Young Master and His Super Inferno Lover

Chatper 148

"Even if there are people with hands and eyes, it is found that Yun Shen once joined the army in the Rose Legion, but due to some mistakes, the Rose Legion abolished his military status and had to return to his home planet Maca to live in, such a relationship. , It\'s hard to tell whether it is good or bad, and it\'s hard to say whether Yun Shen loves or hates the Rose Legion.

As for the small town of Locke... Trolather paused, the corners of his mouth curled up, "All those in the know, even if they have heard about Yunshen, are promised great benefits to secretly transfer the whole family. Went to the rose star field.

"Right now, only the Mu family\'s family is the one who understands the deepest and most detailed information."

I think, rather than obliterating the core figures of the Mu family and attracting the attention of the Xingchen Palace, it would be safer to win over the Mu family and completely control them in the hands of the Rose Starfield. "

On this point, Trolasse\'s thoughts coincided with the old man.

Trolasse was not afraid of letting people know that Mu Yunshen had served in the Rose Legion, but in order to delay time and avoid unnecessary trouble, no one would find out about it, so they naturally wouldn\'t say it publicly, even if they found out about it. What about a little bit? Those who served as soldiers in the Rose Legion are still the citizens of the Nebula Empire, not to mention those who were expelled from the army by the Rose Legion.

Among them, the only exception is Cecil Heisman. In addition to knowing that Mu Yunshen was a soldier in the Rose Legion, he also knew that Mu Yunshen was related to him, but there was no evidence. What Sier saw was that he went to pick up Mu Yunshen once.

If Troleser guessed correctly, the Heisman family should have taken refuge in the Augustine family, and Yulia of the Augustine family had seen Mu Yunshen with her own eyes, but at that time, Mu Yunshen It\'s still his bodyguard, I just don\'t know if Yulia can remember Mu Yunshen, even if he does remember, as long as he investigates, a new "truth" will be triggered.

Mu Yunshen has indeed served as a soldier in the Rose Legion, and also served as the guard of Trolaise, but so what? Wasn\'t Mu Yunshen expelled from the Rose Legion in the end? As long as he is not a member of the Rose Legion now!

In any case, the Augustine family will definitely try their best to win over Mu Yunshen, and they dare not let the royal family know about it. After all, this is a shortcut to get magical weapons. If the royal family intervenes, will the Augustine family still be able to It is uncertain to get the magic weapon. After all, the royal family trusts the Augustine family so much, how can the Augustine family cooperate with Mu Yunshen behind the royal family?

Trolasse\'s words completely silenced the old man.

He just said that his smartest little grandson couldn\'t be so reckless, is he really worrying about it in vain?

On the Mu family\'s side, I will personally come forward to win over you, so you don\'t have to worry about this. "The old man\'s tone softened a lot.

Trolasse stared at the old man in the picture and looked at it for a long time before speaking, "Did you already know?"

Old man - listening to this, he started blowing his beard and staring, "Yes, I already know."

Big brother wants to ask you to help him buy magical weapons? Troleser raised his eyebrows.

"...The old man sometimes really thinks that people who are too smart are a bit scary.

However, the old man felt that he was right, and said confidently: "If Nuoke doesn\'t tell me, how long are you going to hide it from me?

Trolasse was silent for a moment, "I want to wait until the time is right and bring their father and son back to meet you. I told you first, but it\'s just to make you worry in vain. Besides, as long as I take them back, father And the mother\'s side, maybe also know.

The old man knew that there must be his own reasons for Trolasse not telling him. Hearing him say this, the old man could only sigh helplessly.

Indeed, as long as Yun Shen and the child are brought back, his son and daughter-in-law will definitely get the news. Let\'s not talk about the son\'s thoughts, the daughter-in-law is the imperial princess and the younger sister of the present Majesty. In many things, she is standing by. On the side of the royal family, some decisions of the Aslan family had to be separated by her.

There must be some reasons why Trolasse did not immediately inform the family of the existence of the two children and Yunshen.

The old man\'s voice was a little lower again, there was no irritability and anger at the beginning, and some were just full of helplessness.

Are you really going to carry out the mission of the distant changelings? The old man is still very worried

I need the Nine Seals Healing Liquid. Trolasse said bluntly.

The old man nodded silently, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly thought of a question, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at the little grandson in the picture, "You took so many people away from the town of Locke, and suddenly there are so many people missing.

The old man did not continue to speak, the eyes of the two grandfather and grandson met, and they were all tacit.

"You... alas-!" The old man sighed a long time, "your strategy is indeed much higher than that of Nock."

