Young Master's Beloved Baby

Chapter 851

Although Tan Yutong entered the company very late, she was the president's wife. In addition to Mo Chongyan's indulgence in Tan Yutong, she did not receive any punishment. It's just that attention is inevitable.

It's not easy to get through the day in the eyes of everyone. When we get off work, everyone comes to say hello to tan Yutong. "Good bye, madam," just this sentence, Tan Yutong did not know how many times.

Thinking about the dinner tonight, Mo Chongyan got ready to leave work early. See Tan Yutong is a face boss not happy sitting in his office.

Mo Chongyan walks in and feels Tan Yutong's face helplessly. "What's the matter with you, baby?" Mo Chongyan's voice is very gentle, but Tan Yutong feels very annoying.

"You said it! You also said, "it's all because of you." Tan Yutong shriveled his mouth and couldn't help beating Mo Chongyan with his hand. One hundred years of blaming him.

Mo Chong said, "well, blame me, blame me." Tan Yutong doesn't say anything, just stays in Mo Chong's heart.

"Wife, are you still angry?" Mo Chongyan touched Tan Yutong's soft black hair, and his eyes were bright. "Angry, how can you not be angry." Tan Yutong hummed twice.

Just, the voice is soft, not a little angry. Mo Chongyan smiles helplessly.

"Well, wife, my husband will accompany you shopping today and make amends for you." Mo Chongyan teases Tan Yutong, who turns his face to another place. Humming is not talking.

Mo Chongyan picks up Tan Yutong. Tan Yutong blushed, "what are you doing? Put me down quickly." Around looking around, although did not see anyone, Tan Yutong embarrassed face buried in Mo Chongyan's chest.

"You just want me to hold you." Mo Chongyan said with a smile, Tan Yutong face buried deeper. Mo Chongyan strode out. Because it is the elevator directly under the president, not many people see this scene.

Next, all the way, Mo Chongyan held Tan Yutong, even in the car. Wait until outside the mall, Mo Chongyan just let go of holding Tan Yutong's hand.

"Well, wife, here we are." Mo Chongyan said, and asked with a smile, "do you want me to hold you?" Tan Yutong red face, quickly shaking his head, like a rattle.

"No, no! I can go by myself Mo Chongyan laughingly looks at his shy little wife. Take a few steps quickly and hold Tan Yutong's hand. "Don't forget your husband." Mo Chongyan continues to tease Tan Yutong.

Tan Yutong no longer spoke, because she knew that the more she cared about him, the more energetic he was. Two people without any hesitation, straight into the top floor of the dress shop.

As soon as the waiter saw the low-key and luxurious clothes of the two people, he warmly welcomed them. When he saw Mo Chongyan's handsome face, his eyes were full of love.

"Sir, are you here to choose a dress for your girlfriend?" The waiter appears to be extremely enthusiastic, and Tan Yutong secretly stares at Mo Chongyan. "Attracting bees and butterflies" was whispered in his mouth.

Mo Chongyan looks at Tan Yutong's helpless smile, but he is indifferent to the waiter. "Just wait on my wife. Don't make her unhappy."

The waitress was stunned for a moment, knowing that her eyes were too explicit, which made the guests feel unhappy. With a smile, she came to tan Yutong.