Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 160

"All right!" Jing Yifeng couldn\'t help but say to Lin Shu, "Qiao Chu has just come back, so you have less trouble. You\'re not young, so you can\'t live in peace for a few years?"

Which woman can stand being told by her husband that she is always restless in front of a group of younger generation?

Lin Shu was so angry that his face was twisted. Just about to attack, Jing Yanchen suddenly stood up and shouted at Qiao Chu violently, "Qiao Chu, what\'s your heart? Don\'t let the family live in peace as soon as you come back? Do you have the attribute of broom star?"

Jing Yanchen immediately made Lin Shu come back to his senses.

At present, the future of Jing Yanchen is still in the hands of Si Yichuan, and the relationship between Qiao Chu and Si is ambiguous. Don\'t offend her too much first.

Lin Shu motioned for his son to be quiet. Then he took out a big red bag and handed it to Qiao Chu. His eyebrows kindly said, "aunt understands that you have lived in a rough place since childhood and don\'t know the rules of a rich family. I don\'t blame you. Get up quickly, go back to your room and tidy up and get ready for lunch immediately."

The old woman turned her face so fast.

Qiao Chu quietly took the red envelope and said meekly, "thank you, aunt."

Zhou Xuening kept hanging her voice and watching. Until this time, she was greatly relieved.

A servant came over and said in fear, "madam, I\'m sorry, Miss Qiao Chu\'s room hasn\'t been cleaned up yet."

Lin Shu smiled in his heart, but his face was cold. "How do you servants do things?"

The servant just kept admitting, "madam, we didn\'t know Miss Qiao Chu would come back so soon, so..."

Zhou Xuening immediately said, "it doesn\'t matter. Sister Qiao Chu can live in a room with me."

The servant said in embarrassment, "miss Xuening, we have bought a lot of goods at home these days. Since you are not at home, we have used your room as a goods room."

Zhou Xuening\'s heart sank and immediately understood that this was Lin Shu\'s embarrassment to them, which had just begun.

Lin Shu secretly complains that these two girls who don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth don\'t give you any power. They still think Jingjia is a vegetable market? Come and go if you want?

Jingshi manor is so big, how can there be no empty room? This is clearly intended to embarrass them.

Qiao Chu looked up at Lin Shu: "what do you mean?"

"I\'m also annoyed by the servant\'s negligence. Don\'t worry. I\'ll teach them a good lesson later." Lin Shu said, "well, let me see if there are any other spare rooms, and then let the next people clean them up for you to live in. You know, our Jing family has a large population, and the rooms are always insufficient."

With that, she turned her eyes coldly at Jing Yifeng.

Originally, I took Qiao Chu back to Jing\'s house today. Jing Yifeng was happy. Unexpectedly, Lin Shu made trouble one after another, which made him very upset. He stood up and went back to his study.

Think that when the eye is out of sight, the heart is clean.

Joe Chu nodded and didn\'t speak again.

At this time, Jing Wenhan couldn\'t help but stand up and said, "don\'t look at any empty rooms anymore. Qiao Chu and Xuening will live with me. Anyway, my room is big enough and my bed is big enough."

Lin Shu\'s face suddenly became ugly, and his daughter was angry. "What\'s your identity? What\'s their identity? How can they live in the same room?"

Jing Yanchen also scolded his sister: "you\'re really mischievous!"

"They are my sisters. Why not?" Jing asked Han, "anyway, it\'s settled."

Jing Wenhan took Qiao Chu and Zhou Xuening back to his room and quickly packed out two wardrobes. Some said with embarrassment, "you see, I have many wardrobes, but my clothes are in a mess. Now you move in with me, I can form a good habit of cleaning up my clothes in the future."

Zhou Xuening said: "ask Han, thank you."

"You\'re welcome what?" Jing Wenhan said somewhat disappointed, "let\'s see a joke. My mother has always been so strong that she can\'t rub a grain of sand into her eyes. In fact, she is also bitter in her heart. Don\'t worry about her."

Zhou Xuening was also sad, "I understand." Even if she loves her mother deeply, she also knows that it is wrong to be a third party when her mother is with Jing Yifeng.

Qiao Chu quietly packed up his clothes before saying, "ask Han, although your mother has difficulties, I also have my own principles. I\'ll move back to Jingjia now, and maybe I\'ll fight with your mother from now on. If you help me like this, I\'ll feel uneasy."

"It doesn\'t matter." Jing asked Han with a smile: "in fact, it\'s better for someone to suppress her hot temper. As long as she hasn\'t been hurt, I won\'t care about other interests."

"What a good girl." Qiao Chu said in a low voice, "you and Lin Shu are not like mother and daughter at all."

Jing Yanchen and Lin Shu are similar in character. Jing Wenhan is actually more like his father. But Jing Yifeng finally bowed his head to the rights and interests and lost his nature.

Pack up your clothes and Joe Chu goes downstairs together.

Lunch has been prepared in the restaurant. The ten meter long table is full of people on both sides. Apart from Mr. and Mrs. Jing, the rest are young, even childish faces.

Qiao Chu couldn\'t help but sigh that Mr. Jing\'s reproductive ability is still very strong.

Lin Shu shouted, "ask han to come quickly and have dinner."

Jing Wenhan walked over and sat down. Only then did he find that there was only one place left on the table.

"This is Xuening\'s position." Lin Shu said lazily, "even if you are not at home these days, your position has always been left for you. Come and sit down."

Zhou Xuening hesitated and looked at Qiao Chu.

"Come here!" Lin Shu said, "it\'s time for dinner. What are you doing there?"

Zhou Xuening has been bullied by Lin Shu for many years, and she has long formed a fear of her conditioned reflex. Even if she made up her mind not to be bullied by her, she still shook her shoulders and even her lips when she drank it.

Joe Chu patted her on the back of her hand and whispered, "it\'s okay. You go first. Listen to me. It\'ll be fine."

Zhou Xuening can only go and sit down.

Lin Shu said again, "Qiao Chu, I\'m so sorry. The king family has only so many people to eat for many years. Today, there is an extra person, and they haven\'t had time to prepare extra dining chairs. Don\'t care."

The implication is, "you are an outsider. The king family has no place for you."

Joe Chu is so smart. Why didn\'t he hear it? She smiled calmly and said, "aunt Lin, in fact, you don\'t have to do this. I\'m not coming back to fight for family property. Why do you have to make the atmosphere so tense?"

These words made Jing Yanchen angry, but due to his mother\'s advice, he was not allowed to have a direct conflict with Qiao Chu. Otherwise, he must stand up and choke with Joe Chu.