Young Master and His Super Inferno Lover

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Afterwards, Xingchen Palace said very generously, as long as Mu Yunshen stood up and confessed that the reason for telling this big lie was someone deliberately instigating it? In charge, Xingchen Palace will not take action against Mu Yunshen because he is a male emptiness. However, Mu Yunshen needs to be taken care of by Xingchen Palace to atone for his mistakes.

The Xingchen Palace is very clear, whether it is the magic star or Mu Yunshen, it is not easy to take down the star of the gods. If there is a problem with the magic star, the Rose Empire is definitely not turning a blind eye, but even if it knows, the Xingchen Palace still has a little illusion Yun Shen really compromised that between Mo Xing and Mu Yunshen, at least they can negotiate with the Rose Empire, whether it is to get Mo Xing or Mu Yunshen, the Xingchen Palace is not a loss.

However, the dream of Xingchen Palace was not long before it was awakened by a news from Moxing.

The magic star news broadcast directly, "Mr. Mu Yunshen, the master of the magic star, responded to the shameless actions of the Xingchen Palace. The star master said that the magic star is not afraid of any power. The star palace really wants to challenge, so we will take practical actions. Xing is not anyone, any force can provoke if they want to provoke. If you want to challenge the magic star, you must pay the price.

The star master said that as long as the Xingchen Hall can get three first-level energy stone veins, the challenge will be met by the magic star. If the challenge fails, the three first-level energy stone veins will belong to the magic star. I hope other forces will also have the financial resources to challenge. magic star. "

In addition, the magic star will be held accountable for the slander and deliberate kidnapping of the Star Palace.

Mo Xing\'s formulaic response was much calmer and calmer than the Ming Dynasty innuendo that jumped up and down in the Xingchen Palace.

Compared with the magic star, the behavior of the Xingchen Temple is like a clown jumping from a beam.

Now, the attitude of the magic star has come out. If you want the magic star to accept the challenge, you have to pay the price, otherwise you will not talk about it.

Mo Xing\'s slap made the Xingchen Palace a little bit painful.

The Xingchen Temple\'s response arrived immediately, "It is not difficult for the Xingchen Temple to take out these three first-level energy stone veins, if the Xingchen Temple loses the challenge, the energy stone veins go to the magic star, then what if the magic star loses?

Mo Xing\'s response was, "Oh, Mo Xing will not lose."

Mo Xing\'s response almost made all the old guys in the Xingchen Hall anger out of brain hemorrhage.

Xingchen Palace asked childishly, "What if you lose?"

The big magic star nodded lightly, "If you lose, how about I send you a few awakening potions? Potions that can awaken the unawakened children of your psionicist family.

This news immediately made the entire psionicist world fry, and all psionicist families began to be impetuous.

In order to stabilize people\'s hearts, the Xingchen Temple immediately stood up and scolded Mu Yunshen for talking nonsense. The potion that can awaken people does not exist. Mu Yunshen is talking nonsense. With sinister intentions, it was disgusting that Yunshen returned to the Palace of Stars, and he openly asked the Rupert family if he wanted to awaken Xi Rui.

Xi Rui is on the magic star at the moment, as long as the Rupert family agrees and pays the corresponding remuneration, Mu Yunshen can wake him up in minutes.

The Rupert family was overjoyed at this. If Xi Rui could really be awakened, then their family would have an additional psionicist, and the family\'s strength could be improved.

The Rupert family is of course willing. Even if the Lord of the Magic Stars announced the price, when the price of an awakening potion was 300 million star coins, the Rupert family still did not hesitate to buy it.

A mere 300 million star coins, for a big family like them, is nothing at all, if they are asked to spend 30 billion, they may hesitate.

There is a reason for Mu Yunshen to choose Xi Rui. Of course, this has nothing to do with Mu Yunyin\'s ex-boyfriend status, but for Trolasse.

They had already met Noz and Desiree, and Trolasse made no secret of his admiration for them, and the gesture of affection in his words was obvious.

When Noz proposed that he wanted to buy a batch of magic weapons and multi-energy thermal weapons from Mu Yunshen, Mu Yunshen hesitated and did not want to sell them.

Trolassie persuaded by the side, "Yunshen, the situation of the Lion Legion is much more dangerous than the Rose Empire. Although the Rose Empire also needs weapons, the priorities are obviously the Lion Legion needs more."

Mu Yun knew very well that Trolasse, how could he be so kind, and everything he did must have his purpose.

Mu Yun raised his brows deeply and said, "You mean, I can resell the weapons prepared for the Rose Empire to the Lion Army, right?

Trolaise hesitated a little, then said: "Otherwise, you can distribute the weapons prepared for the Rose Starfield to the Lion Army in batches, after all, our Rose Empire also needs weapons.

In the end, under the persuasion of Troleser, Mu Yunshen decided to sell a batch of magic weapons and multi-energy thermal weapons to the Lion Army.