"This is a good opportunity. Taking advantage of the surge in the number of people on the planet Maca, and the influx of a large number of strange faces in the town of Locke, it is also time for the arrangement. Trolasser looked at Grandpa very seriously, "I can\'t let Yun Shen and The two children had any mishaps. "

I understand, I understand. The old man nodded, the little grandson is an assertive person. From childhood to adulthood, there is almost nothing for adults to worry about. What he wants to do, what he wants, he has always fought for himself, and he has never failed.

Now, even if he acts boldly, the old man still decides to support him unconditionally.

The matter of the Yuankong Illusory Race may be really urgent. The Nine Seals Healing Liquid was quickly delivered to the delivery location designated by Te Ming Laiser. Of course, he couldn\'t tell the Star Palace with his current specific address. Longjiv\'s address is located in the Rose Star Field, where there is a special person waiting to pick up the package, and then a reliable person will send it to the planet Maca in person.

After the Nine Seals Healing Liquid was sent to the Rose Star Field, the mission book of the Star Palace was also sent to Trolather\'s personal terminal.

Before leaving, Trolasse made another trip to the base.

These few days, Mu Yunshen has been very busy. During the day, he is busy with the mercenary group, and when he goes back at night, he has to keep an eye on the progress of the orc casting. On the day the video was posted, in a short period of time, Mu Yunshen received a remittance of 3 million star coins, and on the same day, he sent all the magic daggers purchased by the top 30.

Mu Yunshen actually knew very well that among the 30 buyers, there were almost no people who completely believed that he believed in the existence of magic weapons, but even so, there were still so many people who would rather use 100,000 star coins to test the water than Missing such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, what if the magic weapon is real? They bet on this "what if."

It turns out that their adventure was well worth it, as they actually got the incredible magic dagger!

When the buyers got the magic dagger, they couldn\'t hide their excitement, and they posted pictures and videos on the star website to prove that the magic weapon really existed. Many people took videos of themselves replacing the energy source, although The energy source is a bit ugly, but the key is to use it! It can be used! It can be used! It can be used!!!

Nothing is more exciting than this.

If it is said that Mu Yunshen\'s video may be fake, one or two buyers who post pictures and videos may be dragged by Mu Yunshen, but suddenly one or 20 people with different accounts and different login locations are posting pictures and videos at the same time. And those accounts are all real-name authentication and can\'t be faked at all, can this still be procrastination?

So, is the birth of magic weapons real?

After this recognition was confirmed, the entire Star Network and even the people of the Empire who knew about it went crazy. The official website of the Warcraft Mercenary Group had already been completely paralyzed by the bombing. After trying to log in countless times, they finally climbed up. , I want to leave a message under the official website to ask when I can buy the magic dagger again. A message has not been edited, and the message board has turned several pages.

Bai Yueguang, who temporarily manages the official website for Mu Yunshen, is in a state of confusion, because even he can\'t go to the official website!

After I finally got up, I was completely overwhelmed by the stuffed mailbox and the messages that were looking for him alone.

In the face of such hot buying information, Mu Yunshen ignored it. Many people guarded the official website of the Warcraft Mercenary Group day and night, for fear that magical weapons would suddenly be sold, but what they had missed perfectly happened, day and night. The night watchman is on the front line.

They kept guarding for two days and two nights. They were afraid of missing the latest news even in the blink of an eye. They didn\'t see any news on the official website of the Warcraft Mercenary Group. Just when they were about to stare at the corns in complete despair, a news was refreshed.

"Today at 9:00, the Warcraft mercenary group will sell a batch of magic daggers again, still only 30 daggers, and only the top 30 purchased by mailboxes. After this sale, they will not sell magic weapons for a short time. , The first batch is sold at half price, and the second batch is restored to the original price, and each magic dagger sells for 300,000 stars."

Once this dynamic is swiped, all kinds of mourning in the message area are everywhere.

There are 30 handles and 30 handles, and there are only 30 handles. Is there any hope for someone like me who has been fortunate from childhood to adulthood?

The handicapped party has no way to survive ah ah ah ah!!!

I\'m going to upgrade my star network to the highest level now, is it still too late?"

The ancestors are on the top, at 9 o\'clock, my star network must not be stuck!

In order to earn back the first batch of lost money, Mu Yunshen did not hesitate to directly double the money of the second batch of sold magic daggers. He originally thought it was a bit inauthentic, but after the news was sent out, No one in the message area cared about 150,000 or 300,000, and they were all mourning that the number was too small, and they might not be able to grab it. Mu Yunshen seriously doubted whether they saw him deliberately marked the large and thick amount!

When it was exactly 9:00, Mu Yunshen knew that it wasn\'t that they didn\'t see it, but that they didn\'t care about the difference of 150,000.

Damn, if I knew this earlier, he simply added a zero directly after the 150,000 star coins!