Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 187

After Si Yichuan went out, only Anne and Qiao Chu were left in the living room.

Annie took out a bottle of red wine and said to Qiao Chu, "would you like to have a drink together?"

Joe Chu looked at her coldly and didn\'t intend to pay attention to her.

Anne poured herself a glass, took an elegant SIP and said, "Joe, you don\'t have to be too proud."

Since that night in the bar, Joe Chu had no good feelings for Annie when he ran into Annie\'s intimacy with a strange man. At this time, I felt very sick when I heard her talking.

Not wanting to hear her talking a lot of nonsense here, Qiao Chu turned and walked up the stairs.

"Qiao Chu, listen carefully. Yichuan is only interested in you for a moment." Annie said loudly behind her, "he has lost his memory, but the news, the old newspapers, are full of you and his memories, so he will be curious about you. When his freshness passes, you won\'t be treated like this again. You\'d better give up as soon as possible. The manager can\'t let a low woman like you marry in."

Joe Chu thought Anne was bored and turned to look at her. "What the hell are you trying to say?"

"What I want to say is that right away, you will know my position in Yichuan\'s heart." Annie drank up a glass of red wine and continued to pour herself a second cup. "Look, he\'s just amnesia. You can only call him Si Shao immediately. Bai Mei can only call him her brother-in-law forever. Only I can naturally call him Yichuan."

"Annie, aren\'t you tired of pretending?" Qiao Chu said, "I saw the man with you at the bar that night. Even if you don\'t admit it, I can see it clearly. As long as Yichuan investigates you, you can\'t hide anything."

"It depends on whether Yichuan is willing to check." Annie said proudly, "I guess you must have told Yichuan about the bar, but he doesn\'t trust you. It\'s so sad that you don\'t worry about your status. Instead, you come to worry about my business. Are you nosy and addicted?"

Joe Chu frowned at her.

Annie\'s behavior of drinking red wine is very strange. It doesn\'t seem to be for wine tasting. She drank very fast, one cup after another

She said that red wine can\'t be drunk. Anne doesn\'t drink it for tasting wine or getting drunk. What does she want to do?

Annie drank more than half a bottle of red wine. When she stood up, she shook a little and said to Qiao Chu, "my head is so dizzy. Please help me."

Joe Chu\'s kindness only faced good people. She didn\'t want to take a look at such a hypocritical rotten woman as Anne, and went upstairs without hesitation.

Anne stumbled back to her room.

Before long, Si Yichuan suddenly came back.

There was a slight dew in the afternoon. Qiao Chu moved a chair to bask in the sun on the balcony. Si Yichuan rushed to the balcony, grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the chair.

He stared at Joe Chu with a cold, hard color in his eyes. "I ask you, did you drink red wine with Anne?"

Joe Chu felt puzzled. "What are you doing? Let go of me?"

Si Yichuan gnashed his teeth and said, "I\'m asking you!"

The anger came without warning and stunned Joe Chu. She subconsciously replied, "I didn\'t drink. She was drinking alone."

"You come down with me!" Si Yichuan pulled Qiao Chu\'s wrist, almost by dragging, which mercilessly pulled Qiao Chu downstairs and took her to Anne\'s room.

Dr. Yan is also in the room, examining Annie.

Anne was humming in pain.

Her face and neck were full of red rashes. At first glance, it was frightening.

Qiao Chu was startled and asked in a panic, "what happened?"

"What happened?" Si Yichuan asked coldly, "don\'t you know Anne is allergic to red wine? Why do you still pull her to drink so much wine?"

"Me? Take Anne to drink?" Qiao Chu was a little confused. "Why should I pull her to drink? I didn\'t know she would be allergic to drinking..."

Suddenly, Qiao Chu remembered that two years ago, Anne had challenged her, talked about Picasso\'s masterpiece, and said that she drank with Si Yichuan until she was hospitalized.

Annie is allergic to red wine!

Joe Chu\'s eyes jumped when he remembered it. Annie drank more than half a bottle just now. She knew she would be allergic. Isn\'t it fatal to drink so much?

She immediately explained, "how can I remember things so long ago?"

"Yi Chuan, it\'s not entirely her fault." Annie said weakly, "it\'s my own fault. I haven\'t drunk red wine for two years and thought it would be OK to drink a little. As a result, Joe Chu urged me to drink more when he saw that I started drinking. I can\'t refuse..."

Qiao Chu\'s mouth froze and subconsciously looked at Si Yichuan. His eyes were complex and cold, staring at her indifferently.

After taking a nap, Mr. Si was attracted by the movement in Annie\'s room. He came over and looked at Annie with a red rash and asked in surprise, "what\'s the matter with Annie?"

Si Yichuan walked back and forth impatiently, ignoring his grandfather. Finally, Xiao yuandai answered the story.

After hearing the story, Si Shangfeng looked at Qiao Chu and changed immediately.

After the examination, Dr. Yan prescribed some medicine for Anne and said solemnly, "secretary, the equipment in the castle is not as perfect as that in the big hospital. Miss an\'s condition is a little serious. I suggest going to the hospital for a more detailed examination. She has had a rash for at least two or three hours. She should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise, she may be in danger."

Hearing the speech, Si Yichuan\'s face became more gloomy and disappointed with Qiao Chu.

As Annie said, she couldn\'t joke about the danger of her life unless Joe persuaded her to drink.

Is Qiao Chu really such a malicious woman with deep intention? I always thought she was pure and kind. Did he look away?

Si Yichuan said with a gloomy face, "Xiao Yuan, let someone prepare the car immediately."

Xiao Yuan hurried down to prepare.

"It\'s so uncomfortable. Why don\'t you call the doctor in time?" Si Shangfeng said anxiously, "there is a doctor in the castle. Why did you wait so long for the doctor to see?"

"After drinking, I felt something wrong with my body. I asked Joe Chu to call a doctor for me. But she thought I deserved it and wouldn\'t help me at all." Annie took Si Yichuan\'s hand and explained with difficulty: "Yichuan, Qiao Chu said I was a bad woman, and she also said I had a man outside. She must have misunderstood me. Believe me, I\'m not a bad woman. I came back home for you, and you\'re always the only one in my heart."

Annie\'s face was covered with a red rash, which was somewhat terrible. But she said such pitiful words, which made Si Shangfeng feel pity.

Joe Chu looked at Anne strangely.

Today, she has seen what it is to confuse black and white.

Now Anne is a weak person. It is human nature to choose to believe in the weak for the first time. What\'s more, Annie is so serious that her life is in danger. No one will believe that Annie gambled her life in order to frame a mere Joe Chu.