Young Master Li s Dumb Wife


All fed to the dogs!

The next time Shu Yao woke up, it was in a room that wasn't very big.

It was a warm bed with a warm quilt covering it. Although the room was simple, it had everything. It was like a normal house.

She moved her body a little, and immediately noticed An Xin'er lying beside her. Her situation was the same as hers, her clothes were completely fine, but when she moved her body, she discovered that …

Why were their hands cuffed together?

This was because he was worried that they would think of another way to escape, right? Therefore, the two of them had their hands cuffed together.

She moved her arm and lightly pushed An Xin'er, "Miss An? "Wake up!"

After pushing them a few times, An Xin'er slowly moved, and then opened her eyes. Her condition was more or less the same as Shu Yao's, as he also examined this unfamiliar environment, and after determining that the two were still safe, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Looks like we still haven't escaped," Shu Yao sighed. Previously, she had thought that there was something fishy about it, how could it be so easy to subdue a man?

And they only sent one person to watch over them, wasn't that too simple? He didn't expect that another wave of criminals would arrive so soon.

An Xin'er sat up and also saw the handcuffs on their wrists. At this time, she had a shawl of unkempt long hair, and after a day and a night of struggling, her face was long used up. Her exquisite face had traces of exhaustion on it, and she was lazily sitting there, "What should we do?"

Who knows!

Shu Yao also wanted to know what they were going to do. This place was neither China nor A City, so they were afraid that no one would know about the kidnapping of the two. They could not even find a way to help them, much less escape!

While the two of them were lost in their thoughts, the door was suddenly pushed open. The 'kind man' from before who wanted to take them to the police station had appeared.

The man carried two exquisite dishes in his hands. They looked like Western cuisine. There were also tableware and everything else that he needed.

He pulled up a small folded-up table, opened it, and set the food on it.

The steak was freshly baked and still made sizzling. There were also freshly squeezed fruit juice, goose liver and cheese salad etc. Shu Yao and An Xin'er looked at the food on the plate.

Especially for An Xin'er, she couldn't help but let out a sound as her stomach rumbled.

She also felt very ashamed of herself. She subconsciously lowered her head, and her face was slightly flushed.

The man, however, didn't have any unnecessary feelings towards their reactions. He just stood there and said, "Eat!" I did it. "

Seeing that they still didn't seem to want to eat it, the man said, "Don't worry, I won't poison you."

Even so, Shu Yao and An Xin'er could not be so heartless to eat it right away! After all, this was also kidnapping!

The man looked at them and said, "Eat without worry! As long as you do not think of ways to escape, I will not make things difficult for you. "

"Why did you kidnap us?" An Xin'er suddenly asked.

The man smiled. "Why? I don't know the specific reason, but I received instructions to prohibit any of your actions and control your freedom. As for the rest, it's not under my control. "

The meaning behind his words was that as long as they didn't run around and stayed here peacefully, the men would treat them to a good meal and would definitely not treat them lightly.

However, that was not what Shu Yao and An Xin'er wanted!

"Let us go!" Shu Yao said.

An Xin'er also said, "Right, release us, or you can contact Jiang Jisheng and I'll tell him!"

"Miss Shu, Miss An, please don't make things difficult for me. Since you already know President Jiang, then you should know that this period of time is a rare rest period for him, and won't be disturbed by anyone." the man said.

Shu Yao suddenly realized that Jiang Jisheng had ordered his men to kidnap him because he did not want them to disturb him.

This man could really do anything he wanted!

"You two should rest well. If you need to, just press that bell. Change your clothes and put them in the closet. It might not be your size, but it's enough!" The man turned and walked out.

He walked a few steps and seemed to have thought of something, "Oh right, the soundproofing effect of this room is very good. If you two have the intention to escape, I advise you two to give up as soon as possible. You won't be able to escape here!"

"When the time is up, I will naturally release the two of you. During this period of time, I hope the two ladies can feel wronged!"

The man was rather polite and left the room expressionlessly.

Seeing the thick and heavy door close, Shu Yao leaned on it powerlessly. Even if there was an even better delicacy placed in front of her, she was not in the mood to enjoy it.

On this trip, she only wanted to meet Jiang Jisheng once. Regardless of whether it was alright or not, she had to return as soon as possible. She still had two children at home, how could she have the time to waste here.

In contrast to her anxiety, An Xin'er sat down at the dining table and picked up her knife and fork.

Because Shu Yao's left hand and right hand was tied together by the handcuffs, it was very difficult to move it. One had to eat alone and watch from the sidelines, in order to rotate it.

An Xin'er was truly hungry and ate very quickly. As sshe ate, he tried to persuade Shu Yao, "Eat something first! Didn't you say so? When I'm full, I have to ensure that my stamina is still strong enough to think of anything else! "

The truth was this, but when the matter came up, the mood was heavy, so naturally, he had no appetite.

An Xin'er finished eating very quickly, and then urged Shu Yao, "You eat some too! Otherwise, when there's a situation, you won't have the strength to continue eating! "

That was true.

Shu Yao had no choice but to crawl up and eat some.

When she was full, An Xin'er rang the bell. The man came in and took away the bowl, and even brought in a few bottles of mineral water.

The room was small, but it had a closet and a bathroom.

An Xin'er and Shu Yao took a quick look. In this place, besides the windows that had been sealed, there were everything else that they could find, including a television set. However, after it was turned on, all the channels were foreign.

And the signals weren't good, either.

An Xin'er watched on in boredom for a while before closing.

The two of them laid on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. An Xin'er said, "Say, I finally got to like a person, and you actually treated me like this. Sigh, my youth, it's all because of dogs!"


Shu Yao was speechless.

However, thinking about it carefully, maybe Jiang Jisheng had kidnapped him for a reason, but he had also tied him up, which was a bit too much.

Who knew what the man was thinking?

In any case, the man was merciless and miserable.

A man without poison.

The ancient language was indeed correct.

"Hey, Shu Yao, it's boring anyway. Tell me about you and Li Chenxi!" An Xin'er suddenly turned her body with interest, supporting her head with one hand, she looked at her curiously.

Shu Yao was startled, "and I?"

"That's right! Haven't you ever been married? Why did you marry him? " An Xin'er asked.

At first, she didn't want to tell anyone else about her and Li Chenxi, but at this moment, perhaps it was really bored to the extreme, or perhaps it was because she felt that she shared the same situation with An Xin'er, causing her heart to resonate with him.

"Actually, I don't have much to say to him. He's too vulgar!" "No," she said.

An Xin'er said, "All the love stories are vulgar, they are nothing more than love, secret love, and the pursuit of confession, but I just want to hear it from your own mouth, tell it to me! everything between you and Li Chenxi. "

"Me and everything about him?" Shu Yao repeated, as her gaze dimmed a little. In her eyes, the outline of the man appeared, a resolute outline, handsome features, and she was so handsome that it was always dazzling.

"Speak!" Anyway, there's no one else here. Just tell me, what is there to be afraid of? When you're finished, I'll tell you all my secrets, "An Xin'er bewitched.

Shu Yao laughed, thinking that it was true, since there was no one else here, the man outside probably did not know Li Chenxi, and was not interested in listening to everything the two of them said.

But, in reality, their words would not be heard by anyone?