Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 375

Jingyang fell on the ground and cried. Although the result was within her expectation, she was still very unwilling. She followed Zhong Shaoming in vain. She loved him so much. Now she just wants to find a way out for herself. Why deny her completely?

Soon came in. Two tall and powerful bodyguards actually directly lifted Jingyang out and threw it out. Even if they were far away, they could hear her sad cry.

Zhong\'s mother was still crying and wailing. Zhong Mingmei hugged her and comforted her gently to make her look better.

This flower crazy daughter, who doesn\'t work properly and always depends on her brother and mother at home, has become the pillar of mother Zhong at this time.

Zhong Mingmei always suspected that xiaoxianjun was not her brother\'s biological child, so she suddenly heard the news brought by Jingyang. It took only a short time to digest and accept it.

So calm down as soon as possible.

My brother is almost mad. Where can he take care of others\' mood? At this time, only Zhong Mingmei quietly accompanied her mother, enlightened her and comforted her.

Mother Zhong suddenly felt that she could rely on her useless daughter.

That day, Zhong Shaoming shut himself in his study and didn\'t step out of the house all day. Mother Zhong was worried. She knocked on the door several times and was refused outside the door.

It was dark and Zhong Shaoming didn\'t turn on the light. He shrank in the dark corner and felt his limbs and bones terribly cold. He wondered, how could he get such a land when he was a young owner of prosperous entertainment? How could you make yourself so miserable?

Think carefully, since Ren Xiaoyun appeared, since he fixed his suspicious eyes on Qiao Chu, he was destined to be with the dark.

In fact, he is a cowardly man. Only by virtue of his good birth can he get up in Jiangcheng. Without the support of those prominent and rich families behind him, he would be nothing. Maybe he is not even as good as the most ordinary salesman on the street.

Joe\'s life was ruined by a vicious woman.

He deserved it!

Zhong Shaoming covered his head and screamed in pain like a trapped animal.

Ren Xiaoyun!

I won\'t let it go easily!

The next day, Zhong Shaoming stepped out of his study like a hall. His face had recovered its normal look, calm, calm, and even a trace of pride.

Zhong\'s mother was also much older overnight. With the help of her daughter, she went to Zhong Shaoming, looked at him anxiously and said, "Shaoming, you..."

"I\'m fine." Zhong Shaoming replied with a smile on his face, "don\'t worry, I can stand the blow. Don\'t worry, I\'ll handle Ren Xiaoyun\'s business. If she can\'t take away half of our Zhong family\'s property, I\'ll let them bleed."

When mother Zhong was shocked, she suddenly felt sad and cried sadly, "Shaoming, you have to hold on. Our family depends on you."

"Don\'t worry."

Zhong Shaoming strode out, left his home and rushed to Jingjiang City.

Ren Xiaoyun, if you don\'t come to me, let me meet you.

Xiaoxianjun has a high fever and hasn\'t retired for two days. Ren\'s family is almost worried. Ren Xiaoyun keeps watch over his son for fear of any accident.

In fact, it\'s normal for children to have a fever, but it scares Ren Xiaoyun, an inexperienced mother.

Xinyu has left her forever, and Zhong Shaoming is an unreliable man. At present, her only spiritual sustenance is xiaoxianjun.

If something happens to the child, she probably won\'t live.

Just when she was thinking, her mother came in, looked a little abnormal and said, "Xiao Yun, Zhong Shaoming is coming."

Ren Xiaoyun was stunned when he heard the speech, and then sneered, "does he still have the face to come? If I don\'t look for him, he dares to come to the door by himself?"

"Xiao Yun, even if Shaoming does something humiliating, it\'s your husband at least." Ren\'s mother sighed and said in a tone of coming over: "men in the world love to cheat, especially men with successful careers. They leave the beautiful women in the family indifferent, but they flirt outside all day. I\'ve seen too many of these. Look away."

Ren Xiaoyun is so clever that he certainly understands what his mother said. She looked at her mother with a faint light in her eyes: "Mom, is dad like this? Has he ever treated you like this? You just forgave him and compromise him for the rest of his life?"

The faint white light in her daughter\'s eyes made Zhong\'s back a little cold. She suddenly regretted telling her daughter about those things. She shook her head. "I didn\'t forgive him, but I just let myself go. Even if I left your father, can I guarantee that the men I meet in the future will not be worse than him? Besides, we have such a deep emotional foundation that we can be forgiven for making mistakes occasionally."

Ren Xiaoyun refused to accept his mother\'s persuasion and insisted, "I don\'t know how to forgive. The first time he betrayed me, there will be a second time and a third time. I don\'t want to be hurt all the time."


"Go out and meet him. Solve the problem at one time. Don\'t procrastinate." Mother Zhong sighed heavily, "xiaoxianjun, let me take care of him. Don\'t worry, children are prone to fever."

Ren Xiaoyun walks out of the living room. Ren\'s father is entertaining Zhong Shaoming. I don\'t know what he said. Ren Fu seemed quite polite to him.


She shouted from a distance. Ren Fu turned around and looked a little embarrassed. He reluctantly smiled and said, "Xiao Yun has come out?"

Ren Xiaoyun walked over strangely and said to Zhong Shaoming with a smelly face, "did you hear that Xiao Xianjun has a fever and come to see him?"

Zhong Shaoming put the prepared divorce agreement on the table and pushed it in front of her. "I\'m here to discuss the details of divorce."

He ignored Xiao Xianjun and made Ren Xiaoyun very unhappy. He pressed his palm heavily on the divorce agreement, "Xiao Xianjun is ill. You don\'t care about him first and even mention the divorce to me?"

"I care about xiaoxianjun?" Zhong Shaoming\'s eyes swept around the living room as if looking for someone. He suddenly stared at Ren Xiaoyun and asked, "Xiaoyun, two years ago, Xiao Xianjun\'s biological father was not cold, but you asked him to recognize someone else as his father. Do you think he would climb out of the ground to find you in anger?"

On his way to Jingjiang City, Zhong Shaoming asked his subordinates to check the previous affairs of Ren Xiaoyun. It was easy to find Jiang Xinyu.

Both the Ren family and the Jiang family have heads and faces. Even if they try their best to cover up, it\'s easy to find out some clues.

Ren Xiaoyun\'s heart tightened when he heard Zhong Shaoming\'s strange tone, "what do you mean?"

Listening to the meaning of Zhong Shaoming\'s words, he already knows that Xiao Xianjun is not his child, and he may also know the existence of Xinyu.

He\'s definitely not just talking about divorce this time.