Murong Hao's panic, Ink Yan pressed her hand on Murong Hao's back. Sitting on the back of a wolf with her back ramrod straight and her single ponytail holding the dragon, the young girl's ivory white skin was exposed to the light of the fire. She actually emitted a faint luster that was similar to that of porcelain. Although she didn't put on makeup, she was far more captivating than the dancers.

Gulp. Murong Hao couldn't help but swallow his saliva. His intuition and Ink Yan's back seemed to be burned, it was so hot that he wanted to jump up. However, his instincts seemed to be more honest than his embarrassment. Murong Hao couldn't help but reach out to protect her waist, to prepare for the upcoming fight and escape.

"Charge!" At this time, Wen Yan's legs tightened, and she jumped out on top of the White Wolf King!

Aowu ~ ~ ~

In the blink of an eye, everyone's eyes were filled with astonishment.

The wall of fire, which was so bright that it could almost burn a person's eyes, was suddenly broken apart by a powerful beast from within! It revealed the little girl, Mo Yan, who was riding on her back, and Murong Hao, who was hugging her waist and nearly "lost his voice!"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

The Crown Prince's assistant general who was waiting outside couldn't help but open his eyes wide with a pleasantly surprised expression. If the crown prince did not die, then he would not be guilty of dereliction of duty! However, it seemed that Murong Nan was not one of those people.

"Attention all!" Everyone, pay attention! "

"Now, the daughter of a sinner, Ink Yan, actually dares to kidnap the White Wolf King first, and then the Crown Prince! This was a great crime of exterminating nine clans! One had to be killed! Everyone, do not have any kind thoughts, just come at me! "

The scene changed dramatically once again.

Once again, the soldier had no choice but to raise his weapon and chase after the White Wolf King. Murong Nan was riding on a horse with fast legs. He was actually biting on the back and persuading them to surrender along the way.

"Ink Yan, you are now the criminal holding the crown prince hostage! Hurry up and put down the crown prince and surrender! This King can also make the decision to give you a complete corpse! "

Meanwhile, Ink Yan turned around and used the Wandering Dragon to whip the horse's legs. Pui! Ambitious people who want to replace the throne will really care about the lives of their competitors?

"Men, hurry up!" Whoever kills Ink Yan first will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver! To Chief Qian! " Murong Nan took the lead and ran with a face full of complacency. It was as if the people who rode the wolves in front of them were nothing more than bandits who had been scared out of their wits. Who knew that the mount that was running like the wind would suddenly raise its front legs and throw Murong Nan, who only had enough time to rein in his horse, off!

In front of his over a hundred subordinates, Murong Nan fell down like a dog eating mud! What royalty!

At this moment, the White Wolf King that was being ridden by Ink Yan turned its head again. Murong Nan, who was on a mount with 'malicious intentions', lifted the corner of his ink-like lips 30 degrees, showing an absolutely horrifying fake smile.

In the eyes of Murong Nan, who had just gotten up from the ground, there was an unimaginable mockery!

When had an animal ever mocked him as a prince?

"Saber weapon!" Everyone forward! "

"Hack the wolf to death first!"

Murong Hao's face turned ashen when he heard this. The Crown Prince was heartless. In front of the throne, blood was nothing compared to a cup of water.

Who would have thought that at this moment, the mount that had already returned to normal would raise its hooves again and viciously kick towards Murong Nan!

"Aiyo!" My waist! "


Murong Nan shouted as he threw himself back into the dust! The brown mink coat squirming on his back collar was as ridiculous as a tiny worm. He tried countless times to get up, but his waist felt like it had been cut off. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get up.

Taking advantage of the slight chaos on the other side, Ink Yan swept her eyes over the terrain and spoke again.

"White Wolf, let's enter the forest!"

At this time, Murong Hao, who had originally thought he was finished, finally came back to his senses. He pointed to the plains at the edge of the forest and said, "The terrain of the forest is very complicated, affecting our escaping speed. Let's escape along the edge of the forest. It's safer! "

However, Ink Yan still pressed one hand on Murong Hao's back, as she jumped on her white wolf and ran towards the forest! Murong Hao had an unspeakable self-confidence on his childish face.

"We are escaping for our lives! You are afraid of venomous snakes and fierce beasts, are you not afraid of the pursuers? "

"White Wolf, let's enter the forest!" Once I enter the forest, I have plenty of ways to make the pursuers stop chasing me!


"You're going to kill us!"

However, Murong Hao, who didn't know what Inky Flare was, screamed again and struggled to get down from the back of the wolf! His mouth was still chattering about what he knew, "The 'Classic of Water Scripture' once recorded that the topography of the land is thick and lacking water all year round. Because of this, the forest has many withered branches and fallen leaves, making it very easy to light a fire!"

"If my royal uncle teaches people to surround the forest and set a fire outside, if the wind helps the fire grow, wouldn't we all turn into human forms and burn together?!"

Ink Yan couldn't take it anymore and knocked the back of Murong Hao's head, cursing loudly, "Did you die just like that?!" Riding on a wolf, he led his men and ran in first! He ran straight into the depths! At the same time, he fished out some flint and flint, which he used to scrape up sparks and light the branches on the road.

"Are, are you crazy?"

Seeing that, Murong Hao became even more shocked. His eyes were wide open, as if he could see the future in which he was going to turn into a human and burn.

"It's easy to catch fire in the woods here, did you not hear that?"

Ink Yan threw down the green smoke from the branch and said softly, "Of course I know when I tell you." They naturally sealed off the path of their pursuers. This scene had clearly provoked Murong Hao yet again.

"Then why are you still having fun?"

Wouldn't this be a move that would injure the enemy by a thousand and harm itself by 800 times?

However, something that shocked Murong Hao happened.

"Your Highness, watch carefully."

After she threw down the burning branch, she finally stopped the wolf, waved her hand and sent wind to the back.

At this moment, he could clearly see a light blue flame appear on the ground covered in pine needles. It waved its slender vines and extended it in the direction of the pursuers …