Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 158

Zhong mother was so angry that she picked up the remote control and changed the platform, swearing: "Joe Chu, this little bitch, every time she appears, nothing good will happen. She\'s a broom star!"

Zhong Shaoming was in a mixed mood and asked in a bad mood, "Mom, what shall we do now? Xiaoyun her..."

"Ren Xiaoyun took my baby grandson away. Naturally, he wants to get it back." Mrs. Zhong said, "deal with the company\'s affairs as soon as possible and spare a few days. I\'ll accompany you to Jingjiang City and pick her up."

In fact, when you think about it carefully, Ren Xiaoyun\'s daughter-in-law is not qualified. Apart from giving birth to a man to the Zhong family, there is no advantage that can be said.

Compared with the previous daughter-in-law, Qiao Chu\'s gentle character is really more than a thousand times better than Ren Xiaoyun\'s strong and unreasonable temperament. But because Ren Xiaoyun has a strong family background behind her, Zhong\'s mother tolerated it.

What about Joe Chu\'s good temper? It\'s always an illegitimate girl who can\'t see the light. So anyway, pick up Ren Xiaoyun first.

Zhong Shaoming replied wearily, "OK."

Now, that\'s the only way.

In that quiet cafe, yunmu stared at Qiao Chu on the flat screen without blinking.

Looking at her every expression and listening to her every word, there was no expression fluctuation on his face.

Once, he always thought it was his little girl. He never doubted that she would leave him.

It turned out that when the girl grew up, she would eventually leave him.

The white cat squatted quietly at his hand. Yunmu reached out and gently stroked the cat\'s head. The white cat narrowed its eyes and made a comfortable cry.

Yun Mu said silently: girl, in fact, I have never changed.

Joe Chu came down from the program and went straight home. Zhou Xuening first came up and asked nervously, "sister Qiao Chu, why do you say these words on the TV program? What do you do when you go back to Jingjia? Lin Shu will not let you go."

Qiao Chu held her hand and asked in a deep voice, "Xuening, if you want to go back to Jingjia with me, are you afraid?"

Zhou Xuening took his hand out and said, "why go back? It\'s not easy to get rid of her. Why go back?"

"Really get rid of her?" Qiao Chu asked, "we live here for the time being and have brother Xie\'s protection, so we can deceive ourselves and others by saying that it\'s safe here, and Lin Shu\'s hand can\'t reach here. But in the future? Brother Xie is not from Jiangcheng, and his father is not here. He always wants to go home. What should we do after brother Xie leaves?"

In fact, the most difficult thing is that now Brother Xie is entangled in a lawsuit and has too much time to take care of himself. Where can I spare the strength to protect them?

Zhou Xuening hesitated and said, "in a few years, Lin Shu will always be old. When she can\'t move, we don\'t have to be afraid of her... Anyway, I don\'t want to go back, I\'m afraid..."

She said, her eyes red. Remembering the night when she was drinking with old Lei, she is still trembling with fear.

"Xuening, listen to me." Joe Chu grabbed her hand again, "We are the same people as Lin Shu. Why should we be afraid of her? It is because she has a strong background and financial resources. In this regard, we can\'t beat her all our life. If we want to stop living in her shadow in the future, we can only resist. Only when we stop being afraid of her and let her know that we are not easy to bully, will she stop using and bullying."

Zhou Xuening has lived in Jing\'s house for many years, and she is frightened every day. Although Jing Wenhan is not bad for her, it is Lin Shu\'s territory after all. She always lives carefully, for fear that if she is not careful to annoy her, she will fall into the abyss.

Unexpectedly, she was just an adult this year, and Lin Shu couldn\'t wait to use her as a bargaining chip for business.

Thinking of those depressing years, her eyes suddenly lit up anger, nodded and said, "OK, I\'ll go back with you."

"That\'s right." Qiao Chu said with a smile, "don\'t be afraid, I\'ll protect you."

"I believe you."

If it weren\'t for Qiao Chu, Zhou Xuening didn\'t know what he would become. Even if Lin Shu calculated to go back this time, she would admit it.

"Then, mother Zhou will live here for the time being." Qiao Chu said, "Feifei and brother Xie are here and will take good care of her. We\'ll hire another nanny and you don\'t have to worry about mother Zhou."

Zhou Xuening said, "thank you."

After the two discussed, they waited at ease, and the Jing family came to pick her up.

On the big time program, Qiao Chu announced that he wanted to return to Jingjia to be filial, and Lin Shu couldn\'t help it.

In the past few days after Qiao Chu returned home, he checked Lin\'s company.

In the past two years, Lin\'s stock market has been declining. The initial reason was that Lin Shu and Qiao Chu fought so hard that the image of Lin\'s company behind her was destroyed and public opinion was lost, so the stock market did not fall.

Because Lin Shu\'s practice is extreme, the impact is too bad. So that in the past two years, Lin\'s company has launched many charitable donation activities, but it has little effect in restoring its image.

Now Qiao Chu came back, and first made a low posture to make peace with him. Lin Shu will definitely not miss such a good opportunity and will come to pick up Qiao Chu.

Sure enough, Lin Shu came early the next morning. She deliberately let the reporter hide in the dark and take photos all the way.

For the arrival of Lin Shu, mother Zhou was particularly nervous. Her guilt towards Lin Shu is actually more than resentment, because no matter where to reason, she is wrong. From the beginning, her identity as a third party doomed her to be the party who can\'t lift her head forever.

"Good sister, don\'t be afraid." Lin Shu took the initiative to hold Zhou Haiyao\'s hand and said magnanimously, "I was wrong a few days ago and scared you. Later, I thought carefully. In fact, they are all a family. I\'d better get along well with you in the future."

Although Zhou Haiyao is timid, he is very sensitive and smart. She looked at Lin Shu suspiciously and then Qiao Chu. She soon understood why Lin Shu suddenly changed so much.

She nodded and said calmly, "anyway, it\'s all my fault. Xuening is just an innocent child. I hope you will come to me in the future and don\'t embarrass Xuening."

Zhou Xuening listened to her eyes turn red.

After "clearing the hatchet" with Zhou Haiyao, Lin Shu came to Qiao Chu with a warm smile on his face, "you girl, always make people worry. Fortunately, you\'re back safely now. Come back with me today and we\'ll be a family. We\'ll never be awkward again in the future, okay?"

That kind of damage, is it just awkward?

Qiao Chu sneered in his heart, but his face showed a smile: "OK, aunt Lin."