Noz felt confused about this conversation. He originally thought that he would negotiate this business through the relationship of Xi Rui, but he did not expect that the result was that Trolasser divided the weapons prepared for the Rose Empire into a batch. The Lion Army, this is definitely a big favor for the Lion Army.

When Noz told his father and grandfather about it, they all fell silent.

After a long time, Mr. Jon said, "How many weapons does Mu Yunshen plan to sell to us?"

Noz: "There are 5,000 magic daggers, 800 magic swords, and 10 multi-energy heat weapons, all of which are divided from the weapons given to the Rose Empire.

After Mr. Jon pondered, he said again: "Will it be too little?

Noz said excitedly: "I felt less at first, but when Master Mu Xing asked me to try the magic dagger and magic sword, I felt that with these, we could form a team of warlords. Grandfather and father of the invincible team, these magical weapons are too powerful, I would never know how powerful they are if I have not personally used them. After I tried them out, I was so shocked that I could not return to my senses. There are also multi-energy hot weapons, Master Mu Xing Don\'t let me try it at all, the power is too great, and I\'m afraid it will damage the magic star. Master Muxing also quietly revealed to me that the weapons that the Gerald family bought from him were no better than the weapons they sold to us. There are many batches of weapons, but the Gerald family has established a firm foothold in the White Wolf Starfield with those weapons, which shows the durability and strength of these weapons.

Even Noz, a fighting madman, complimented this batch of weapons, thinking that it should be so good that he couldn\'t help it.

Jon nodded again and again, "Okay, you return with this batch of weapons as soon as possible, and there is no need to get involved with the people in the visiting group. No, you wait two days before leaving, I will send someone to pick you up, this group Weapons are too important to have any mishaps and must be transported back without fail.

Noz smiled, "No, Grandpa, Master Mu Xing said that he would sell me a space storage, and we could put all these weapons in it, and Xi Rui and I would be able to carry this space without knowing it. The weapons are back.

Jon and Delmer were all dumbfounded, "Empty space storage?

Noz looked at his father and grandfather, and said seriously: "Yes, it\'s space storage, it was made by Master Mu Xing, and I saw it with my own eyes.

Jon and Delmer were silent again, each with their own thoughts.

The old man Jon said: "The great grace of the Rose Empire, our Rupert family has written down that after you get the weapons, come back as soon as possible.

At this time, the Rupert family didn\'t know yet, and there will be good things that will fall on the Rupert family in the future, that is, Mu Yunshen, in order to overturn the status of the Xingchen Temple in the psionicist world, and Trolasse thought To win over the Rupert family, Mu Yunshen chose Xi Rui as the object to prove the existence of the awakening potion.

After knowing that he had the chance to awaken, Xi Rui was very excited, he promised to cooperate fully, and he must achieve a one-time awakening when Xi Rui wanted to come. As long as he awakened, he would be qualified to stay by Mu Yunyin\'s side.

In order to prove that the awakening potion really exists, the whole process of Desiree\'s awakening was broadcast live. The person in charge of the awakening was still Milworth. He had tested Desiree\'s blood in advance and could fully awaken. Of course, this step will not be made public. , it\'s better to hide when it\'s time to hide.

On the day of Xi Rui\'s awakening, the entire psionicist world was paying attention to this live broadcast. Not only the psionicists, but even the citizens of the four major star fields were also paying attention to this awakening. Existence, then, wanting to create more "psionicists" is not a problem at all.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of billions of people in the four star regions, Xi Rui injected the awakening potion.

The purple potion was beautiful and mysterious. When it was slowly injected into the body, all the people watching the live broadcast were so nervous that they didn\'t dare to breathe.

Ordinary people are looking forward to it, psionicists are looking forward to it, and the Xingchen Palace is both looking forward to and worried. They are looking forward to the emergence of this kind of awakening medicine, and they are worried that this medicine will shake the rule of the Xingchen Palace.

In the live broadcast, everyone could see the reaction after Siri was injected with the medicine. This reaction was an unbearable pain. People who watched it could not imagine what kind of pain it would be like. In short, Desiree was in pain, and if he hadn\'t been tied up beforehand, he would have gone mad.

The severe pain did not last long, and Desiree quickly calmed down, and Milworth went over to untie him.

Xi Rui lay on the hospital bed and didn\'t move for a while. After a while, he began to laugh, laughing loudly. The laughter became louder and more unbridled. When he swung his arms, flames instantly covered both arms.

Hahaha, I\'m awake, I\'m awake, I\'m finally awake, hahahaha.... When Siri was crazy and wanted to make the flame on his body bigger, what greeted him was poured down The water column directly annihilated the flames on his body, and Xi Rui was drenched in soup, and he calmed down.

Milworth angrily said, "Don\'t be mad here.

Desiree jumped off the bed and grinned at the live broadcast camera, "Father, grandpa, did you see it? I woke up, I felt full of power, I felt like, I could burn down a world haha.

The four star regions exploded!

The psyker world exploded!

Hall of Stars... The sky is falling!

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